Well, Mrs. Crawfish is now home so my mental condition is a bit better. A trip to Scarborough Faire has also put me in a better mood. Now let’s see what the past week has given us.
The first of the three military trials for the Navy SEALs who gave a split lip to a terrorist who murdered 4 Blackwater Security personnel is over. Petty Officer First Class Julio Huertas was found not guilty on charges of dereliction of duty and attempting to influence the testimony of another Sailor. Of course, this should never have gone to trial and the tango should have been executed for his crimes on the spot. The next day, Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe was also found not guilty. ‘Tis a good week!
Arizona’s Governor signed the anti-illegal immigrant bill into law on Friday, making it possible for police officers in that state to check to see if people who act like non-drybacks are in fact non-drybacks. The reaction of His Eminence Sultan Bu’raq al Obama was very predictable. He called people who wish to enforce our immigration laws “misguided” and said laws such as the one in Arizona “undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans.” Uh…nooooooo….it shows that we cherish living fairly under the law. People who are here legally are welcome, but people who break into our house are not.
The Mexican government acted with outrage at the Arizona bill, with their Senate passing a resolution calling for the legislation’s repeal and their Foreign Ministry issuing a Travel Warning stating “there is a negative political environment for migrant communities and for all Mexican visitors.” So what exactly is the difference between the Arizona law and how Mexico treats foreign visitors and immigrants? Do they allow just anybody to work or live in their country? Of course not! Just ask anybody trying to cross their southern border illegally if they are freely allowed to do so.
“It is absolutely reminiscent of second class status of Jews in Germany prior to World War II when they had to have their papers with them at all times and were subject to routine inspections at the suspicion of being Jewish.” Such are the words of yet another brain-dead Democrat from Colorado. The moron doesn’t seem to understand that non-drybacks don’t even rate second-class citizen status. They are ILLEGALS and have exactly no rights whatsoever! Of course, he also seems to have the typical liberal hard time understanding that Nazis were leftist-statists and their actions mirror those of the Democrats much more than those of people who support the Constitution of the United States.
In response to the new law, non-dryback supporters rioted in Arizona. The Obama Administration immediately asked the rioters if they were, in fact, Tea Party terrorists, since we all know that leftists never riot and Tea Partiers are riot-prone.
Since she opposes the new law in Arizona, Homeland Security Ditz Napolitano was asked if the southern border was secure. She called the question “unfair”, which goes to show that she has no idea what her job is.
Claw contributor “Dennis” sends us this reminder of who the top 5 perps are in the great hoax known as Man –made Glo-Bull Warming. On a related note, Mrs. Crawfish pulled down an old bumper sticker from our garage wall when we painted the garage this past weekend. It said “AL GORE IS A RISKY SCHEME!”
So far this year, the City of Chicago has seen over 113 murders. That figure is so high that a couple of State Representatives are calling for the Governor to deploy the National Guard on the streets to quell the violence. Imagine what those guys would do if Chicago had the same murder rates as say…N’awlins, Detrut, or Filthadelphia.
One of The Chosen One’s favorite people, ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis spoke at a meeting of the Young Democrat Socialists, the American youth branch of Socialist International. Not only did the ignorant “community organizer” praise socialism, but she called the Tea Party Movement a “bowel movement” and continued the mantra of all Tea Party groups and all opposition to Obama and the socialists being based upon racism. Sorry, but we are in opposition to the leaches of society, out of control spending, and all things anti-Constitutional. The only reason that this puts us in opposition to most of black America is because most of black America supports being leaches and socialists.
His Majesty King Barack I has been breaking his promises from his campaign at a dizzying pace, but when asked about actually KEEPING some of his promises regarding taxes, he responds that the questioner is playing an “old Washington game.” No, ya jerk, they are wondering if the chief law enforcement officer and executive officer of our nation’s word is worth a warm bucket of spit or if he will lie repeatedly just to get himself and his allies elected.
Goverrnment Motors has pulled an Obama in their latest ad campaign. They are proclaiming their greatness in repaying their bailout money years early, when in reality they paid that “loan” off with other government bailout money. That’s kinda like bragging about paying off your MasterCard, when you used your Discover Card to do it. In other words…a lie.
At least the gummint is doing SOMETHING right this year. One of the stamps coming out this year will honor famed cartoonist and friend of the lowly GI, Bill Mauldin.
Former Corruptionois Guvna Blago’s defense team has asked for President Obama to be subpoenaed for his trial. The subpoena request was supposed to be heavily redacted, but some in the Chicago press found a way to read the redacted parts, and they are quite interesting! If the GOP wins the House this fall, this bit of news could lead to possible impeachment proceedings.
A candidate for the office of Governor in Alabama has it right. Tim James said “This is Alabama; we speak English. If you want to live here, learn it!” He vows to stop administering drivers license tests in languages other than English. That only makes sense, since all traffic signs are in English and the cops, for the most part, also only speak English. Liberals, of course, are beside themselves in anger over this blatant raaaaaaaacism. The Crawfish would go a step further. If I was elected Governor of Texas, all voting ballots would be in English only. Some say that this would be a violation of the Voting Rights Act or equal opportunity, but to vote one must be a citizen, and to become a citizen one must pass an English proficiency exam, and this means that all people who are legal to vote can speak English. Case closed.
Speaking of REAL racism, how come THIS story didn’t make national headlines? When REAL public racism is seen in public, you should note that the person displaying the racism is usually a liberal.
Obama’s Navy Secretary, Ray Mabus, really stepped in it this time. Until now, the amphibious assault ships of the SAN ANTONIO-class have been named after American cities. Mabus has announced that the next ship in that class will be named after now-dead Congresscritter John Murtha. Putting Marines aboard a ship named for Murtha is like putting an all-black crew aboard a ship named for a Grand Wizard of the KKK.
It really is amazing how Supreme Court Justices are too caught up in their lofty status to be able to understand simple phrases in the English language. The first 16 words of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States read “CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW (emphasis mine) respecting an establishment of religion; or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”. This week, the Supremes decided that a cross in the Mojave Desert placed as a WW1 war memorial in 1934 is not unConstitutional. The troubling parts of the decision are that this came down to a 5-4 decision and that that none of the Justices seemed to take into account that placing a cross on public property is not the same thing as Congress making a law. Since this had nothing to do with Congress making a law, the First Amendment was never legally a question.
If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at CrawfishsClaw@yahoo.com and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.
"Freedom- no word was ever spoken that has held out greater hope, demanded greater sacrifice, needed to be nurtured, blessed more the giver, damned more its destroyers, or come closer to being God’s will on earth, and I think that’s worth fighting for if necessary." – General of the Army Omar N. Bradley