Wednesday, December 29, 2010

12-19-2010 The Weekly Claw

The staff of The Claw hopes that all of y’all had a blessed Christmas. We (okay…I) wish you a wonderful, happy, prosperous New Year.

John Kerry-Heinz has just brought to our attention one of the reasons that he lost to liberal George W. Bush. The gold-digger thinks that it would be irresponsible and a waste of the Senate’s time to actually read the 1924 page, $1,100,000,000,000.00+ omnibus budget bill. He is an idiot of the First Order. His buddy, Representative (he only represents himself, not the real people) John Conyers (Donkey-Meechiganistan) also doesn’t believe in reading the bill, stating “What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?” This kind of arrogance is why the voters overwhelmingly voted for conservatives this year, and why this Congress has the lowest approval ratings in history. If the bill is too complex for a lawmaker to understand it, then it needs to be broken down into small parts and written in simple English, not lawyerese.

Once upon a time, His Majesty King Barack I promised that any bill that came to his desk would be posted online to be read and examined by the public for 5 days before he would sign it. Sooooooooo…why did he sign the tax compromise bill within hours of it being passed by the House? Why hasn’t the bill faced any court challenges, since the Constitution mandates that all tax bills originate in the House, when this one went through the Senate first?

So how extreme was the unholy troika of Obama-Reid-Pelosi? Consider the fact that the 111th Congress added more to our national debt than the first 100 Congresses COMBINED. That is what happens when liberals get unfettered control, and our grandchildren will pay for it if the nation is still in existence.

Glo-Bull Warming has struck Great Britain. They are reporting the coldest December since record keeping began. Has anybody heard any pronouncements from the Prophet Algoracle lately? Just in case any of you out there still believe him, here’s some more evidence of the fraud that is Glo-Bull Warming, and how the media and the leftists (sorry for repeating myself there) have been trying to hoodwink the people.

Meanwhile, Homeland Security Ditz Napolitano has created the Climate Change and Adaptation Task Force as part of her department. Its job is “identifying and assessing the impact that climate change could have on the missions and operations of the Department of Homeland Security.” Here’s some hints, ditz: If it rains, agents wear raincoats. If it snows, agents wear heavier coats. If it is muddy, agents use four-wheel drive vehicles instead of sedans. If it is hot and dry, agents drink all of the water from the jugs liberals put out to help the non-drybacks.

For those out there who still refuse to acknowledge that Barack Obama is a white-hating anti-American activist, take a look at the UN declaration that he has now signed onto. White taxpayers are now going to be forced to pay reparations to tribal Americans, and possibly give up lands which were once tribal lands. That means the ENTIRE nation for those of you who were educated by unionized teachers. Look for His Eminence to get the Useless Nations to put forth a similar declaration regarding slavery and the descendants of slaves in the near future.

In a move that is at least a century overdue, the incoming House leadership has instituted a new rule. All bills being filed with the House clerk must have their Constitutionality specifically cited, or the House clerk will not accept them. This rule would have prevented Obamacare, the GM takeover, multiple bailouts, the Community Reinvestment Act (the root cause of the credit crisis), Social Insecurity, Welfare, the amnesty bills, all of the New Deal and Great Society, and many more liberal programs that have been wrecking our nation.

For the first time in 63 years, there is no Kennedy in elected office in DC. Is there a coincidence that now the Constitution is going to be read and somewhat adhered to in the House? Those 63 years saw that document used as toilet paper by the Democratic Party and the liberal establishment wing of the GOP, including both Presidents Bush.

It is 85 pages worth, but the “Wastebook 2010” presented by Senator Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma is OK) highlights the kind of spending by Congress that We The People have had it with.

Is it acceptable for any group to harass private citizens in their homes? Of course, the answer is no…unless that group of people happens to be a union during the reign of the SEIU and their minion, Barack Obama. Gotta love liberal thugs.

So how did the Religion of Peace observe the Christmas holidays? Well, take a look at the goings on in Nigeria, followed by more in the Philippines and this statement issued by members of that death cult. Religion of Peace my arse!

That same cult had 12 of its virgin-seekers arrested in London on terrorism charges, but Obama’s “consummate DNI” James Clapper knew nothing about it. If the Director of National Intelligence doesn’t know about major developments regarding terrorism, what does that say about the Keystone Kops that The Chosen One has put in charge of national security? Either he has purposely surrounded himself with idiots and morons in order to make HIM look smart, he wants our nation to be destroyed, or all of the above. I’m going with the third option.

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money. Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth? Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!" Oliver Cromwell, 1653, on dissolving the Long Parliament (fitting for today’s Congress)

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

12-15-10 The Weekly Claw

Lame ducks sure do have a lot of bovine excrement!

Good grief. The GOP caves in to the Democrats on extending payments to people who are too lazy to look for work or too proud to take a job that pays less than their dream job, and what do the Democrats in the House do? They reject the deal because the eeeeevilllllll rich don’t get soaked with economy-killing tax hikes. Those idjuts obviously didn’t get the message that the American voters delivered in November.

What happens when you have a city that is run by unions and other liberals for a long time without any opposition? You get Detroit, which is sinking to a new low. Pulling cops and firefighters out of many parts of the city is a solution?

A federal judge in Virginia has ruled that the Obamacare individual mandate is indeed unConstitutional. This judge actually read the bill and has read and understands the Constitution, and those are actions that the other federal judges who have ruled on the matter obviously haven’t accomplished. What foreign law will the Affirmative Action Associate Justice use to uphold it next year?

Noted America (and freedom) hater Michael Mooreon and some of his fellow anti-American filmmakers are claiming to have helped provide bail money for Wikileaks’ Julian Assange in Sweden. Color The Crawfish unsurprised.

Speaking of America haters, the member of the Religion of Perpetual Hatred who tried to blow up a military recruiting station in Maryland has now had his first court appearance. When are the American people going to throw off the chains of political correctness and realize that Islam is the enemy, and that we are in a war that will only end with the extermination of all muslims or all non-muslims?

Ya gotta love it. A big Glo-Bull Warming summit happens in Cancun and they have the lowest temperature in over 100 years. They tried this a year ago in London and got the first snow in that city in decades. Hey idjuts, looks like God is sending you a message. He can control the weather, but you CAN’T!

This is what you get (after the Allstate commercial) when you let architects design a stadium with an inflatable roof in a city where they get heavy snowstorms, which are brought on by Glo-Bull Warming as we all know. I’d also like to put some of the blame on the NFL for allowing one of their teams to play in a facility that is inherently unsafe in winter. Bring out the MOPs! Morons On Parade!

A big thanks to Claw contributor Fawn Mac for this story that could only happen in a nation run by the Unholy Troika of Obama-Pelosi-Reid. An ILLEGAL ALIEN in Minnesota (okay, so I also happened in the land of frostbitten brains) had an operation paid for by the taxpayers. Was this some kind of life-saving emergency surgery? Nope. The taxpayers paid for the implantation of a penis pump in the non-dryback. Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to give him a plane ticket to El Salvador?

The tax compromise bill has passed the Senate and will now head to the House. Unfortunately, it must now be made null and void, because as Representative Bachman points out, the Constitution MANDATES that all tax bills must originate in the House. Of course, what does our current government (and the ones over the past century) care about the Constitution?

Y’all will simply not believe the Mother of All Earmarks that has been proposed. No Crawfish comments necessary.

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money. Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth? Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!" Oliver Cromwell, 1653, on dissolving the Long Parliament (fitting for today’s Congress)

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

12-8-2010 The Weekly Claw

Short edition this week. I’m trying to decide how much I dislike the deal that the GOP made with Obama this week. We gave up waaaaay too much to maintain the status quo on income taxes. Why should anybody need 3 years worth of unemployment benefits?

Considering how deep in cahoots Obama is with the unions, I’m surprised that there has not been any federal action regarding a bunch of union (UAW) jobs that are about to be lost in Hurst, TX. Bell Helicopter is moving just about all of their remaining helicopter production away from their home base in the DFW Metroplex, where the workers are in a union, to Amarillo, TX, where the workers are not unionized, and where nobody really wants to go to get a job. Let’s face it. Who in their right mind wants to live in Amarillo? Larry Bell moved his company to Hurst for a reason in 1951. From that location, he could take advantage of the work forces in Dallas and Fort Worth, which has now become one large metro area instead of two cities 45 miles apart.

We have now uncovered the holiday season talking point of the Democratic Party: Welfare is the biggest stimulus ever devised! We all thought that it was just a case of Queen of the House (not for long!) Red Nanny P-Lousy’s two remaining brain cells having a Gaffes Biden moment when she spouted that nonsense in July, but the idea has caught on. Here she is saying that low taxes are not conducive to job creation while unemployment checks really work. Meeeechigan’s Senator Stabenow agrees, which might explain why her state’s economy has been in the toilet for years. Ohio’s Senator Sherrod Brown used the same fatally-flawed logic on Tingly Leg Matthews’ show. Stabenow and Brown do have an excuse for this stoooopidity. Their states have been going downhill for quite a while, even during the low-tax years, but the tax rates aren’t what destroyed jobs in Meeeechigan and Ohio. The destroyer of jobs in those states was (drum roll please) UNIONS!!!!!

One of the early stars of the Dallas Cowboys, Don Meredith, passed away suddenly this week at age 72. “Dandy Don” quarterbacked the Cowboys in two NFL Championship games against Green Bay, including the “Ice Bowl”, and later became a broadcaster for ABC’s Monday Night Football and a commercial spokesman for Lipton iced tea. For a while, he lived just down the street from The Crawfish…a very young Crawfish. He was truly one of the great characters of the game. “Turn out the lights. The party’s over.” Rest in peace, #17.

One of the overpaid idiots of the NFL flapped his jaw a bit too much this week. Antrel Rolle (what kind of name is Antrel???) said the fans shouldn’t boo the players, comparing them to our military. “We risk ourselves out there on the field each and every day also. When soldiers come home from Iraq you don't boo them. I look at it the same way. I take my job seriously.” Really? Do you want to trade places with our military? Do you want to get paid less in a 20-year career than you now get for half of a season? Do you want a retirement that pays less than 5% of your NFL retirement? Do you want health insurance that sucks? Do you want to spend lots of time away from home with the chance of getting shot, instead of working one day a week in front of adoring crowds? Do you want to actually work all year instead of taking off half of the year?

Homeland Security Ditz Napolitano says giving illegals amnesty in order to go to college would help our anti-illegal immigrant efforts. Liberal logic on display.

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money. Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth? Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!" Oliver Cromwell, 1653, on dissolving the Long Parliament (fitting for today’s Congress)

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

12-1-2010 The Weekly Claw

Another crazy week is behind us…and the Lame Duck session of Congress is going to ruin a lot of Christmas cheer.

The Washington Times editorial board gave us a Thanksgiving column that is 100% on the mark. It is also a fun read.

The Blog Prof gave us a column about the first Thanksgiving, noting that the Pilgrims were the first people in America to prove that socialism does not work, a fact that is left out of all discussions in our union-run schools.

A federal judge has declared the Obamacare provision requiring individuals to be Constitutional under the “commerce clause”. Once again, we see someone placed in a position of making rulings according to the Constitution who has obviously never read the document. The anti-Constitutional judge, Norman K. Moon, was appointed by (imagine my surprise…) William Jefferson “I lie under oath” Clinton.

Dingy Harry Reid is pushing for a quick vote on a bill that the members of the Senate have not read because the text still has not been made available. Just like the last time this was done, Obamacare, this bill runs counter to the Constitution and the will of the American people. This time, it is the DREAM Act, which will allow millions of illegal aliens to get amnesty and immediately bring in their whole family trees from whatever crappy country they came from.

The not-so-reverend Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton and blueblood elitist snob Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginny, where they have 4 million people and 6 last names) have proven once again that the left cannot compete in the realm of ideas and free discourse. If liberals know they are beaten, they always turn to governmental regulation to solve their problems. In this case, they want the FCC to ban Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. If the airwaves are only filled with liberal ideas, then the people might actually listen to them…nah!

The latest data dump from Wikileaks, while reprehensible, did provide more proof that the Democratic Party is anti-Israel. Documents show that John “Lurch” Kerry-Heinz wants Israel to give up the strategic Golan Heights and part of Jerusalem to the enemies of Israel in return for…well, nothing. Surrendering as a strategy? Kerry’s showing his French roots!

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is the reason for the Wikileaks scandal, according to NBC News. Anything to further the gay agenda.

The unions are also attempting to use the federal government to overturn the will of the people at Delta Airlines. Delta’s pilots are unionized, but the rest of their employees are non-union, and the attempts to get the workers to vote in favor of unionization lately have gone 0 for 8. As a result, the unions are looking to the National Mediation Board to force more union elections until they can force the workers to pay the union bosses.

The Religion of Peace attempted to strike again against everyday Americans. This time, it was a Somali-born naturalized US citizen who tried to blow up a van filled with explosives at a Portland, Oregon, Christmas tree lighting ceremony. When will the non-muslim world wake up to the reality that Islam is a religion of conquer and domination? We need to stop allowing them to immigrate into our nations and become citizens. We SHOULD deport each and every one of them, including the Obama family, back to their muslim desert homelands.

Meanwhile, the city of Portland refused to allow their law enforcement personnel to participate with the FBI task force that prevented the attack because it was started under the Administration of the eeeeevilllll George W. Bush and it might have something to do with profiling. They are considering letting their folks play the game now that Obama is in charge, despite the fact that he has not repealed the Patriot Act. Ya think they might look like fools in front of their populace right about now?

Lemme get this straight. The religion of Islam tries to blow up Americans, and then demands (and gets) police protection just in case some Americans fight back. Portland’s dhimmi mayor even called any attempts to fight back “knuckle-headed”. Terrorists playing the victim card…how liberal America can you get?

Scott Brown (RINO-Taxachusetts) may have put the Teddythedrunk Senate seat into the hands of the GOP, but don’t ever think that he is a conservative. He has helped write a “bi-partisan” bill to let states opt out of Obamacare. Since it is called “bi-partisan”, you know it is actually a liberal Democrat bill that has been accepted by a liberal who calls himself a Republican. It only allows the states to opt out if they put in place a state program that has all of the features of Obamacare, such as Taxachusetts’ own Romneycare. That is not anywhere close to acceptable!

The Democrats keep stating that American voters are stooooopid if they vote in favor of the Constitution. Reacting to the mid-term massacre, Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania said, “voters don’t always vote on logical reasons.” Opposing the people who are attempting to destroy our nation isn’t logical?

The soon-to-be House Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer, commented about President Obama’s call for a 2-year pay freeze for government employees, saying that the members of the Armed Forces should also have their pay frozen to add “an element of fairness.” Sorry, dumb-bass, but the military is already underpaid and is something necessary (and Constitutional) for our nation. We could fire 75% of the federal workforce and have our country run smoother. Why do liberals hate our military so? Hey Steny, if ya want “fairness”, then why don’t you take my wife’s military paycheck for a couple of years, and give her yours. While you’re at it, let me, a 20-year Navy vet, have the same retirement package that a 20-year Congresscritter gets.

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohamed is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." John Quincy Adams

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

11-24-2010 The Weekly Claw

Sorry for being Missing In Action lately. Had lots to take care of around Casa Crustacean, but I’m back…and so is Queen of the House Red Nanny P-Lousy, but not for long! Unfortunately for all of us, there is a real lack of interesting news this week.

The Crawfish fully believes that the whole controversy over the screening of airline passengers is getting blown out of all proportion. My solution? EVERYBODY goes through the scanners. Anybody who might be a muslim gets the full pat-down as well as a full background check. If the ACLU and CAIR don’t like it, too damned bad. We are at war with Islam, a war that THEY declared even if we are too chickenpoo to do it ourselves.

Islam’s assault on America continues, and The Crawfish fully expects the Obama Administration to assist CAIR in this lawsuit. CAIR is seeking to have an unelected federal judge throw out a new law in Oklahoma that was approved by the voters this month. The ballot measure prohibits state judges from considering Sharia Law or any other foreign laws when ruling on state cases. CAIR believes that this is somehow unConstitutional. I don’t see anything in the Constitution of the United States that prohibits states from enacting their own laws regarding non-American laws, so the 10th Amendment applies. Too bad, CAIR.

The Religion of Murder scored a victory in US Federal Court, with the assistance of Sultan Bu’raq al Obama and the Affirmative Action Attorney General, when a judge refused to allow evidence against one of the embassy bombers from 1998. Some of the evidence was obtained while the illegal combatant (who has exactly zero rights under the Geneva Accords) was being harshly interrogated. The interrogations, along with the crimes, happened away from the United States, and are not subject to American laws, but the Obama Administration purposely decided to try the perps in our courts instead of executing them after their interrogations, which is the proper treatment for illegal combatants. Is there any remaining doubt as to which side of this war Obama and his minions are on? All future Gitmo detainees will just claim that everything they’ve confessed to or that has been said about them came from harsh interrogations…they will all walk free.

Here’s a real shocker. George H. W. Bush has proven once again that he is a member of the blueblood elitist party-first wing of the GOP. He has endorsed Mitt Romney for 2012. Nobody who has ever paid real attention to politics has ever accused either President Bush of being a conservative.

The psychotic midget with the funky hair and high heels is turning power in North Korea to his completely inexperienced son. Since neither one of ‘em has anything positive to give their people, the only thing they can do is remind the peeps that they are still officially at war with the South. Hence, the Norks artillery attacks on an island village belonging to the South. The Obama Administration has moved some ships around and had Hillary! make some statements, but don’t expect anything serious from our side unless the Norks pop off a nuke.

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohamed is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." John Quincy Adams

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

11-3-2010 The Weekly Claw

Today’s column will be a short one, as I have tossed out all of the crazy pre-election stuff, with one exception. That leaves only one other big item. I’m sorry to say that the Texas Rangers lost the World Series to the Pelosi Giants. It was the best season ever for the Rangers, and we’re proud of ‘em.

The only pre-election stuff that I’ll bother y’all with is more proof, as if any was needed, that Nancy Pelosi is completely delusional and unfit for governmental service. On Tuesday, the Socialist Queen of the House actually said that the Democrats were going to retain their majority in the House. Yep, the botox finally took over that last functioning brain cell. That prediction could only have come true if there had been even more massive vote fraud than we saw in Nevada.

One thing’s for certain. The people of California have proved their stooooopidity in re-electing Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown.

The Crawfish came upon this accident scene on Monday night. It seems that the 18-year old boy was having an argument with his 20-year old girlfriend. Talk about a dumb-bass. At least we don’t have to worry about him polluting the gene pool.

Yes, that’s all for now. Get out there and celebrate the victories of 2010, but let us all vow to hold the GOP’s feet to the fire. They must abide by the Constitution and do everything possible to reverse Obamunism, or we’ll vote their sorry butts out as well. VIVA TEA PARTIES!!!!!

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohamed is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." John Quincy Adams

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

10-27-2010 The Weekly Claw

This year the N’awlins Saints won the Super Bowl, and tonight the Texas Rangers open play in the World Series. Satan is trying on ice skates.

National Public Radio, that left-wing propaganda outlet paid for by OUR tax dollars, fired longtime senior news analyst Juan Williams because he dared to publicly notice that Islam is connected to terrorism and jihad. If you stray one little bit from the state-approved stance, you get canned. THAT is what the liberal media calls “fair and balanced.” The Crawfish hopes that Fox News gives Juan his own show now, in addition to his normal Fox News gigs on “Fox News Sunday”, “The O’Reilly Factor”, and “Special Report with Bret Baier.”

The left loves to say how the Tea Party and all conservatives are racists, but this year there are a number of fine black conservatives running for Congress, including Lt Col Alan West in Florida. Another is former Marine Charles Lollar, who is running against Nancy Pelosi’s deputy, Steny Hoyer. Hoyer got whipped in a candidate forum, and in response he told Lollar that he was “coming after” him, then punched him in the back twice. Lollar, being a gentleman and a Marine, refused to take the bait, but a reporter saw it and asked him about the incident in a press conference afterwards. That part comes at about 4:55 in the video. Liberals are cowards when they are getting beat.

When she assumed the throne in the House in 2007, Red Nanny P-Lousy vowed “no new deficit spending!” In the 3.75 years that have followed that statement, the federal debt has increased by $5,000,000,000,000.00 and is still growing because of deficit spending. Remember that ALL spending bills have to originate in the House. Is it any real shock that a top Democrat would be an anti-Constitutional LIAR????

How does Dingy Harry plan on remaining the Senate Majority Leader? By rigging the election, of course! The voting machines in question are professionally maintained by the purple-shirted members of the SEIU, so everything HAS to be on the up-and-up, right? Reid’s camp is even offering free food at voter turnout events, and the teacher unions are adding gift cards to the rewards for voting Democratic there. Yes, they are rigging the votes and bribing voters, but who is gonna stop them? The Affirmative Action Attorney General’s Injustice Department?

I’m not saying that the Chicago Way is up to no good, but there are big glitches with the Corruptionois vote-by-mail system. Is the system having a hard time mailing ballots to cemeteries?

Holder’s Injustice Department has received a formal request to investigate Senator Babs Boxer (D-Californication) regarding a mansion she owns, and why it is not listed on her financial disclosure reports as required by law. I’m guessing that this request will be still sitting in the inbox when Holder is removed from office in 2013.

When George W. Bush led us into Iraq in 2003, he did so on the premise of weapons of mass destruction being hidden by Saddam’s regime. While the actual reason should have been the multiple violations of the 1991 cease fire accords, which required us to reform the coalition and remove Saddam’s government from power if he broke the terms, the WMD argument has been held up by the anti-Americans of the world (and the anti-Americans of the American left) as a great red herring, showing that Bush was just an eeeeevillll warmonger. Unfortunately, there is now evidence, courtesy of Wikileaks, that there were indeed stockpiles of chemical weapons and many chemical weapon laboratories in Iraq when we invaded. Where’s THAT headline in the Noo Yawk Slimes?

How many times do we have to point out to the pinheads at the American Communist Liberties Union and the liberal judges of the nation that the First Amendment’s “establishment clause” does not apply to a local city council? “CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW respecting an establishment of religion” does not preclude the Point Pleasant Beach Borough Council from reciting the Lord’s Prayer at the beginning of their meetings. They are not Congress. Why is this concept so hard for the left to understand?

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohamed is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." John Quincy Adams

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10-20-2010 The Weekly Claw

Please post your (fit for public consumption) comments at the Red White Blue News edition.

It is coming down to the wire. In thirteen days, We The People will deliver a foreclosure notice on Nancy Pelosi’s House.

First Wisconsin (“We have CHEESE!”), then Noo Yawk, and now Corruptionois. Yet another state that is dominated by corrupt left wing extremists who hate the Constitution and those who defend it, especially the military, has willfully broken federal election laws by not mailing out overseas military ballots on time. It is becoming quite clear that the Democrats are intentionally suppressing the military vote in 2010. Are they also INCREASING the vote count among the dead and non-existent in those same states, as per usual? Why is this not front page news? Where is the GOP, and why are they not screaming about this from every rooftop?

Speaking of corruption, check out this article regarding Senate Majority Leader (not for long) Dingy Harry Reid. It seems that pay-for-play politics is still alive in the most ethical Congress in history.

The unionized teachers from the public schools in Cincinnati are helping their masters. They are taking high school seniors out to vote, and then to get ice cream. The seniors are given sample ballots to prepare themselves, and those ballots have the actual positions and candidate names. Well, not exactly. They have all of the Democrats listed, but no Republicans.

Michelle Obama is also getting into the act when it comes to violating election laws. She was soliciting votes at a polling place after casting her early ballot. An official with the Corruptionois State Board of Elections said, “You kind of have to drop the standard for the first lady, right? I mean, she's pretty well liked and probably doesn't know what she's doing.” I’m not quite sure where to go on that comment. She knew that she was pushing for votes at a polling place, which is illegal in almost every state. They both know what they are doing in trying to destroy our nation. They know what they’re doing in using taxpayer dollars for every single perk and vacation that they can think of. She knew what she was doing when she had a “job” at an Illinois hospital that paid her over $200,000.00 per year because she was “vital”, but the “job” was never filled when she left it. MicHELLe doesn’t know what she’s doing only when she wears $400 shoes to help out at a food bank. Besides, the part of the comment about dropping the standard does kinda violate that whole “equal protection under the law” thingy that the Democrats use to promote homosexual marriage and such, doesn’t it?

Her Majesty not only believes the law is just for the little people, she believes her own pronouncements are for them as well. She has been on a jihad against McDonalds and all fatty foods lately, but when she goes out to eat, she orders herself a double burger and fries. I’m sure that there’s no fat in them at all, right? The ruling class gets whatever they want. Do y’all see why I occasionally refer to her as Michelle Antoinette?

All The Crawfish can say to this article is, too bad he didn’t. No Great Society entitlement programs. Possibly no escalation in Vietnam. No stain upon the Great State of Texas.

The racists at the NAACP have released a 94-page report that claims (insert trumpet fanfare here) that the tea party movement has a bunch of racism attached to it. This comes from a group that has racism in its name and has racist groups as allies (Congressional BLACK Caucus, La Raza, National Urban League, Black Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, LULAC…).

At times, we must wonder if there is such a thing as a real Republican in the northeastern US. Judd Gregg is supposedly a Republican Senator from New Hampshire, but instead of repealing or defunding Obamacare, his preference is just simply to “restructure” it. Listen up, ya liberal RINO mo-ron. If something is in opposition to the Constitution, it must be repealed.

Why is it that Angela Merkel can see that multi-culturalism only destroys a national identity, but nobody in America can figure it out? In Germany, the people should all speak German and all television, radio, newspapers, and billboards should be in German. In the USA, they should all be in English. What’s so hard to understand? All that multi-culturalism has achieved in Europe is a large muslim minority that is poised to become the majority throughout the continent in the next 50 years. That will mean the end of Europe and the beginning of the European Caliphate under Sharia.

Ruh-roh, Raggy! Some folks in Virginny are upset because a bit of politically-incorrect history managed to get into 4th grade textbooks. Admitting that a lot of free blacks fought in the Confederate Army is something that needs to remain a deep, dark secret.

Now wait justa second here. The Constitution says that the President is the Commander in Chief of the military, not the judiciary. So why is a judge allowed to impose his will upon the military when it comes to allowing heterophobes to serve? Besides, homosexual activity is still a violation of Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and is grounds for a Court Martial and expulsion from the military no matter what that federal court judge has to say.

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohamed is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." John Quincy Adams

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10-13-2010 The Weekly Claw

We start off this week’s news and entertainment compilation with some fantastic news. As The Crawfish puts the finishing touches on this edition, the 33 trapped miners in Chile are being rescued. See what happens when you turn an American company loose on a project and don’t have four tons of governmental red tape and 75% taxes!

Back in February, the Saints won the Super Bowl. Now the Texas Rangers have won a playoff series and will play the Noo Yawk Evil Empire (aka the Yankees) for the American League pennant. I’m guessing that the temperature in the infernal regions is about negative 60 Celcius right now.

Exactly what do Democrats think of the Constitution of the United States? Well, Barack Obama says that it reflects a “fundamental flaw in our nation that continues to this day.” Jan Schakowsky believes that the Constitution doesn’t matter, since most of what the Democrats have done over the years isn’t allowed by it, but they’ve done it anyway. Chicagoland Democrats, enemies of the Constitution.

A federal judge has ruled that the Obamacare provision that requires all Americans to purchase health insurance is fine and dandy. There’s nothing in the Constitution that prevents it from being legal. The Tenth Amendment does not exist. These are not the droids you are looking for. Sorry, but the liberal judge version of the Jedi Mind Trick ain’t gonna work on Planet Earth. Of course, did we really expect any other kind of ruling from an arab judge who is an active member of the Interfaith Council for Racial Justice (Meeeechigan branch, which means it is the Sharia for America and Death to Infidels Council) and president of the Arab American Bar Association (Allahu Akhbar! Sharia should be the Law of the Land!)? He’s also an appointee of “I did not have sexual relations with that woman…Miss Lewinsky”, so he probably doesn’t understand what “is” is.

Another out of control judge, this time in Mississippi, threw a lawyer in jail for a few hours for refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in his courtroom. Basic Google searches on Chancellor Talmadge Littlejohn didn’t produce a definitive biography on the man, and a Mississippi voting ballot from 2002 seem to show all judges of his nature to be independents, but that didn’t stop the left wingnuts from immediately proclaiming him to be a “teabagger”. Now, The Crawfish isn’t necessarily against throwing lawyers in jail, but the courts have repeatedly made it clear that school kids can’t be forced to recite the Pledge, so how can this “Chancellor” force a lawyer to do it? Does this remind you of the attitude of another “Chancellor”? One from the 1930s, maybe? Here’s a hint…the title he took after “Chancellor” was “Fuhrer”.

The socialists in the Democratic Party and the media, but I repeat myself, don’t want you to be able to read this report. It shows exactly what the leech society is all about. This welfare queen has five kids by four different sperm donors and has never worked a day in her life. She gets about $45,900.00 per year after taxes in government benefits (using the Pound to Dollar exchange rate as of 10/8/2010). What exactly is her motivation to become a productive member of society?

Meanwhile, how has socialism worked in England? They don’t call it the Jobless Capital of Europe for nothing!

How far to the lunatic left is the Unholy Troika of Obama-Reid-Pelosi? Consider this statement by Red Nanny, “It is the biggest bang for the buck when you do food stamps and unemployment insurance. The biggest bang for the buck.” If unemployment and food stamps were such a boon to the economy, our economic numbers would be fantastic since we have record numbers of people on those programs. That one functioning brain cell of hers must be getting lonely.

Sultan Bu’raq al Obama is promising Democrat victory in November if the people who believe in that hopey-changey thing will just get out and vote. Nancy P-Lousy is promising the same thing. Either they are extremely delusional or they know of some serious vote fraud schemes that are underway.

Last month, we covered the story about the liberal state of Wisconsin deliberately suppressing the (mostly conservative) military vote. Now we find that the liberal state of Noo Yawk has also deliberately violated federal election law by not sending out ballots to our overseas military personnel in time for them to get their ballots, fill ‘em out, and send them back before the election. This is after the Affirmative Action Attorney General’s Injustice Department ILLEGALLY gave them a waiver to go ahead and break that law by shaving off 1/3 of the minimum time for ballots to be returned. Liberals hate losing elections almost as much as they hate our military personnel.

Queen Elizabeth II has been a fantastic monarch for the Brits. It really is too bad that her son is such a complete moron and hypocrite. Diana may have been a lefty who was somewhat out of touch with reality on occasion, but Chuck is a full-blown loon.

One of the top physicists in the United States has resigned from the American Physical Society and the University of California Santa Barbara. The reason? The fraud that is Mad-Made Glo-Bull Warming. Dr. Hal Lewis flatly states that any scientist who promotes or believes the “scam” that is “climate change” is simply corrupted by the trillions of dollars being thrown at scientists by The Prophet Algoracle and his minions.

We all know how the liberals love to scream about how the Bush Administration short-changed N’awlins after Katrina, as if over $400,000.00 per household is getting short-changed, but do y’all know how The Chosen One, along with his media minions, has played politics with natural disasters? Early in 2010, the upper Midwest was ravaged by record flooding, but the media was silent. Air Force One didn’t go to the Dakotas. There were no massive federal aid packages. Why? Maybe because the victims were 98% white and mostly in places that don’t tend to give people like Obama their votes. A couple of weeks ago, Texas got hammered by a tropical storm, with record flooding in many areas. Governor Perry requested federal disaster declarations for 13 counties. The request was denied, but it is being appealed. Why would that request be denied? Maybe because Rick Perry is a Republican, and almost all of the Congressional Districts involved are currently held by the GOP.

How do you get the endorsement of the radical feminists groups in our country? It is really simple. You just call a female government official a “whore” and be a Democrat. Any member of NOW who professes to be supportive of women has just lost that last single shred of credibility.

These guys are worse than the Clintons! Y’all remember how Billy Jeff and Hitlery! used the IRS to audit everyone who dared to oppose them publicly. Well, the current crop of Dim-ocrats in the Senate and the White House is threatening the same thing. They have also gone overboard trying to accuse the US Chamber of Commerce of using foreign money to pay for election oriented advertisements, despite having absolutely zero evidence. They say that it is up to the Chamber to prove that they are innocent, not up to them to prove the Chamber guilty, and the media is having none of it as evidenced by this interview with Bob Schieffer and this one with Jack Tapper prove. Top Republicans have blasted them for their “baseless” lies and their “abuse of power.” If they really want to get into foreign donations in a political campaign, why not turn the clock back to 2008, when most of Obama’s contributions came from untraceable sources and at least one of its campaign phone banks was located in the Gaza Strip! If you want, we can go back even further to the Billy Jeff and Algoracle days, with Buddhist monks, “no controlling legal authority”, Charlie Trie, Johnny Huang, and Chinese money that was paid back in the form of missile guidance technology from Loral Corporation (previously not allowed for export, but Billy Jeff changed that).

We will finish off this edition with an update on YOUR money being spent in ways that YOU would never approve of. How do y’all feel about $900,000,000.00 being sent to a terrorist organization by Imam Obama in the name of peace in the Middle East? Until the muslims realize that the rightful home of the so-called palestinians is the nation that most of them came from (Jordan), and that Israel not only has a right to exist, but also has the right to do whatever they want in their own nation, which includes the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank, then 99.99 cents of every dollar that goes to a so-called palestinian organization is going straight to terrorists.

The Crawfish requests that you make your comments on this column at my edition published by Red White Blue News. Thanx.

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohamed is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." John Quincy Adams

The Constitution of the United States

Thursday, October 7, 2010

10-7-2010 The Weekly Claw

Sorry for being a day late with the column. I had computer problems requiring tech support on Wednesday, but like a really bad old movie once proclaimed…I’m baaaaaaaack!

If the conservatives in the GOP really want to hammer the left with some campaign ads, I’d suggest that the theme be: “Democrats believe the Constitution to be an extreeeeeeme right wing document. We believe in supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States. Which side are you on?” There will be more on this later in the column.

One of the absolute best local talk radio guys, who happens to be one of the regular guest hosts for both Limbaugh and Hannity, is WBAP’s Mark Davis. He is also a very good op-ed columnist. His response to the GOP’s 45-page long “Pledge to America” is a simple 12-point statement that would show that the GOP really has learned a lesson or 12 in the past decade, and especially in the past 4 years. The Crawfish cannot find a single sentence in Mark’s 12 points that I disagree with.

The now-convicted Times Square Bomber stated at his sentencing hearing, “the war with Muslims has just begun.” Well, the American media and our political class want you to believe such nonsense. Of course, it is a big lie, as Islam has been at war with the rest of the world for over 1300 years.

Which side is our President and his party on in that war? Their policy of bringing illegal combatants captured on foreign battlefields into American civilian courts and giving them Constitutional rights that they do not deserve has borne fruit for the enemies of America, including the President and his party. They wanted these illegal combatants set free, and the judge in the first case is helping them by not allowing witness testimony because of possible harsh interrogation techniques. Illegal combatants do not get P.O.W. status or any other rights according to the Geneva Accords. They can be interrogated however the capturing military force deems necessary, and they can be summarily executed. Since they were not within our nation, they get no rights according to our Constitution.

The White House showed its utter contempt for our military and military families last Saturday. The family of a Medal of Honor recipient was invited to tour the White House the day after they laid Vernon Baker to rest at Arlington National Cemetery. When they got to the White House, they were turned away because Baker’s grandson, at all of 10 years old, was wearing shorts and a t-shirt with his grandfather’s photo on it. For the family of a Medal of Honor recipient, President Crawfish would have attended the funeral and lead the tour personally.

We called it! The socialists and other union schmucks who attended the “One Nation” rally in DC not only had pitiful numbers (they are still claiming almost as good attendance numbers as the Beck/Palin rally, despite photographic evidence to the contrary), but they also left the place a wreck. The last two conservative rallies on the National Mall (Beck/Palin and Gathering of Eagles III) saw the place being left with nary a piece of trash. The past two anti-Constitution rallies (“One Nation” and the Kenyan Coronation) have left trash everywhere. What do you expect from a bunch of people who want everybody ELSE to do the work while THEY get the benefits? Leeches have no respect for our nation or our national monuments.

So…Rahm “Ballerina” Emanuel has decided to leave his post as White House Chief of Staff in order to run for the position of Mayor in Chicago. First of all, it is obvious that he wants to desert the sinking ship before the lifeboats fill up. Secondly, how can he run for Mayor of Chicago if he doesn’t have a residence in that city? Oh, that’s right. He’s just going along with the Democrat tradition of getting elected in places that you don’t live. Let’s see, there’s one of the Kennedy family who held a House seat from Rhode Island when the family all lived in Taxachusetts. The junior Senator from Noo Yawk is originally from Corruptionois, but had residency in Arkansas for about 30 years before running for the Senate. Residency? We don’t need no stinkin’ residency! Lastly, Rahmbo was the intermediary between The Chosen One and Governor Blago during the Senate Seat Sweepstakes, and that retrial will be held just a month before the mayoral election.

While we’re in the Chicago area, we might as well check in on Representative Jan Schakowsky. Poor Jan is caught up in the liberal talking points, saying that believing in the principles of the Constitution are “some sort of revolutionary plan” and calling people who actually know what the Constitution says “EXTREEEEEME” and “Tenthers!” Yes, they have come up with a new derogatory term for folks who have read the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The Tenth is the enemy of the liberals, because it says, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” In other words…if the Constitution doesn’t SPECIFICALLY give the feds power, then they can’t have it. That is in direct opposition to everything the Democrats have put forth since Woodrow Wilson.

Michelle (***sigh***) Malkin’s column this past Wednesday was a dagger to the heart of Big Labor if any of the union thugs could be bothered to read something other than “The Audacity of a Dope”. Notice how the SEIU has spent fortunes in political activity while the pension funds of the workers have been drying up. Notice as well that the pension funds of the union bosses are still completely funded and healthy. Just like at my current employer, unions do nothing but screw over the workers while making the organizers rich.

California has uncovered evidence that over $69,000,000.00 of state WELFARE money has been spent out of state over the past 3 years. Lots of that money has been spent in Las Vegas, Hawaii, Florida, and aboard cruise ships. Defenders of the state’s leeches say that it is less than 1% of the welfare money handed out over that time period. The Crawfish’s response is that you hand out waaaaayyyyy too much money to the lazy leeches. The defenders also say that the leeches have spent that money out of state while visiting sick relatives…on cruise ships? In Vegas casinos? On Hawaiian beaches? I’m sorry, but that is pure bovine excrement.

In the category of What Do You Really Expect From Liberal Congresscritters, we have Judiciary Chairman, Rep. John Conyers writing a check on an account that has no money to pay for his driver’s license renewal. That’s kinda like spending a trillion on Obamacare when there’s no money in the Treasury, ain’t it? This is the same John Conyers whose wife was recently sentenced to 3+ years in prison on bribery and corruption charges in Detroit.

I don’t care who you are, this is funny! Is the cereal as over-hyped as the man?

The House, showing their cowardice and contempt for the people who hired them, voted to adjourn this week instead of doing their job and passing a budget and voting on whether or not to raise taxes dramatically on all taxpayers, including some folks who currently pay ZERO income tax. The Senate couldn’t discuss those issues either, but they found the time for this bit of extremely important legislation. The Democrats know that if they raise taxes now, they will all lose in November, so they will do that in the lame duck session. Meanwhile, they will go home and campaign on…well, not on their record. That’s for sure!

HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! The Democrats are dumber than we thought. It seems that a bunch of them are pushing for The Arrogant Imbecile to be named Chairman of the DNC. Gibbs is the biggest idiot to hold the White House Press Secretary position in decades, but they think he needs a promotion? PLEASE make that happen, Dims!

Please post your comments (the ones fit for a public website) on the RedWhiteBlueNews edition. It is a great website, and I need to justify my existence there.

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohamed is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." John Quincy Adams

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

9-29-2010 The Weekly Claw

While bringing y’all my commentary on this week’s news, I deliberately decided to avoid the GOP’s new Pledge, as that could be broken down into a multi-part series of its own. Besides, there was puh-lenty of more entertaining, astounding, and aggravating stuff goin’ on. Suggested accompaniment for this week’s column is a nice amber ale, and your waiter’s picks are: Swashbuckler Brewing Company’s Red Sea Amber, Rahr & Son’s Rahr’s Red, or Fat Tire Amber.

What kind of man is the leader of the Democratic Party, George Soros? Well, he spent 1944 confiscating property from his fellow Jews to turn over to the Nazis and described it as “the best year of my life.” In 1992, he shorted the British Pound, thereby tanking the Bank of England and millions of British homeowners. Two years later, he crashed the economy of Russia, and said ““the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire.” He has done the same thing in Georgia, Ukraine, Thailand, Burma, Yugoslavia, France, his native Hungary, and Malaysia. His anti-Americanism is summed up by his quote, “(T)he main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” While the press and the Democrats (same thing) keep blaming Bush for the economic woes of the past few years, Soros says that the financial crisis is “in a way, the culmination of my life’s work.” The Crawfish’s good friend GunnyG has an expose of his own on this creep in The Anti-Liberal Zone. So how’s that hopey-changey thing going?

Please tell me y’all saw this one coming. General Motors stopped making political contributions when their financial problems mounted, but now that they are owned by the UAW and the Obama Administration, they have started making political contributions (using YOUR tax dollars to do so) to…wait for it…Democrats. Remember that while GM claimed to have paid back the bailout years ahead of schedule, they did it by using more money handed to them by the government.

Auntie Obama has been smoking khat. Even though she was in our nation illegally for years, until her son granted her amnesty, she says, “If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen.” Really? The only obligation we have is to kick your illegal backside out!

Then there’s Representative Loretta Sanchez of Kookifornia. While she claims that the GOP and the Tea Party is made up of racists, she goes on a non-English television network (which should not be on the air outside of tourist hotels in America) claiming that her Congressional seat is a latino seat (racist) and that the latinos need to keep it out of the hands of the Vietnamese Republican (racist comment) who is anti-immigrant (actually, he is anti-ILLEGAL immigrant, but to La Raza there is no such thing as illegal). How many times do we really need to show which party is made up of racists and race baiters?

The hard core left’s assertion that the Tea Party is almost exclusively made up of white racists is taking yet another hit. A new PJTV tracking poll shows that 32% of blacks who are likely voters say that they are “somewhat” or “very likely” to vote for someone supported by the Tea Party Movement. Meanwhile, The Crawfish Survey shows that 100% of half-blacks in the White House are “certain” to vote for an anti-Constitutionalist.

Meanwhile, the leftists and Hollyweird (but I repeat myself) are still doing everything that they can possibly do to make the Tea Party folks look like Tim McVeigh. The season opener of the original “CSI” has Justin Bieber playing a “domestic terrorist with Tea Party leanings” according to the Noo Yawk Slimes, which was all-too-happy to make the analogy. Are the leftists planning some kind of Reichstag Moment before the election?

The possibility of election fraud in Houston is becoming more certain each day. There are already thousands of registered Democrats who live in vacant lots or five to a room in the city. The voter registrar already stated that the voter registration rolls were “under an organized and systematic attack” by a liberal group called Houston Votes. That group is run by Obama’s favorite thugs, the SEIU, and they have turned in over 23,000 falsified voter registration cards. Houston Votes’ head fundraiser has worked with some very shady characters in the past, including Noo Joisey’s Governor McGreevey, who had to resign because he was having homosexual affairs while married. A mysterious fire destroyed all of the county voting machines, throwing the whole election into chaos. One local candidate was part of ACORN. Finally, the Democrat candidate for Governor is the former Mayor of Houston, and his term in office was filled with typical tax and spend liberal policies that local officials say have mortgaged the future of the city. Is Houston becoming the Chicago of the South?

This next story needs to be examined on multiple levels. A so-called palestinian male gets killed by a security guard in East Jerusalem and the rest of the so-called palestinians riot. The dead man and a number of other so-called palestinians were hurling rocks at the security guard, so he should have shot all of them. The rioters went on a rampage because they can’t take it when Israelis fight back against the violence of the so-called palestinians, and because they are the Religion of Perpetual Outrage. Then there’s the obvious bias on the part of the Financial Times who referred to East Jerusalem as “occupied”, referring to Israelis living there when’s editorial board believes it should belong to the so-called palestinians or the Jordanians (the nation that is the actual homeland of most of the so-called palestinians). Sorry, but the Jordanians lost East Jerusalem in a war in which the arabs tried to exterminate Israel. It belongs to Israel, so the only “occupiers” are the so-called palestinians. Deal with it!

All The Crawfish can say to this little story is that karma is a real beeotch, ain’t it.

After all these years, there is a new piece of evidence showing why the RMS Titanic sank. A surviving officer told his relatives that the helmsman turned the wrong way to avoid the iceberg when it was spotted.

Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern is an idiot, and not just because he’s a Democrat. While cameras were rolling, he dropped the f-bomb while talking about anybody who opposes Obamacare. He also lamented “people in this state who look at health care as a privilege, not a right.” I don’t see anything in the Constitution that gives me a right to health care coverage paid for by someone else. Obamacare’s free preventative health care provision kicks in this month, but who is actually paying for it? The doctor’s office isn’t providing any services for free, since that’s how they earn a living. Insurance companies aren’t going to provide services for free. Somebody’s gotta pay. Oh, that’s right…the RICH will pay for it, since the Democrats believe that anybody who earns enough to actually pay taxes is rich.

The media is making a big deal about Dear Leader actually attending an Episcopal church earlier this month. What they aren’t letting y’all in on is the key. Firstly, liberals love the Episcopal Church these days because that church adheres to the Bible as much as liberals adhere to the Constitution (the Bible and the Constitution are merely suggestions, not law), which is why that church is splintering. Those who believe that the Lord meant it when he said that homosexuality is an abomination are moving to the Anglican and Catholic Churches. Secondly, and this one is a biggie, St. John’s Episcopal Church had a special guest speaker that day. He was Dr. Zaid Asali, a muslim, anti-Israel, anti-America activist! You see, while proclaiming his Christian identity, Barack Obama flocks to wherever the muslim view or black power view is being preached. Remember, Reverend Wright didn’t preach Christianity either during those 20 years that Barack and Michelle sat on the front pew. He preached Black Liberation Theology, a combination of black power racism and marxism.

The California Air Resources Board just insured the end of industry in their state by approving new regulations that will require the state to get 1/3 of its electrical power from solar and other renewable sources within the next ten years. Since that goal will never be achieved, and power requirements will definitely increase, there will be a major shortage of energy in NEW New Mexico. How is Hollyweird going to make films without electricity? Then again, by that time there might not be enough people in California who can read English to realize what the regulations say.

Once upon a time, there was a great empire centered upon the city of Rome. History shows that one of the reasons for Rome’s demise and fall was that they brought large numbers of non-Romans into their army, gave them weapons and armor, and taught them how to fight and be military leaders. The non-Romans used the weapons and training to fight the Roman army and destroy the empire. So guess what the Democrats and the liberal civilians in the Defense Department want to do. Yep, they want to use the DREAM Act to boost the size of the US military with illegal aliens, many of whom will have ties to gangs such as MS-13, who have zero loyalty to our nation and our Constitution. I’ve said it a bunch of times, but it bears repeating. The Democrats in general, and Barack Obama in particular, want the United States to fall. The only question is whether they want us to fall to the socialists or the muslims.

Somebody came up with an alternative usage for one of the most important items available at your local mall. Now how’s she supposed to get that thing off in an emergency without flopping out?

Like father, like son. Jesse Jackson Junior is in hot water over bribery allegations. While he denies it, a major fund raiser has told the feds that Jackson instructed him to give Governor Blago millions of dollars in exchange for the Obama Senate seat. Daddy was known to use bribery and extortion to get his way and to make his people rich. Daddy just never did so in a way that could send him to prison.

If your comments on this column are gonna be suitable for a public website, I encourage you to make them at my location. This week’s column link is right here, so enjoy!

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohamed is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." John Quincy Adams

The Constitution of the United States

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9-22-2010 The Weekly Claw

The Crawfish was switched to night shift this week, so I’m all jacked up (some of you are now asking what’s different about that). What’s a normal sleep pattern? Why did I have to go to nights during television premiere week? I actually do pay attention to NCIS, NCIS El Lay, Survivor, Hell’s Kitchen, and of course there’s football on Monday, Thursday, and Friday nights. Is this any way to treat a crustacean?

His Majesty King Barack I tells us that if the GOP makes big gains in November, it will be because the sheeple believe that his policies haven’t worked fast enough. Really? How’s that Recovery Summer going? The poverty rate in our nation is making record gains thanks to his policies. I’d say that his policies, which are designed to ruin our nation and overturn our Constitution, are working too fast.

The National Bureau of Economic Research is made up of crackheads. They are saying that the recession ENDED in June of 2009. Tell that to the unemployed folks out there!

The White House is warning that if the GOP takes the House in November, they will shut down the government. They’re making that warning as if that would be a BAD thing! The same White House Blog article says that some bills have been blocked by the GOP in the House from even coming up for a vote. Sorry, but the House doesn’t have the same filibuster rules as the Senate. If the House leadership wants a bill to come to a vote, they can make it happen. If a bill has been blocked, it is by the majority.

Dear Leader is taking his message to the only voter bloc that he knows will deliver 95% of their ballots to the Democrats, blacks. Even though they have been nuked by his economic and social policies since he took office, he’s rallying them to “guard the change.” He really is getting desperate when he’s spouting stuff like, “I need everybody here to go back to your neighborhoods, and your workplaces, to your churches, and barbershops, and beauty shops. Tell them we have more work to do.” For the past 20 months, he’s been telling them to go back to the unemployment lines and welfare offices.

I’m not saying that the Democrats have a stranglehold on the non-Fox media, but reporters evidently are banned from pointing out not-so-savory things about Democrats in general and Dear Leader in particular. A DC reporter pointed out during an envirowacko protest that Barack Hussein Obama had received more BP campaign contributions than any other candidate. For such a transgression, he was fired. If he had said the same thing about Jorge Boosh, he’d have gotten a promotion.

The Noo Yawk Slimes posted a piece on the Administration’s plans for the fall elections. The research for the piece was not difficult, as one of the main Democrat talking points this summer has been how the GOP was being taken over by the “extremists” of the Tea Party movement. The White House protested, saying the piece was “100% wrong” in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary. The Slimes relented to the pressure and changed the headline and some of the verbage. The Crawfish still wonders how people who support the Constitution of the United States, which is the very center of our political and legal systems, can be considered “right wing” or “extremists”.

The ACLU has jumped into yet another case regarding the “religious rights” of weirdos. A school district in North Carolina has suspended a student because she wears jewelry that is not in compliance with the district’s dress code. She has an earring in her nose. Up to this point, there is no controversy, right? Her family claims that the snot-covered earring is part of their religion, as they belong to the “Church of Body Modification”, so their daughter’s desire to wear that piece of jewelry is protected by the First Amendment. First of all, the First Amendment has nothing to do with a local school district. It only prevents CONGRESS from making laws that prohibit the free exercise of religion. Secondly, the “Church of Body Modification” is not a legitimate religion, but rather just a gathering of weirdos, perverts, and escapees from the loony bins. Just because somebody claims something to be religious does not make it so, otherwise all Americans would claim every dollar that they received to be related to some religious activity and therefore untaxable.

How radical are the folks Dear Leader chooses to surround himself with and put in power? Well, we’ve repeatedly detailed the lunacy of Science Czar John Holdren, but he’s gone off the deep end this time. He wants to use the “free market economy” to implement a campaign to “de-develop” the United States. Yes, John Holdren, like the leaders of Islam, want to turn back the clock on development and technology. 2012 really can’t come soon enough.

Another of his appointees seems to have a problem figuring out what his job description is. Kevin Jennings is Obama’s Safe Schools Czar, but he believes that title really means Heterophobe Agenda in Schools Czar. He wants to use “curriculum reform” to bring homosexuality into the classrooms of America. What that has to do with making schools safe is a mystery.

In last week’s edition, a Hollyweird actor/activist was suffering from severe delusions of grandeur, thinking that the whole world was in sorrow for the breakup of her marriage/hookup/whatever. This week’s delusions come from Jimmeh Cahtuh, who actually had the nerve to say “I feel that my role as a former President is probably superior to that of other Presidents'.” Mr. Carter, NOTHING you have ever done, in or out of office, has been superior to any other former Presidents. You are an embarrassment to the United States and the United States Navy. The only President in our nation’s history that you can call yourself superior to is Barack Hussein Obama.

I wonder if the American voting populace has become any more intelligent than they were in 2008. Gawd, if we get any worse, we are doomed.

I don’t know about y’all, but I fully expect to see Glenn A. Fine become the victim of some burglary gone bad, or car crash, or “suicide”, or something. You can’t investigate the Affirmative Action Attorney General’s “crown jewel” of his Injustice Department and be allowed to live! Look at how things like this ended up in the last Democrat White House: Vince Foster, Jim McDougal, Mary Mahoney, Ed Willey (whose wife was later sexually assaulted by Bubba), Kathy Ferguson, Paul Wilcher, Barbara Wise…do ya get the point?

While this report is about muslims in Minnesota, the same could easily be said about latinos in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and everywhere else in this country that they are taking over. I live in a predominantly white part of Fort Worth, TX; over 430 miles from the Mexican border, yet three of the five closest highway billboards to my house are in Spanish. If you want to be a full-fledged American, come on in once your paperwork has cleared. If you want to be a Somali, Mexican, Salvadoran, Chinese, Guatemalan, Saudi, Yemeni, or whatever…STAY THERE!

How partisan and anti-military is Prince Dingy Harry Reid? He announced that he is putting the DREAM Act into the Senate Defense Appropriations bill. For those of you who don’t know what the Dream Act is, it is basically amnesty for non-drybacks who go to American colleges (illegally) or enlist (illegally) into our military.

The Democratic politicians were out in force to celebrate the opening of a new lithium ion car battery plant in Meeeechigan. Energy Secretary Chu Mein, Senators Levin and Stabenow, and utterly failed Governor Granholm were there, and Dear Leader made a 3-minute phone call praising all involved in the project that is being paid for by almost $250,000,000.00 of YOUR tax dollars from the so-called stimulus. Another company opened a similar plant in Meeechigan that was paid for by $299,000,000.00 of YOUR tax dollars. Okay, so almost half a BILLION dollars gets us about 400 new jobs (that is $1,250,000.00 for each job!), but is there really a market for these batteries? If you look closely, you will find this little line in the second link: “The government has estimated that a battery with a 100-mile range costs about $33,000, although stimulus money could bring that down to $10,000 by the end of 2015.” Meanwhile, a tank of gas takes my SUV about 350 miles, costs about $45.00, and doesn’t take an 8-hour charge cycle (using energy from coal-fired power plants, which they never seem to mention when talking about electric cars) to go beyond that distance.

Here’s some more so-called stimulus money that was basically flushed down the drain by the liberals. They managed to give UCLA $823,200.00 to use on a study of how to get African men to wash their junk after having sex. First of all, in this case the stimulus comes well before the washing. Secondly, this is a useless program that has nothing to do with the United States. Okay, technically UCLA is in the United States, but El Lay is pretty much Mexico del Norte.

Finally! It looks like we have a little bit of bipartisanship going on in Congress just ahead of the November elections. For once, the bipartisanship isn’t the Democrats saying “do it our way!”

So how much are union bosses really worth? The Director of Noo Joisey’s teacher union made over $550,000.00 last year, and The Crawfish is betting he didn’t spend more than an hour per week in the classroom. Heck, he might not have spent an hour TOTAL in the classroom last year. Is that union goon really worth over three times what the state’s Governor made? Wait a sec, considering that John Corzine was Governor all of last year, maybe that isn’t a good analogy. Corzine wasn’t worth a dollar. Is the union goon worth over double what the Presi…ohnevermind.

Maxine Waters’ ethics problems just keep getting worse. Her involvement in a troubled bank, partially owned by her husband, getting special treatment above and beyond what any other bank received is at the center of an investigation that is now being exposed. Her good friend, and former proprieter of a gay brother, Bawney Fwank is hip deep in this one as well. As the band Drowning Pool said…let the bodies hit the floor!

As long as we’re talking about heterophobes, y’all ain’t gonna believe what the first openly lesbian member of Congress, Tammy Baldwin (D-Cheesehead) has put into a bill that has now passed a House committee. On second thought, some of you will unfortunately not be surprised since you actually have been paying attention to the extreme left wing agenda of the P-Lousy House. Quoting directly from the article, “The new bill’s requirements would apply to all HHS health service programs, requiring the health service employees to ask everyone receiving services their sexual orientation and gender identity -- including those that focus on children at school-based health centers. Children who seek help at government-funded school health clinics would be asked whether or not they are gay, lesbian, bisexual or if they know their gender identity.” One Dim-ocrat committee member even ran out of the room to avoid the vote on this one, but the rest of the committee members who have jackasses as their symbols voted in favor of the bill. The Crawfish is instructing his kids that the proper answer to those questions from the school nurse will be “Nunya. Nunya business!”

Iran’s weirdbeards are at it again. They’re issuing death sentence fatwas against the folks who burned the Unholy Korans on 9-11. How would they like it if WE issued death sentences against all who destroy Christian symbols and Bibles in say…Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia…. They really are like liberals, aren’t they? Double standards R us?

The American political party that gets 75% of the Jewish vote, but does everything it can to destroy Israel is at it yet again. The Obama Administration, in the person of Her Thighness, is telling Israel to not build housing for Israelis within the borders of Israel because it might upset the people who wish to kill all of the Jews. Sorry, Hillary!, but the entire West Bank, along with the entire Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, belongs to Israel. Those areas used to belong to the arabs, but when the Religion of Perpetual Outrage launched wars of extermination against Israel in ’68 and ’73, they lost those lands. If you are the aggressors in a war and lose ground, you don’t get to take it back!

It gets worse for our only real friend in the Middle East. The Obama Administration has gone along with the rest of the muslim world in prohibiting the Israelis from having any kind of representation in the UN Human Rights Council, while allowing the so-called Palestinians to be represented. The US representative also fully participated in the Council’s meeting, which signals that the United States is officially opposed to Israel’s existence. The Council has put forth more resolutions condemning Israel (and none condemning muslim terrorism against Israel) than the rest of the UN combined.

Once again, a member of the Supreme Court’s leftist bloc is stating that the Constitution of the United States needs to be tossed into the dumpster. Stephen Breyer, an appointee of Billy Jeff the Registered Sex Offender, now says that because of the internet and what the Followers of the Violent, Pedophilic False Prophet might do, our First Amendment rights might go down the drain. Yes, the Cult of Mohammed might “change the nature of what we can allow and protect.” Specifically, he compares Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ famous remark about shouting “fire” in a crowded theater to burning an Unholy Koran in the age of the internet. These left wing judges will grasp at any straw, no matter how far-fetched, to put themselves over the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land.

Billy Jeff is out on the campaign trail these days, since none of the Democrats around the country want anything to do with their current President. He said that many of today’s GOP candidates make George W. Bush “look like a liberal.” Uh, Billy? There’s no “look like” involved. With the exceptions of tax cuts for ALL taxpayers, Constitutionalist SCOTUS appointments, and fighting back against our sworn enemies, George W. Bush WAS a liberal President!

ATTENTION READERS: Please go to Red White Blue News and comment on my column there...unless you're comments might be a bit much for such a website (Buck, Clyde).

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.

"The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mohamed is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force." John Quincy Adams

The Constitution of the United States