The Crawfish and his family wish all of my readers a very Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah, with this reminder. Nativity scenes and Menorahs are completely welcome on all state and local government lands according to the Constitution. It is just liberal activist judges who don’t understand that state and local governments are NOT Congress and are not making federal laws by putting up such scenes. Those judges have never actually read the “establishment clause” or the 10th Amendment.
For those who are questioning why The Crawfish didn’t wish a happy kwanza, it is because kwanza is a “holiday” that was made up by a black separatist for the expressed purpose of getting American blacks to stop celebrating the white man’s religion and its holiday.
A) The Psychotic Midget with the Funky Hair and High Heels is dead. His youngest son, Kim Jong-Un is the designated successor, but he is only in his mid to late 20s (most guesses are 27) and has only been being groomed for the job for about a year. He isn’t ready for the job, so the current speculation is that his uncle will be the behind-the-scenes leader, making most of the real decisions, for a few years. Kim Jong-Un has already hacked off many of his military commanders, as he was promoted to 4-star general this past year, even though he has never served in the military. Could this be the first break between the Kim family and the military, and could it eventually lead to a coup?
B) In response to the death of the NorK dictator, the now 2nd worst President in American history sent an interesting message according to the Korean Central News Agency: “In the message Jimmy Carter extended condolences to Kim Jong Un and the Korean people over the demise of leader Kim Jong Il. He wished Kim Jong Un every success as he assumes his new responsibility of leadership, looking forward to another visit to [North Korea] in the future.” Yes, he wished EVERY SUCCESS to the new dictator. James Earl Carter is more of an anti-American embarrassment to the United States Naval Academy than John Sidney McCain III.
C) Here’s something interesting. The newest speculation is that Condoleeza Rice is positioning herself as a possible VP nominee no matter who wins the GOP Presidential nomination. That would immediately nullify the Democrats’ race card. If that were to be combined with John Bolton as SecState, the next Administration would be top notch in foreign policy.
D) While we’re considering foreign policy, any Republican (with the exception of Ron Paul) would be smart enough to NOT make this quote: “Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That's critical.” That came from our esteemed Vice President, Joe Biden. Joe, just like the rest of this Administration, does not believe that any Islamic terrorist group can be an enemy of the United States. In fact, they do not believe that there is such a thing as Islamic terrorism. They just believe in terrorism committed by individual “extremists”, mostly American veterans, Christians, conservatives, and heterosexuals. In fact, it is now the OFFICIAL position of the Obama Administration and the Useless Nations that criticism of Islam and Islamic terrorism should itself be a crime. Is there any doubt which side of this war, which Islam declared on the rest of the world over 1300 years ago, this Administration is on?
E) King Barry and Dingy Harry were screaming about how the GOP was refusing to vote on their “Kick the Can Down the Road, Because This is ALL About Politics” Bill, but ABC News is reporting that the two-month extension in the payroll taxes is impossible to properly implement for businesses. Even with this ammunition in their magazine, John Boehner and the House leadership caved in to the demands of Obama, just like they did on the debt deal and the other deals this year. Boehner is a complete joke of a “leader”. He talks a good game, but when the chips are down he grabs his ankles.
F) Dingy Harry Reid even chastised Boehner and the GOP freshmen with this statement: “I hope this Congress has had a very good learning experience, especially those who are newer to this body. It seems that everything we’ve done this past year has been a knock-down, drag-out fight. There is no reason to do that.” In other words: “Do NOT fight against the Democrats or we will beat you down in the press and make your leadership collapse again. If you stand for the Constitution, you will be vilified as an extremist who hates the American leeches….er, people.” There would be no drag-out fights if the Democrats would simply abide by the Constitution.
G) Bob Dole endorsed Mittens last week. Wait, Bob Dole is alive? Who knew and who cared? It looks like the GOP establishment is grasping at straws to do everything they can to prevent any actual conservatives from getting the nomination.
H) In related news, here’s a big shocker for ya. George H. W. Bush has endorsed Mitt Romney for the GOP nomination. Imagine that. A northeast yankee (the Bush family is from Maine, not Texas) Ivy League liberal blueblood country club elitist establishment Republican endorses a northeast yankee Ivy League liberal blueblood country club elitist establishment Republican. Did you really expect him to endorse a conservative?
I) Eric Holder has been under fire for his role in the Gunrunner/Fast and Furious scandal, his refusal to prosecute Black Panthers for voter intimidation that was caught on video, and for saying that his Injustice Department would not prosecute blacks in civil rights cases. In the face of this criticism, and his history dating back to the Clinton Administration, he has only one defense. His critics, and those of Barack Obama are raaaaacists! That use of the race card is nothing new for Holder and his Massah. It was used every single time something negative was said regarding Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign and the whole of 2009. Since we are entering yet another Presidential campaign (well, Obama’s campaign for 2012 started in December of 2008), we can expect to see it time and again over the next 11 months ( like this one) since the Democrats have no other defense for the actions of Obama and Holder. Representative Allen West has had enough of the Democrat Race Card and is calling them out on it.
J) The Washington Examiner posts a story about the double standard that Ron Paul and his supporters put forth, and of course the Paulbots go nuts in the comments section. Too bad they cannot factually refute a single bit of the story.
K) Check this out. Ron Paul now says that Bradley Manning, an American traitor and homosexual scumbag, should be seen as a “political hero” and a “true patriot” for his actions in giving military secrets to Wikileaks. Yes, giving out military secrets during a time of war is heroic and patriotic, according to the most anti-American military candidate in the history of the Republican Party.
L) Ron Paul has been busy disavowing much of the content of his old newsletters, but according to his spokesperson anything written regarding those newsletters that includes his signature is endorsed by Paul. So when he sent out solicitation letters with his signature, and those note coming race wars, federal cover-ups of homosexuality, and claims that the reason for changing the colors of our currency was so the government could track people with the new money, that means those are his official positions. Gawd, is that man ever screwed up. By the way, The Crawfish doesn’t believe any of his denials of the content of his newsletters. All of that vile anti-semetic and racist content was approved by him before publication.
M) Y’all remember Cynthia McKinney, right? She is the anti-American former Congresscritter from Jawja who was so far to the left that Barack Obama looks conservative in comparison. She supported Hamas, even helping Hamas attempt to break through Israeli blockades to give aid to Hamas in Gaza while still serving in Congress. She was the Presidential candidate for the Green Party a few years ago, supporting lifelong welfare at a “living wage” for anybody who was too lazy to get a job, even if they were completely mentally and physically able to work. Of course, McKinney’s definition of mental competency is highly questionable. She was eventually replaced in Congress by a guy who is such an idiot as to believe that if the US stations more Marines on Guam it might cause the island to tip over and sink. So where am I going with this? RON PAUL ENDORSED MCKINNEY back in 2008!
N) The Crawfish has found a good place for Congress to show that they are serious about spending reduction. Although it would be mostly paid for by the slaves…er, PEOPLE of California, the California high speed rail project has already tripled in cost before a single shovel has hit the dirt. In 2008, the state’s government promised that the project would cost $33 billion. The projection is already up to $99 billion, and we all know that once the unions get involved the cost will at least double again and the timetable will be extended by 50%. Of course, the Obama Administration wants the project to proceed.
O) That’s just the tip of the iceberg, as we all know. Senator Coburn of Oklahoma has released his “Wastebook 2011” with a ton of ways the government has thrown our hard-earned tax dollars into the rubbish bin. Will somebody explain why we are spending millions to help mango production in Pakistan?
P) Here’s more spending that needs to be chopped. If this story does not piss you off, you must be an Obama supporter. Send the damned bill for this to the First Grifter!
Q) Normally I am supportive of soccer referees, since I used to be one. In this story, however, the referee completely blew it. The goalkeeper should have kicked that drunken attacker into unconsciousness.
R) Here is your Laughable Statement of the Year Award winner for 2011: “I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president — with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln — just in terms of what we’ve gotten done in modern history.” Yes, Barack Obama thinks he is the 4th greatest President in history, and ranks the 3rd worst (LBJ) as one of the 3 ahead of him. Sorry Your Majesty, but the three WORST Presidents in our nation’s history are YOU, James Earl Carter, and Lyndon Baines Johnson.
"[A] wise and frugal government ... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." --Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801
The Constitution of the United States
Follow me on Facebook.
First off,Merry Christmas to you and the family,and all the folks who come here. Onto the reindeer poop:
ReplyDeleteA)The dogeater is in his rightful place,along with ol'Dead Ted and the other GOOD communists.As far as the future of the NorKs,time will tell. You'd think they would want to be in the 21st century before it ends.
B)Well,if REPRESSION and starvation of your population is how Jimmuh measures success,I'd say Il did his people well,and the nut hopefully fell far enough away from the tree.
C)Don't bet on it.
D)Wow. Can you spell "stunningly stupid"?
E)Piss on Boehner. My damn dogs lead better than this putz. Hey,Ohioans,PRIMARY this cluck OUT. Do us a favor,eh?
F)Ain't a gonna happen. Dhimmis care not about the Constitution. Seems as if not many R's do,either.
G)Here is a PRIME example of why the conservatives will NEVER be allowed to hold sway in the GOP.Who cares about who Dole endorses. Not I said Dick the Duck.
H)See G). Double.
I)Man,what stunning ignorance. Good for Rep.West. About time SOMEONE with some street cred called them on it. Now,for the REST of the COWARDS.....
J)Yep. No question.
K)Strike Three. Yer OUT.
L)I wonder if Rep.Paul and his supporters think the OLDM will give him a pass if he wins nomination. Not likely.
M)Final nail. ANYONE who would endorse THAT lunatic has some serious issues.Am I being redundant?
N)Figures. The light rail proposed for the Woodward Ave corridor here in Detruit has been scrapped for... wait for it... BUSSES.At about a third of the cost.
O)Now I like IHOP. BUT,they have their OWN money to build facilities with.Where are the "corporate welfare" screech monkeys on this one?
P)You now understand the term "living n!&&@r rich".
Q) Don't like soccer. That was a HORRIBLE call,however. Had it been Goalie Clyde,this MORON would have been picking up HIS balls out of the net at the other end of the field.
R) Good frickin' grief.
Again,Merry Christmas. Hope Santa brings you a new job!!!
(A) I've already heard speculation there will be a coup in Ponyang not too long from now.
ReplyDelete(B) Roger that.
(C) But the problem is Rice, for all her brilliance, is still an establishment figure.
(D) I can understand Zero's backing of islam. After all he is a muslim and we all know it. But Catholic Biden is a traitor to his country and his religion.
(E) The fresh new congressmen better not vote for Boehner for speaker again. He has proven himself a house republican.
(G) I still say we are going to have to scrap the GOP sooner or later. They are about as different as a sorrel horse and a bay horse.
(H) Yep they are going to try to cram another RINO down our throats again this cycle. If they lose again will they learn anything or do they really care so long as they get to sit at the table?
(I) Didn't they ever hear the story of the little boy who cried wolf??
(J) Paulbots remind me a little of the Ayatollah Khomeni's fans falling on his coffin in the grave wanting to be buried alive with him.
(K) Sooner or later Ron Paul will have managed to piss everyone off except his small, vociferous apostles.
(M) The pair don't say too much for the voters of their district, now do they?
(O) Better yet just please explain why we are sending ANY money to Pakistan since they refuse to aid in our war against the taliban.
(P) She may not like America but the bitch sure loves to spend Americans' hard earned tax dollars.
(Q) The doctor told me not to do anything that would overly excite me. I thought about watching soccer or watching the dust settle on the tv. But the doctor said not to do anything that might overexcite me. So I watched soccer.
(R) Good ol' "Landslide" Lyndon. Onetime biggest crook in Washington but Zero makes him look like an amateur.
E) Yep. The PSP (Perpetually Stupid Party) does it again. Another great example of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They have an uncanny ability to do just that. Again and again.
ReplyDeleteMAN! The GOP needs some new blood!
G) Well, there are very few real "conservatives" on that stage. As far as I can see, it's Santorum and Bachmann. Natch, the Establishment GOP drones aren't promoting them at all.
Interesting it was Dole. He's NEVER been a conservative, so I'm not sure why (or if) you're surpised.
I) Well, you just KNEW that was coming. "I'm black, and you don't like my policies?...RAAAAACIST!"
As predictable as the sun coming up in the east. Y'know, you can't win with race pimps. Unless the subject is a conservative minority. Funny how all the trumped up criticism of Clarence Thomas wasn't somehow "racist".
But then... he's conservative. He's not REALLY black.
As to all the Ron Paul items: He's crazier than a sh*thouse mouse. 'Nuff said.
ReplyDeleteGreat round up.
The Virginia GOP is keeping Perry and Newt off of their primary ballot. Only Mittens and Kook Paul on it. The elites are doing everything they can to pull Mittens.
As I said on my blog, we're doomed. Obama is out of control, the DNC is full commie mode, and the RNC can't find their balls.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas. Hopefully your first post of the New Year will be more cheery. Hopefully.
ReplyDeleteA) Considering that in the 20th century they regressed to the 19th century in everything except military development.....
B) With that much repression, the populace is bound to eventually turn on the regime, especially since many of the lower ranking officers are from the repressed class.
C) I'm not betting on it, since the GOP establishment would never let such a strong conservative into the Veep slot.
D) Not stupid. That is all part of the Soros-Obama plan.
E) So does my 4 month old dachshund. He needs to be primaried out.
F) The freshmen seem to, but not many of those who have been there more than a full term.
G & H) Showing the true colors of the GOP. Pale pastels compared to Reagan's bold colors.
I) I'm starting to think that West is the designated attack dog for the freshmen. Not only can he make the calls eloquently, or directly as the case may be, but he is also man enough and solid in his beliefs to take the counterattacks and defeat them. He is setting himself up for 2016.
J) If any columnist says something negative about Paul, his supporters go bananas. Anybody who disagrees with their Messiah is an anti-American and anti_constitutional, no matter what facts are brought to the table.
K) He hit strike three years ago.
L) On top of that, if Paul was President do you think anybody in either house of Congress would support him? They would override his veto of the defense budget in a heartbeat.
M) No, you're not being redundant. It is just that no matter how many time you put forth FACTS showing that Paul is a loony, the Paulbots won't believe them. It is YOU who has the problem.
N) Besides, the busses go slower so it is easier to graffiti them.
O) They're busy defending Ron Paul's lunacy.
P) They are soaking up every benefit and perq that they can find.
Q) Did I mention that I used to be a goalkeeper as well? I'd have stomped his nads into the dirt.
R) Delusions of adequacy?
ReplyDeleteGood post as I am just now catching up. Nothing to add to what hasn't been already said.
I hope that all at Casa Crawfish had a wonderful Christmas.
ReplyDeleteA) "Ponyang"? Like it!
B) One of Rickover's boys....
C) Yes, but she has shown before that the establishment won't contain her.
D) Being Catholic and being a Democrat are mutually exclusive.
E) Nah, he has proven himself a ball-less dim bulb.
G) American Tradition Party, anyone? I reposted that 2008 party platform at the other site.
H) As long as they get to go to the social gatherings and are liked by the media...
I) Yes, but the boy didn't have the mainstream media hyping him
J) Boy am I glad I had set down the Mr. Pibb before I read that one.
K) And except the Democrats, who love every minute of his blatherings, especially if he contemplates another 3rd party run
M) Union teachers have done such a good job for the blacks of Jawja...
O) Only because we try to bolster their military so they don't give their nukes to the Islamists
P) Stealing from whitey, just like her kin in the hood.
Q) Those of us who have played the game are not amused. A 0-0 soccer game still has a lot more action than most baseball games.
R) LBJ's Great Society made our entitlement class, but Obamacare is gonna put it on steroids
ReplyDeleteE) The GOP leadership is too concerned with their places in the DC social circuit. Nominating someone with Constitutional principles will get them kicked out.
G) The only thing that surprised me was that Dole is still alive. Why would anyone think an endorsement from him would be a positive thing.
I) Thomas is the Uncle Tom, even though Obama and Holder are only halfricans.
The only thing nuttier than Paul is one of his devotees.
ReplyDeleteIf a candidate can get over 10% of the vote in any primary before another state's primary, they should automatically be on the ballot. The national GOP does need to take control of the primary process. F all this bickering by Iowa, NH, and SC. Why should Iowa have that much power? Make the first primary day be in states totalling 15% of all national delegates. The lowest candidate is dropped. 2nd primary date another 15%. Drop another 1 or 2 candidates. 3rd date 20%. Drop all but the top 3. Final primary date is the remaining 50%. If there is no clear victor, it goes to the convention. Oh, and delegates won by the dropped candidates are held by those candidates until the convention.
ReplyDeletewellllll...I will make a special anti-Paul post on Wednesday, then another regular post on New Year's Eve. Maybe I will have some good news by the first weekend of 2012, especially on the job front.
ReplyDeletethose who got gifts at Casa Crustacean were quite happy. Momma didn't expect anything, since she got another weapon right before I got laid off, as did the youngest. Those counted as main gifts for this year. Oldest is gonna get her main gift when Momma returns from her current deployment to Sicily. Both kids were elated and surprised to find an XBox 360 wrapped up.
(Q) My uncle timed it once. From pitch to pitch it is still a faster game than football.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I prefer watching world chess matches over baseball.
more exciting
Breaking: Patriot Missiles Seized, Sold To China by Israel
Are you going to publish my comments, Mr. Crawstein?
Let's see what you do.
Let's see what kind of "patriot" you are.
ReplyDeletefirst of all, your story has a ton of errors, and does not come from any kind of credible news organization. It looks like it was written by Ron Paul's people.
Secondly, my name has no "stein" in it anywhere. I'm not Jewish or of Jewish heritage.
Third, your other comment was deleted, as I do not allow personal attack comments nor comments calling out the writers of this blog.
Fourth, I do believe my 20 years of honorable service show me to be quite a patriot compared to someone like you who is probably still living in mommy's basement.
You are the weakest link. Goodbye.
Oh, and here's an update. I read down into the comments and found a link to the true information on those Patriot missiles. They were GERMAN, not Israeli, and they were being shipped to SOUTH KOREA, not China. Once again, the anti-semite Paulbots are caught in a lie.
ReplyDeleteCraw, that fake conservative writes a LOT like the troll who used to haunt my original blog. Same kind of screen name, too.
ReplyDeleteI thought I recognized him. It is quite funny that this fake news story of his included links to the actual true events. I've never heard of his news source, Looks like another crackpot group, which means Paulbots call it home (well, their homes are usually in the basements of their mommy's houses).
Yeah. The best lies always have elements of truth; that makes them easier to believe.
ReplyDeleteOf course, you can find anything on the web. Believe the earth is flat? You can find plenty of sites assuring you that you're right.
Just because it's on the web don't make it true.