Saturday, July 23, 2011

7-23-2011 The Weekend Claw

A) The Crawfish gives a mighty “OOH-RAH!” to former Corporal Dakota Meyer, USMC, who has been informed by President Obama that he will be awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in Afghanistan. He becomes the first living Marine to receive the MOH in 41 years. “Well done!”

B) I normally don’t put any comedy this early in the column, but I can’t pass this one up. Here’s a video of Barack Obama saying that FDR “was pretty fiscally conservative.” If Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann said something that outlandish, the media would crucify them.

C) The media is trying sooooo hard to make the GOP look like the bad and ignorant folks in the budget debate. PMSNBC’s Contessa Brewer (BTW, Contessa is the female version of Count, the 5th level of nobility after king/queen, prince/princess, duke/duchess, and marquis/marquess, so we know her level of spoiled bratness growing up) tried to explain a Republican Congressman that failure to pass a bailout would send the nation into a depression. When he disagreed, she questioned his credentials on economics, since the only people who know more than liberal media types are Democrat politicians. Epic Fail! Her opponent in this discussion was Alabama’s Mo Brooks, who graduated with high honors in 3 years from Duke with a degree in economics.

D) Speaking of media malfeasance, I must give language and content warnings for the video linked in this paragraph. Can you imagine what would happen if this had been a conservative show talking about Democrat politicians? How come there was no vast media outcry over this? Where is the National Organization of Women or any other feminist group on this subject? (@#^$ liberal hypocrites! Of course, there aren’t many liberal women worth taking to bed in the first place....

E) The jobless numbers went up again this week, and of course that news was UNEXPECTED according to the media.

F) Senator Harkin of Iowa must be turning corn into shine again. He refers to the Tea Party as a “cult fringe”, which is simply an acknowledgement that his party opposes anything that is actually written into the Constitution. Then he goes off saying that the debt was “mostly was racked up by a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Republican President in the last 8 years.” Really? First of all, the GOP only held all three for 6 years. Secondly, they were being led by a big-government liberal who disguised his actions by calling them “compassionate conservatism”. Thirdly, the out-of-control spending began in January of 2007, when Red Nanny P-Lousy and Dingy Harry took control of Congress, then got shot full of steroids when Barack Hussein Obama MMM MMM MMM came to power. Here’s a timeline of the fiscal actions taken by Barack Obama and the Democrats since they took control of the government. You will notice that the public debt upon his inauguration was $6.31 trillion, and that number has gone up by $3.44 trillion in less than three years. QUIT BLAMING BUSH!

G) Even if we discount the first year of Bush’s Presidency, when there was a budget surplus and 9-11 had not crapped all over the economy, his other SEVEN years had deficits totaling $2.087 trillion. You won’t find any conservatives defending those numbers, as they prove yet again that W was a big-government liberal, but Obama has over 150% of that number in less than THREE years.

H) The Harry Reid-led Senate voted to not even bring up Cut, Cap, and Balance for debate on Friday, so they could quickly vacate DC. Dingy said that the bill was the worst piece of legislation to ever hit the Senate floor, although we all know that Obamacare was much worse. Reid said that the Senate could do no further work until the House passed a bill, since all revenue bills must, Constitutionally, originate in the House. Since he said that, it means that the only bill he will allow to be debated will be a big tax increase bill. The House has passed two plans, so the American people should be able to see who is refusing to do their jobs.

I) The President shifted blame for the lack of a drug d…er, debt deal to the media, saying a “splintered” media (with See-BS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, the Oprah Winfrey Network, Noo Yawk Slimes, Washington Compost, El Lay Times, Atlanta Journal of Constipation, HuffPo, and others on the left, and Fox News and Wall Street Journal on the right) fanning the flames so that there is no “compromise”, which Democrats always define as “the GOP letting us get whatever we want.” Yes, Barack Obama wants a cohesive media, all on the same page of the same playbook. You remember that…Pravda, Isvestia, TASS, Novotsi…

J) Then there are the Democrat cheerleaders at CNN, who are desperately trying to get all of you to miss an important bit of information in their latest polling data. It seems that each and every demographic that they polled supports a balanced budget amendment. This simply cannot be allowed!

K) Of course Moonshine Harkin and a few other Dems might be in a bit of trouble if the media ever gloms onto the roll call from a Senate vote in 1997 on a Balanced Budget Amendment. It’s not just the far-right “cult fringe” that supports such a measure, considering that Harkin, Biden, Durbin, Feinstein, and even Dingy Harry himself all voted for the BBA.

L) June’s existing-home sales numbers were down, and just like every other bit of bad economic news since Pelosi and Reid took over Congress in 2007, this news is (say it with me) “unexpected”. Truly “unexpected” economic news during the reign of King Barack I will be anything that is really positive.

M) The White House is whizzing on our heads and telling us it is raining…again. They are the most fundamentally dishonest Administration in history, making Billy Jeff and Trickydick look more honest than Abe. On Thursday, White House Propaganda Minister Carney had the chutzpah to announce: “Well, two things remain uncontestably true. The economy is vastly improved from what it was when Barack Obama was sworn into office as president.” This bunch must be smokin’ da crack, but watch the media pick up on that line and run with it. Although the words are usually attributed to Lenin or Goebbels, it could have come from our modern Democrats…a lie told often enough becomes the truth.

N) While on the subject of lies from this Administration, take a gander at the latest work from Janet Incompitano’s Department of Homeland Insecurity. Terrorists are really all white folks, even “Jihad Jane” has (artificially enhanced) bright blue eyes. Terrorists are people who oppose surveillance, who write on paper, who drive vans, and who wear hoodies. She wants all Americans to become informants. Kinda reminds us of the early Nazi Gestapo, the Soviet NKVD and KGB, and East Germany’s Stasi. Remember that the Administration put out a White House e-mail address for people to inform on those who opposed Obamacare? I self-reported, as did a bunch of my friends. The Anti Liberal Zone’s Gunny G self-reported over a hundred times! This is how dictators build and maintain their power.

O) Just before Independence Day, a study was released that showed how people who go to July 4th events are swayed to support conservative positions, presumably because conservatives actually love our nation while liberals want to “fundamentally change” it. Now comes another study, this time showing that the image of the American flag sways voters to Republican voting patterns. The Crawfish imagines that images of our military personnel and equipment or the Constitution probably do the same. Patriotism: one side has it, the other doesn’t. Fox News commenter “2fred” had a great comment on the story: “Since many Democrats are used to seeing stars, i.e. flitting flashes of brilliance dancing around their visual periphery due to drug usage, concussion, etc., the presence of actual stars had a canceling effect, thus they were able to see more clearly.”

P) Gunrunner and Castaway might have another brother. It looks like the US government has been selling weaponry to the Zetas drug cartel, including anti-aircraft weapons, through the U.S. Direct Commercial Sales Program, which is run by Hillary!’s State Department.

Q) I’m not sayin’ that Obamacare is a jobs killer. That’s because I don’t have to, since the proof is already available. There are many reasons that the American people opposed that bill, why it required many Congressional bribes to gain passage, and why so many supporters (SEIU, other unions, AARP) have asked for exemptions.

R) Democrats just don’t get it. What part of “illegal” is so damned hard to understand? What part of too much government spending is so hard to understand? Governor Patrick of Taxachusetts is now supporting a measure to let illegals pay in-state rates on college tuition, which means that the taxpayers of that state will now subsidize the college education of people who have no right to be in our country. Don’t subsidize them. DEPORT THEM!

S) John Boehner is an idiot. Then again, we saw that in the last round of budget negotiations.

T) The jobs market is really hell on the younger folks these days. They are the victims of a severe quadruple-whammy. First of all, our population is living longer, so a much larger investment portfolio is required for people to retire on. Secondly, our economy over the past 35 years or so has required two paychecks to support a family. This means that there are TWO older Americans taking up the jobs. Thirdly, the Baby-boomer crowd is the largest generation in our history, and they are the ones who should be starting to retire, but they aren’t. And lastly, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid economy has killed millions of jobs in our country. So how’s that hopey-changey stuff workin’ out for ya?

U) President Obama gave a foreign automaker a gift of $1.3 billion this week, when he allowed Fiat to buy the remaining Chrysler stocks Obama had purchased to bail out his buddies in the UAW. This “pays off” the debt 6 years early. Sensible people would have waited out a few more of those years to get back more of the taxpayers’ money, but what does Obama care about the taxpayers and our debt? His “assistant secretary for financial stability” (a job CLEARLY defined in the Constitution) actually bragged about it, saying “This is a major accomplishment and further evidence of the success of the administration's actions” when in a non-skewed universe the loss of $1.3 billion is considered another sign of this Administration’s failures.

V) Well, it looks like the scientific folks might have figured out why F-22 pilots were getting hypoxia. After looking at all of the complex systems, mostly the On-Board Oxygen Generating System, the cause appears to be something rather simple. Now let’s get those Raptors back in the sky!

W) Here is yet another reason to support Representative Allen West. He is strongly opposing the proposed sale of 125 M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks to the Muslim Brotherhood. Sultan Bu’raq al Obama wants Egypt, meaning the Muslim Brotherhood, to have these tanks, since they have already announced their intention of resuming a state of war with Israel. Oh, and regarding his spat with Debbie the Ditz, she has a very bad memory, because here is a video showing who started the personal attacks, and how that person’s attacks were filled with lies about Allen West and every Constitution-loving Tea Party member.

X) For the Brain Dead Polling Information of the Week, we go to Public Policy Polling’s results from Tuesday. Forty percent unsure????

Y) I actually got the following story from two different e-mails, but Buck sent it first:
In 1952, Armon M. Sweat, Jr., a member of the Texas House of Representatives, was asked about his position on whiskey. What follows is his exact answer (taken from the Political Archives of Texas):

"If you mean whiskey, the devil's brew, the poison scourge, the bloody monster that defiles innocence, dethrones reason, destroys the home, creates misery and poverty, yea, literally takes the bread from the mouths of little children; if you mean that evil drink that topples Christian men and women from the pinnacles of righteous and gracious living into the bottomless pit of degradation, shame, despair, helplessness, and hopelessness, then, my friend, I am opposed to it with every fiber of my being.

However, if by whiskey you mean the oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the elixir of life, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that puts a song in their hearts and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes; if you mean Christmas cheer, the stimulating sip that puts a little spring in the step of an elderly gentleman on a frosty morning; if you mean that drink that enables man to magnify his joy, and to forget life's great tragedies and heartbreaks and sorrow; if you mean that drink the sale of which pours into Texas treasuries untold millions of dollars each year, that provides tender care for our little crippled children, our blind, our deaf, our dumb, our pitifully aged and infirm, to build the finest highways, hospitals, universities, and community colleges in this nation, then my friend, I am absolutely, unequivocally in favor of it.

This is my position, and as always, I refuse to compromise on matters of principle."

If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, you can post them on my writer page on Facebook or e-mail them to the address listed on that page. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit if I use your input.

“The first method of estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him."- Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince

The Constitution of the United States


  1. N) Well, I'm certainly a "potential terrorist".

    I'm a veteran, a Christian, a small-government conservative, and a gun owner.

    That is the very exact-same "profile" announced by Napolitanass.

  2. Crawfish,
    Good post as always. After reading this and all the other news my head feels like it is about to explode. It is almost unbelievable that we are ruled over by adolescents and that the rank and file Americans sit idly by and are clueless about this stuff. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss. 2013 can’t come fast enough when we begin the clean-up.

    When it gets cooler today, I’ll head to the range for some therapy then go have a cold one.

    America must decide if we are to be freemen or slaves. I choose freedom.

  3. (B) Obama would naturally think FDR was fiscally conservative.

    (C) The clip doesn't go far enough. I'd really like to see her squirm on that one...

    (D) Maher lost all credentials as a comedian long ago. He's just like the homosexuals inasmuch as the more he is ignored the more crass he reacts. He's not funny and he's damn sure proved he's not smart and I don't know why I wasted this much space and time on him.
    On to:

    (E) As was the debt crisis "unexpected". What was expected??

    (F) Sen. Harkin is parroting Pelosi's "astroturf" comparisom.

    (I) "Cooperate" That is the word. The communists used it. And if you didn't "cooperate" with them, you were a reactionary and sent to a re-education camp Or Shot. Or both.

    (K) So what happened to the BBA in '97??

    (L) "Unexpected"... Yeah.. Where've I heard that before????

    (M) I believe it was Goebbels line. But Goebbels got his schooling in propaganda from...Damn, cant remember the name but a protege of Woodrow's....

    (N) Yeah and they really do need a civilian security force as well armed, as well trained and as well equipped as the military.
    uh... for what????

    (P) Treason, pure and simply arming our enemies is treason.
    So nothing should be done to the perpetrators of this act of war against the United States of America until after Zero is out of office to avoid mass pardons. Twenty twelve is well within the statute of limitations...

    (Q) So many exemptions. Some folks skate while the rest of us have to buy coverage. Or face a fine.. Kinda reminds me of Animal Farm where some pigs were more equal than other pigs.

    (R) The folks of Mass. put up with it, then they deserve it.

    (S) In '12 Boehner should be sent home. He is a RINO trying to sound like a conservative to save his job but when he gets to his job all his RINO instincts come out...

    (W) West definitely doesn't cower from the bullies.
    Now watch the RINOs come out wanting him to apologize...

    (Y) Ya' gotta admit Texas has had some colorful public figures...from Judge Roy Bean on down through "Landslide" Lyndon.

    By the way, Niccolo Machiavelli was right. Stupid annoints stupidity. Check out Zero. No ambitious politician would have anyone smarter than himself for an advisor. He would be afraid that person might become as ambitious as he and create a coup....

  4. Craw,

    Good wrap-up. I was glad to see that the Devil Dog will be awarded the MOH. Too bad he does not have a real President to award it to him.

    When I saw tha video of King Putz yapping about FDR, I almost had a coronary LMMFAO!

  5. Brian,
    you forgot to mention that you are definitely a cracker!

  6. Buck,
    B) FDR was conservative when compared to Barry.
    C) She isn't worth the megabytes
    D) He was a comedian?
    E) The media and the left keep expecting a miraculous recovery.
    F) Too much shine and senility.
    I) Cooperate or bipartisan...means do what THEY want and F to the conservative voters.
    K) Did not pass.
    L) back in E)
    M) Goebbels is sometimes credited, and Lenin is as well, but no direct attribution.
    N) Their new version of the SA.
    P) Pardons will flow in January of 2013, and there's not a damned thing we can do about it.
    Q) Snowball the pig....
    R) The feds should step in and check all records. Any illegals need to be tracked down and removed from our soil.
    S) The people of his district will keep him, since they have the prestige of being the Speaker's district.
    W) And he needs to tell them all to pack sand.
    Y) F LBJ. He was an EMBARRASSMENT to Texas!
    He surrounds himself with idiots so HE looks smart...or so he believes.

  7. Gunny,
    using perverse logis, FDR WAS a conservative...but only when compared to Sultan Bu'raq bin al-Obama.

  8. Hardnox,
    I haven't been to the range in years. Mrs. Crawfish shot for score last weekend in a CHL class, after not going to the range in almost a year. 229 of 250

  9. LOL, Craw!

    Yep! That's me, clinging to my guns, God and...

    what was the rest of it?

    I forgot what else President Douchebag said.

    Guitars? At least that would be three Gs.

  10. PS.

    What do you mean you haven't been to the range in years? You stopped shooting?

  11. Crawfish,
    Kudos to your lovely wife. Well done!

  12. (P) If there are no indictments until after Zero is out of office then he can't issue a pardon.

    (S) But he may not be reelected speaker next time. Anyway he's a crypto RINO and needs to go.

  13. Brain,
    Guns, God, and....was it gasoline? He IS trying to take away all three.

  14. Brian,
    We didn't have any non-blade weaponry in the house until we finally got Mrs. Crawfish a S&W M&P .40 a couple of years ago. Now I also have the M-1 Carbine that I retrieved from my parents' house, along with a couple of varmint rifles.
    The only range time I got in the Navy was 10 minutes in boot camp, a day of pistol quals at NAS Jacksonville, and a couple of days out at Camp Blanding, where we blasted off our squadron's yearly ammo allotment before we decomm'd the squadron.....9mm pistols, M240s, and GAU-16s. Love the .50!!!!!

  15. Oh...and as far as blades go, we've got over 20 swords, plus knives and daggers. Someone tries to break in here, and they will meet a silent death.

  16. Hardnox,
    she surprised herself. Most of her misses (non-5s) were at the mid-range.

  17. Buck,
    P) He can issue a pardon without an indictment. Most pardons come either before the actual indictment or well after the conviction. It is not good form to issue one during the criminal proceedings. Ford's pardon of Nixon came before any charges. He can issue pardons on particular incidents or a blanket pardon for everything someone did during a time period.
    S) The peeps in his district think he will remain Speaker. The GOP establishment wants him there. It will take a minor revolution to replace him, but that's not happening until 2013 anyway.

  18. Any time you're in SoCal, let me know. We'll have a Range Day.

  19. N) Gee whiz, I am senior citizen, a white, a vet, I "cling" to my Bible, and I own over 35 weapons (and I am not counting the excellent knives I own, including my USAF survival knife). Now in my favor , I will admit that 5 of the long guns and 3 of the handguns are muzzleloaders of various calibers from .38 to .69. And three of the weapons are over 100 years old (my grandfather's .32-20 rifle and pistol still shoot as well as when he bought them in 1911).

    I guess I am on someones's "watch list" some where, probably Janet Incompitano’s Department of Homeland Insecurity.

    O) I keep striking out. I celebrated the 4th of July big time.

    P) Agreed!

    W) Any office that LTC West wants to run for, I will vote for him. He brings honor to our country.

    Another good edition Crawfish!

  20. Ghost,
    N) You are evil and must be stopped!
    O) Proving that you are a conservative, see N)!!!!
    P) How can we bring these people to justice? They will all be showered with pardons in January 2013.
    W) Honor that is sorely needed.

  21. Good stuff,and comments. Not a hell of a lot I can add. Was out at the airport most of the weekend,watching the USN Flight Demonstration Squadron. AKA The Blue Angels. What's not to like about high-performance aircraft?

  22. Wait! Regarding N), are you saying you and GunnyG are aspiring to be tyrants so therefore you self-report???

    Watch your syntax (to be distinguished from sin tax), my friend!


  23. Clyde,
    I've seen the Blues a buncha times, and never get tired of 'em.

  24. Interface,
    we self-reported as being opposed to Obamacare, which made us enemies of the Administration.


I welcome your comments, but beware that I do review them before allowing them to be seen. While I allow opposing points of view, I discard stoooopidity and trollish comments.