Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10-26-2011 The Weekly Claw

Do ya ever get the feeling that most of the major cities in America are suffering from a severe lack of responsible adults, especially in positions of leadership?

A) The Party of the Trial Lawyers has reached a new low. A Democrat who lost his Congressional seat after a single term is suing a group that helped his opponent in the 2010 elections. He’s claiming a “loss of livelihood” in his suit. The federal judge who is actually allowing the case to go forward is (surprise, surprise) AN OBAMA APPOINTEE! This mental midget was elected when the “Hopey-Changey” movement swept the country, but got his tail kicked out of Congress when the Tea Party awakened American voters and they in turn elected some real adults. If a conservative pulled that kind of entitlement childishness, he or she would be pilloried in every media outlet and would be the butt of jokes by the late-night television “comedians” for weeks.

B) Did y’all ever hear of any arrests of Tea Party activists in any of their protests? Since the Tea Party folks are law and Constitution abiding people, of course not. The “occupiers”, on the other hand, are not what you might call the better class of society. Take a look at the kinds of activities involved with the Occupy Boston protests and the Occupy Oakland protests. Then ask yourself why Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Gaffes Biden, and the rest of the left wing extremists support these folks. The “occupiers” in other cities made sure that they got arrested by staying in the gathering places after their permits expired. When police enforced city ordinances in Chicago, one of the spoiled brats stated “The police came in and again took away our right to free speech and assembly.” No, punk, you still have those rights, but you must comply with posted city ordinances and permits.

C) Victor Davis Hanson has an interesting take on the mindset shown by most of the college-age “occupiers”, and it meshes with what The Crawfish and many of his readers have opined lately. Lots of these kids are deep in debt from student loans (or their parents are), and they are coming to realize that all of the classes they have taken have just been liberal indoctrination that has not given them any chance of getting a real job with a real future. They can’t go off on their beloved liberal academia, so they are throwing hissy fits.

D) Democrat Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren of Taxachusetts is taking credit for the "intellectual foundation" of the "occupiers". They have an intellectual foundation? Since when? I mean, when they don’t even know why they are protesting, and are made up of or supported by druggies, anarchists, socialists, communists, Iranian mullahs, and Nazis what kind of intellectual foundation do they have? I just have to include this link here because it shows the vapidity of these left-wing stooges.

E) The “occupiers” want all sorts of free money, including the elimination of all of their student loans, but now they are quibbling amongst themselves over, get this, the distribution of money that has been donated to their cause. They have even set up a mini-government just like the one they want to get rid of. Hypocrisy?

F) The Democrats and their media suckups keep trying to say that the Tea Party rallies were full of hate and racism, although they can never show any examples of such behavior. Meanwhile, they completely ignore all of the hate and racism that pervades their “occupy” rallies. Once again, if the liberals try to pin some sort of behavior on conservatives, it usually means that it is behavior that liberals are truly guilty of.

G) The spokesperson for “Pervs R Us”, also known as the Transportation Security Agency, is denying that one of their agents was behind the note in this story, despite it being written on one of their forms and found inside luggage after an overseas flight. If the female in this story had been ugly, I would have spared my male readers the need to use brain bleach by not including it.

H) Here’s something else from overseas that the “occupiers” and the American left will probably be calling for in the near future. Yes, this report sponsored by the Labour Party in Britain calls for older empty-nesters to be heavily taxed if they stay in houses that are larger than they really need. Who says how big is too much for the needs? What if the family has grandchildren that come to visit for a couple of weeks during the summertime?

I) Jimmy “the dhimmi” Carter started this process with his turning over of Iran to the Mad Mullahs, who executed more people in a single year than the Shah’s security forces did in over two decades. The Chosen One is continuing the process, as Tunisia and Egypt are already being taken over by islamist theocratic governments, and now Libya is going the same way. Maybe the mullahs were correct last year when they said Barack Obama was the great hope for a new Worldwide Caliphate, or at least one throughout the Middle East.

J) Meanwhile, Obama shows a complete lack of class and respect when dealing with one of the moderating nations in the world of Islam. Crown Prince Sultan bin Abd al-Aziz, the heir apparent to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, died in Noo Yawk on Saturday. The Chosen One sent his statement of condolence from the golf course at Andrews Air Force Base, where he was playing round 27 for the year with three junior aides.

K) Just as predicted here, the Israeli sellout of exchanging over 1000 so-called palestinian terrorists for a single Israeli soldier has done nothing but embolden the terroristic death cult known as Islam to kidnap more Israelis, especially soldiers. Now there is a “cleric” who is offering over $100,000 to any Follower of the Pedophilic False Prophet who kidnaps an Israeli soldier.

L) Democrats seem to screw up foreign policy as much as they do domestic policy. Our good friend Gunny G gives us a history lesson that shows why we should never again let a Democrat (or a liberal Republican) occupy the White House.

M) A liberal federal judge has thrown out Florida’s state law that demands drug testing for welfare benefits, saying it is a violation of the 4th Amendments unreasonable search clause. What this judge failed to note is that giving taxpayer money to those who are too damned lazy to get a job is more unConstitutional than demanding that leeches prove that the money we give them isn’t going straight to the drug cartels.

N) A top American nuclear power regulator is stating that nobody died from radiation exposure at the Fukushima nuke plants that were devastated by the earthquake-tsunami combo in Japan. Is that what they are saying for public consumption or is it the truth? I don’t know if I believe it or not.

O) In response to His Majesty’s newest plan to fix the housing market, a foreclosure expert said, “The previous three plans haven’t been effective — and this one isn’t going to be effective, either.” Correct. What would have PREVENTED this problem would have been the repeal of the Community Reinvestment Act, REAL supervision of the Democrat crooks who were running Fannie and Freddie into the ground while collecting tens of millions in bonuses, and banks/lending institutions having the ability to tell people that they were not going to make those loans because those folks had no way on God’s green earth to afford such loans.

P) While The Won is out fundraising in Hollyweird, the press pool is forbidden from taking any photos at the lavish high-dollar events, but they are more than welcome to photograph The Won at Roscoe’s House of Chicken ‘n Waffles in El Lay. You see, even though King Barack I and Queen micHELLe Antoinette believe that anybody whose net worth is under $5 million is beneath them, they want to be known as at home with the commoners, and the media is more than happy to oblige them. As Andre Agassi once said in a camera commercial, “Image is everything.”

Q) The Anointed One even has the State Department raising funds for him, although they are not for his campaign. The State Department has recently purchased over $70,000.00 worth of Barack Obama’s ghost-written books to put into libraries around the world and to use as gifts. I’d say that is a gross misuse of government funds and that whoever authorized the purchases should be put on trial starting February 1, 2013.

R) At least there is one union leader in our nation who has the cojones to stand before Congress and testify about how the Administration is intentionally violating our federal laws. The president of the union that represents ICE officers testified that the Administration has ORDERED ICE agents to not arrest illegal aliens that have criminal records and deportation orders against them. This order also extends to those who have been deported and have re-entered, thus committing a felony. When are we going to see any criminal proceedings against the crooks in this Administration?

S) I’ve posted it before, but this cartoon needs to be seen on a regular basis.

"The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it." --James Wilson, Of the Study of Law in the United States, 1790

The Constitution of the United States

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  1. A. This guy ought to be sent packing from the bench. This is more than a "new low," IMO Crawfish. You are seeing the fuhrer (oops, mean future) of so-called justice if things don't change pronto.

    Q. Where's a REALLY DECENT lawyer when you need one, eh?

  2. Damn,Wednesday already?
    A)A TRUE conservative would NOT have THAT brain fart enter his skull in the first place.
    B)Shows you what they're learning in the hallowed halls. Everything is a "right" to these
    assbites. They wouldn't know a RIGHT if it jumped up and bit'em on their unwashed asses.
    C)They NEED to demand a REFUND of their tuition.
    Obviously,they are protesting EVERYTHING except the TRUE greed;that of their precious,beloved GOVERNMENT.
    D)Hell,no wonder. They are ALL dolts,by that line of reasoning.
    E) Is there 100 functioning brain cells in this ENTIRE movement? I have my doubts.
    F)Got a new name for this bunch. "Occupy Hate".Fits the hairballs better.
    G)Guy should have given her his phone # instead. Her next call? Most likely Dowe,Cheatem,and Howe.
    H)Well,the damned Brits VOTED for asshattery like this. Let'em figure it out. In the meantime,WE need to QUASH shit like this as soon as it comes up.
    I)Well,as he has said himself,they ARE his "brothers".
    J)Another day. Another supposed ally slapped. Seems to be his wont.
    K)A classic case of "WHAT the HELL were they THINKING".
    L)That was an excellent essay.
    M) I think we need drug testing for LIBERAL JUDGES.
    N)Dammit. Gotta get a new bullshit meter.
    O)Same shit. Same solution. Same result. HJC,they'll NEVER learn.
    P)It figures. It is fine with me however,that is the less we'll have to put up with seeing the asshat all over damned TV.
    Q)Indeed. Sucker would only be the 287,593rd in line.
    R)Talking like that will get him a one-way ticket to see James R Hoffa.
    S)That would make an EXCELLENT T-shirt.

    C ya next time. Go Rangers!!!

  3. Great wrapup. That judge needs to SERIOUSLY be tarred and feathered right along with the loser who filed. If he wins, I say we revolt because justice is toast in America. Had to LLH about Zero and the Wookie in LA. SOOOOOOOO transparent yet the plastic people can't see it.

  4. (A) A loss of livlihood? Since when did Congress become a lifetime job? Surely not the intent of the framers. I guess he ought to sue all the folks who voted against him also as they were mainly responsible for his, "Los of livlihood."

    (C) Yeah, how's that phd in Black Studies, Basket Weaving and PolySci helpin' ya???

    (D) Just think. This is what the institutes of higher learning are turning out for educated these days.

    (E) See remarks on (C) & (D).

    (F) "..Don't hate nothin at all except hatred.."

    (I) Invading an embassy is an act of war. When Carter didn't act quickly and firmly the whole world saw.

    (K) You'd think Israel would know you can't deal with these folk.

    (M) Will Florida appeal?

    (P) Chicken 'n Waffles? Is that on Michelle's menu??

    (Q) Just one more instance of illegality the GOP hasn't the balls to call 'em on.

    (R) Criminal proceedings against the crooks pushed by the GOP? Maybe. When it can be profitable for the GOP...

  5. Mrs. AL,
    A) I keep saying that Obama's bunch is waiting for the proper time to set off their "Reichstag Fire" moment.
    Q) Well, since 90% of the trial lawyers are Democrats....THERE AREN'T ANY!

  6. clyde,
    A) But a liberal Dem would!
    B) They don't understand any of the principles of government put forth by our Founding Fathers.
    C) AND the greed of liberal academia.
    D) You needed that line of reasoning to come up with that conclusion?
    E) Maybe 15...
    F) I like Boortz's name for 'em...occutards.
    G) TSA finally fired him, without publicly recanting their denial.
    H) Every dumb-bass idea that comes from Britain becomes part of the Dem's platform.
    I) F'ing Kenyan mook.
    J) The next President is going to have to make part of his inaugural speech an apology to all of our allies that have been disrespected by Obama, and a promise to treat them like friends, allies, and partners. I want to see the look on that asshole's face during that part of the speech.
    K) Idjuts in their left-wing peace movement appeasing the mooks.
    L) That's why I included it.
    M) That and CONSTITUTION testing.
    N) Yeah, mine's not registering properly either.
    O) Einstein's definition of insanity.
    P) But he's campaigning and fundraising all over the country on our dime now, claiming to be doing government business by making speeches supporting his highly-partisan "Save My Job" bill.
    Q) Your line is too damned short.
    R) Probably
    S) I'd buy one!

  7. Gunny,
    we'd need to start now to obtain enough tar and feathers for what is needed in January 2013.

  8. It's more than anyone person can handle. There are too many loons roaming the countryside committing all kinds of disastrous deeds. It's almost too much to take in.

    2012 better prove the Dictator in Chief and all his buddies, his czars, his corruption and crime leaves the WH with a huge kick in the backside.

  9. A) Can I sue O'Vomit because the jobs my small engineering firm is getting is way down during this recession?

    B, C, D, E) Let's see. The OWS movement is made up of losers who owe money and can't repay their student loans, homeless bums, Nazis, Communists, Socialists, and only God knows what else. And this group of idiots wants me to believe that they are just like everybody else in the US? There is a reason that the Main Stream Media is not showing too much about the OWS. The Democrats are losing support from everyone who takes a serious look at this bunch of a*swipes.

    Seriously Crawfish, this administration and their minions are the most corrupt group this country has ever seen. I agree with Gunny's comment. If O'Vomit is re-elected, we have some hard choices to make.

    Good edition Crawfish.

  10. With respect to we are witnessing today in cities (where decade after decade political "leadership" is liberal-progressive-Democrat) 1n 1900 but one single country on earth was >50% urban v. rural, Great Britain. By 2000, most of the world is >50% urban, excepting China, most of Africa, and southern Asia to include India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Turkey.

    If the USA gave up the Electoral College or its two-senators-per-state in favor of "popular" elections, there's never again be a Republican in Washington D.C.

  11. Buck,
    A) I wanna see that lawsuit!
    C) HEY! My BA is in Social Sciences. My backup career was going to be a history teacher and assistant coach!
    D) Academia without real world experience leads to Imbecilia!
    F) Whenever Dems accuse conservatives of something, it usually means THEY are the guilty ones.
    K) They have a long history of liberal idiots.
    M) Yes
    P) Of course not, but her menu is for the little people.
    Q) And they never will
    R) Need a major shift in media attitudes before then.

  12. Pepp,
    But Obama will still win if the GOP nominates Romney

  13. Ghost,
    A) I want to sue him because I would not be getting laid off if he had SOLD more F-16s to Taiwan.

    The more that the people see of these occutards, the more their support dwindles, yet Hollyweird and the Democrats are flocking to prop them up. That's why I think the occutards will be part of the "Reichstag Fire Moment" early next year.

  14. drpete,
    We need to restrict voting to property owners, veterans, and immediate family of veterans. If you don't pay taxes, and have not served our nation, you don't get a say in your own anti-Constitutional entitlements!

  15. Crawfish, Pepp:

    I suspect the GOP really doesn't give a damn about Romney winning or losing.

    It's his TURN!

  16. Social Sciences?
    Why not History??

  17. Buck,
    Chapman University, NAS Whidbey Island Branch Campus, did not offer a straight History major, plus all history courses were combination History/Political Science. For the Social Sciences major, I had to take 5 upper level History/Poli Sci, 4 upper level Psychology, and 3 upper level Sociology. 11 A's and a B+.


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