Friday, February 26, 2010

2-26-2010 Addendum

The Fort Worth 9-12 Project folks just brought this speech by Rick Perry to my attention. The first sentence of the 11th paragraph makes him an enemy of our state and our nation. Seriously, the only reason to vote for him now is because he is STILL a much better choice than the liberal Dim-ocrat former Mayor of Houston. I still wish Debra Medina could force him into a runoff without Kay Bailey Hutchinson.


  1. As I pointed out on the same post of Facebook:
    I usually get very upset when the lefties take a sentence out of contest and blow it up on the front page of a paper (usually the LA or NY Times).
    In this case I think we have the same issue and I find it disturbing as the 9-12 movement should be about integrity above all. The Governor said:

    "President Fox’s vision ...for an open border is a vision I embrace, as long
    as we demonstrate the will to address the obstacles to it. An open... See More
    border means poverty has given way to opportunity, and Mexico’s citizens
    do not feel compelled to cross the border to find that opportunity."

    It is very clear by reading the article that open borders for commerce do not mean open borders for illegal immigration.

    Dispersing false information doesn't help in getting the system better.

  2. MadItalian,
    Vincente Fox wanted a full open border and no such thing as illegal immigration. He made that point time after time, so if Rick Perry embraces Fox's vision, then he embraces a fully open border. I hope he has grown up since 2001.

  3. On the Perry race: the real mystery is why Kay B. thought she could whip him and give up a safe Pub seat in the Senate. That was inane. As to other races, my new blog up has a look at many races to watch for Nov. Take a look claw. Hope all is settled in with job, health friend.

  4. Here is the full text of the first 4 sentences of the 11th paragraph of the speech. "President Fox’s vision for an open border is a vision I embrace, as long as we demonstrate the will to address the obstacles to it. An open border means poverty has given way to opportunity, and Mexico’s citizens do not feel compelled to cross the border to find that opportunity. It means we have addressed pollution concerns, made substantial progress in stopping the spread of disease, and rid our crossings of illicit drug smuggling activity. Clearly we have a long way to go in addressing those issues."

    It is not fair to cut a sentence into parts in order to show what you want the sentence to say. Take the entire comment for what it is. Is there anyone in Texas who would not prefer wholly open borders with Mexico If ALL THE PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED? That is what Rick Perry said he wants and it is what I want. We may not see it in our lifetimes, and in the meantime, we should continue to find, detain, deport and stifle furthing incursions into our state by foreign nationals who enter illegally.

  5. Koons,
    Now that she's not going to be in the final race for Gov, maybe she'll stay in the Senate.

  6. Adjuster,
    He didn't say anything about illegal immigration, which Fox supported. As for Mexico's poverty, that will never change as long as the corruption and drug cartels make Chicago look honest and safe.

  7. What the heck did you expect? Perry is out of the Bush camp. And Bush, remember, insulted every hard working American by saying the wetbacks were just here to do jobs, " American will do." What an EFFING insult! And Perry is cut from the same cloth.

  8. Buck,
    sort of....the Bushes have clashed a few times with Perry since they left Austin.

  9. Crawfish, I am with you. What Perry is saying is an "Open Border". In a "perfect" world that might be OK. But we don't have a "perfect" world. I want the border with Mexico closed and no illegal immigration.

    This affects every other state in the union, so even though I can't vote in the Texas elections it affects me in Mississippi. (However, you have a point in your next-to-the-last sentence.)

  10. Ghost,
    the goal of free trade across the border is laudible, but immigration must be controlled and with large sections of Mexico currently overrun by the drug cartels (especially the areas just across the Rio Grande from Texas), it is a non-starter.


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