Another weird week has passed, in the political world and in the weather around the country. Even Casa Crustacean saw today’s high temperature a whole 30 degrees colder than yesterday. We only got up to 50 today.
A) A Clinton-appointed federal judge is telling students in Arizona to sue their school districts because they have removed La Raza studies, instituted under direction of the Clinton White House, in accordance with state law. The judge is telling the students that this violates their 1st Amendment rights. Really? Advocating that large parts of the USA rightfully belong to Mexico and causing racial strife is the goal of La Raza (“The Race”, itself a racist statement), so the state is correct in saying that this advocacy should be banned from schools supported by taxpayer dollars.
B) Let’s go back to last week for a moment. The big controversy over some Marines urinating on dead terrorists is still going strong, but let’s look at it in a different way, shall we? If you wiz on a crucifix and put it in a jar of urine, you are an artist exercising your First Amendment rights and are celebrated by the American media and the Democratic Party. If you cover a painting of the Virgin Mary in elephant crrrap, you are an artist exercising your First Amendment rights and are celebrated by the American media and the Democratic Party. If you urinate and defecate all over a public park and on police cars, you are a principled member of the 99% protesting against the evil of a world that isn’t yet socialist, and you are celebrated by the American media and the Democratic Party. If you urinate on the body of a dead Islamic terrorist, you are evil incarnate and vilified by the American media and the Democratic Party. Welcome to Bizarro World.
C) I know that y’all will find this absolutely shocking, but Barack Obama is going to break the law. He flat out said to both Houses of Congress that he will indeed break federal law and give missile technology to the Soviet Unio…er, Russia, who will then pass along the information to Iran, China, and North Korea. So, which side is he on again?
D) The Malignant Dwarf is at it again. Dennis Kucinich, who is perhaps the only member of Congress that is nuttier than Ron Paul and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, is reviving the Gas Price Spike Act, which would put a government board in charge of deciding what prices and profits are “fair” in the oil and gas bidness. Ed Morrissey explains in this article how the two top industries on the Democrat’s “Villain List”, oil and insurance, are not really as profitable as the liberals portray. Imagine that…liberals don’t have any clue on how businesses really operate. On top of that, who gets the most profits from gasoline sales? The federal government taxes gasoline at 18.4 cents per gallon, and diesel fuel at 24.4 cents per gallon. The states pile on with more taxes, averaging 28.6 cents per gallon in 2009, and some local governments get a penny or two as well. In January of 2011, the average tax on gasoline totaled 48.1 cents per gallon, with diesel at 53.1 cents per gallon. Yes, GOVERNMENT gets the most profit on gasoline and diesel, and they don’t have any expenses or perform any work to get that money.
E) Here’s something that hasn’t made it into the main stream media. According to the latest count, Rick Santorum was actually the winner in Iowa, and there are some votes that are still missing. Too bad this message is counter to what the media and the GOP establishment want you to know.
F) Just in case y’all didn’t know what the result would be from years of liberal indoctrination in the schools and liberal city governance, this story will show you the depths to which the mentality of Washington, DC, has fallen. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
G) Once again, while the Democrats and Eric Holder try to say that voter ID laws are raaaaacist and that voter fraud never happens, we have more evidence that voter fraud is a standard practice for the Democrats in Noo Yawk state. A leader of the Mississippi NAACP was convicted on voter fraud charges last year. Even Barack Obama’s own semi-home state of Corruptionois provides even more evidence, with sixteen counties having more registered voters than they have living voting age residents. Of course, we have always known that Illinois cemeteries are full of loyal Democrat voters.
H) Newsweek magazine isn’t even attempting to hide their bias now. Their cover story in the latest issue is written by Andrew Sullivan, the guy who tried for months to develop evidence for his smears against Sarah Palin, such as Trig being Bristol’s baby instead of Sarah’s. The title of his newest article, according to the mag’s cover, is “Why are Obama’s critics so dumb?” No wonder Newsweek was recently sold by the left wing Washington Post at a ridiculously low price of ONE DOLLAR. Then again, the buyer is the husband of Representative Jane Harmon (Donkey-California). This means that Newsweek is now the official “news magazine” (aka propaganda arm) of the Congressional Democrats.
I) The Keystone Pipeline is going to be killed. Hitlery! and her cabal in the State Department are recommending against it, even though the most recent legislation concerning the pipeline mandates that only Obama can make the decision…but since when do Democrats care what laws actually say. So Obama and the leadership of his party are going to listen to the environmental extremists instead of providing jobs and energy capacity for America. The Democrats are blaming Republicans, saying there haven’t been enough environmental studies to allow the project to continue on such short notice, even though they have had over three years to study it. They say the studies can’t be completed until after the election. It figures that Hitlery! would be involved, since it was her Administration that gave China military secrets and missile guidance technology in exchange for campaign donations. Why shouldn’t she be in favor of the Canadians routing the pipeline to west coast terminals owned by China?
J) President Obama concurred with the State Department and killed the pipeline, then had the audacity to say that extended unemployment benefits would provide more jobs than the pipeline. Huh? Keeping people unemployed provides more jobs than a project that the low-ball estimates say would create 200,000+ jobs? That echoes what Red Nanny P-Lousy has repeatedly said, which means it must be the official policy of the Democratic Party that the American people are so stooooopid as to believe that illogical nonsense.
K) Not only does the nonsense of keeping people unemployed as a job creation measure not make any sense, it is directly contrasted by the President’s own jobs council, which this week called for MORE oil pipeline construction and MORE drilling in order to spur job creation. The council notes that these are the positions of the House GOP, but that the Senate Democrats and President Obama have been blocking them.
L) The Obama Administration took another swipe at the American jobs market when they gave a billion dollar contract for Air Force light support aircraft to a Brazilian company with connections to China, George Soros, and Iran. The company that did NOT get the contract is the American company of Hawker-Beechcraft.
M) Microsoft is developing an app for smart phones, and this app has the NAACP’s knickers in a twist. The app would help drivers and pedestrians avoid high crime areas of cities. Since the black areas of all major cities are also the high crime areas, this is seen by the race pimps as raaaaacist. The Dallas NAACP leader will be “up in arms” if this app goes online, and is upset that it will guide people away from MLK Blvd. Well, since MLK Blvd in every city happens to be in a high crime area, the proper response would be for the NAACP to clean up their own neighborhoods!
N) The PC Police are at it again regarding school mascots. Over the past two decades innocuous names such as the Marquette Warriors have been changed because they were racially insensitive, even if they weren’t (all current and former members of the US military are WARRIORS!). Now comes another reason to nix a name. A Utah school board polled the future students of a high school that would be opening soon. The winning mascot name was “Cougars”, but the school board said that “Cougars” would be insensitive to women since that is also a term for a middle-aged woman who is sexually aggressive toward younger men. How many of those middle-aged women would be students? None, so there is no problem.
"[A] wise and frugal government ... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." --Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801
The Constitution of the United States
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The South Carolina primary - what a joke.
ReplyDeleteThey're already projecting the winner with three(3!) percent reporting.
No paper ballots, no paper trail.
What was it that Lenin said?
It those who COUNT the votes that matter?
Hey I have an idea - let's attack Iran!
Oh well. South Carolina IS the state that gave us Lindsey Graham.
Our little troll has once again proven his ignorance. Here's some information for ya, dumb-bass:
ReplyDeleteAll of the news services use exit polls, in which they interview people from precincts all around the state. They ask whom the person voted for, and all sorts of other questions. Combine that with a couple of actual vote totals from some precincts and they can usually call an election within a couple of percentage points. The fact that those news services are calling it a Newt win doesn't mean that the votes are not going to be counted. The actual vote count is the official result.
As for your idea, again you show your complete lack of brain cells. You are the weakest link. Goodbye.
C) Interesting that both Bat Ears and Zipper Clinton seem so intent on passing our technology around to our... "opponents". What is with those morons?
ReplyDeleteD) A great example of how "liberal" and "progressive" are both really terms for the new form of "socialism", and how that's a terrific counter to the argument lefties always raise when you call their ideology "socialism" that it doesn't meet the dictionary definition.
As we can see, it actually DOES.
E) Yeah, baby! But as you know, it actually has hit the headlines, apparently after you wrote this essay.
G) Whty is it only leftists who are opposed to voter ID laws?
THAT is really the salient issue to focus on. It really is self-explanatory. If they were playing the game by the rules, they'd actually have no problem with it.
Res ipsa loquitur.
H) Yep. Can you IMAGINE the hubris and arrogance involved in such a headline?
As a marketer for that rag -- regardless of my own point of view -- I'd be absolutely appalled that it made that kind of headline a showpiece.
Nothing like pissing off most of your potential customers, I always say!
The polls close.
ReplyDelete30 seconds later, the teevee declares a winner.
If you don't see something wrong with that picture, you're even stupider than I thought...dumb-ass.
ReplyDeleteC) Just proving that the Democratic Party is the enemy of the uSA.
D) Actually, it more fits fascism or national socialism, as it allows for private ownership of companies, but under heavy government controls.
E) It did hit the headlines, but not as much as it should have.
G) They keep proving our point. Besides, you have to have ID to cash your welfare check, so......
H) It boggles the mind.
Troll, you idiot. As I said, they use EXIT POLLS to figure out who they believe is the winner. The media declaration is just a PROJECTION, not an actual RESULT. If you are too damned stupid to understand that, then I am just gonna have to refuse to post any more of your idiocy.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, idiot, the initial PROJECTION looks to be holding true. In other words, their polling methods are quite accurate. With 86% now counted, your lunatic is cementing his spot in LAST PLACE, and Gingrich holds a 41-27 lead on Romney. Of course, these methods of predicting results are completely lost on the politically ignorant.
ReplyDeleteHey troll,
ReplyDelete100% of the precincts reporting, and the projections were right on the money.
Gingrich 41%
Romney 27%
Santorum 17%
Your Messiah 13%
Looks like the people of South Carolina can recognize a foreign policy lunatic when they see one.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff, in the usual "I can't believe half of this shit really happens" way.
I guess you and I won't be working on that pipeline, huh?
You're too nice to this troll. HEY,ASSWIPE,there is NO reference in this post to the damn SC primary.Try IOWA,moron. What,you too fukkin' stupid to not have READ the post before commenting? Troll,three words: STAY ON TOPIC. Onto the heap:
ReplyDeleteA)Guess this "judge" forgot about a little thing called the 10th Amendment.
B)Wonder if the Marines had tossed a flag on the room-temperature sheephumpers BEFORE the baptism if the left would have had such a hissy fit?
C)Hell,we KNOW which side they're on. Too bad there is NO r's with the stones to go after the BECS.
D)The problem here is WAY TOO MANY actually BELIEVE these morons.
E)Glad to see Santorum pull it out.
F)Moonbattery at it's finest. However,I don't believe identifying rat families will be that hard this election season. They will be the ones to have the "Yes We Can" signs in front of their "homes".
G)While it is a task to obtain a list of the dead and people who have left a district,it CAN be done,and will be an invaluable tool to challenge against a voter list.Gots to do whatever we can to squash what will prove to be EPIC fraud this year.
H)Sullivan has NO functioning brain cells.I saw a photoshopped version if that cover with some GREAT text on it,but my damn memory fails me here as to where I saw it.
I)No doubt the Canadians will sell the oil to WHOMEVER ponies up the money. How ANY rational being CANNOT see what Obama and the asinine dems are doing to THEIR wallets just doesn't WANT to see it.
J)Boggles the mind how such moroncy gets voted for.
K)Yep.Imagine that.
L) So much for "Buy American" eh?
M)Or so you'd think. This app will NEVER see the light of day. I expect the lib Gates will kill this personally.
N)Lunacy on parade. I've always said this PC shit will be the death of us.
Good steamer,son. Good luck with your Paultroll. C ya.
ReplyDeleteNeither on the pipeline or in any of the manufacturing jobs that were going to be supporting it.
ReplyDeleteJust deleted another post by the moron in which he was as usual insulting and quite foul-mouthed. He seems to think I have a Jewish name for some reason or another. Since Paul got completely smoked in SC, Troll and his fellow worshipers are completely bat guano.
A) The judge seems to think that using tax dollars to teach children that they need to overthrow our government and hand large sections of our nation to another country is protected speech.
B) That would have received MUCH praise from the media, the Administration, Debbie the Ditz, and probably Ron Paul's worshipers.
C) None whatsoever. Such a sad state.
D) Which means that the public education unions have done their job properly, according to the Democrats and the Communist Party USA's goals from the early 60s.
E) But not as glad as I was to see Paul in DEAD LAST in South Carolina!
F) DAAAAAAAAA-YAM! Hadn't thought of that one!
G) The fraud will be on a massive scale, and will receive a blanket pardon in December.
H) You saw it on Gunny's blog.
I) The big excuse is that the pipeline's plans have it going over an aquifer...that already has pipelines over it. Argument fails.
J) Again, the public education unions have done their job as directed by the Democrats.
K) Notice how the media is doing their best to ignore this story.
L) More like "Support Our Enemies" and "Screw American Workers"
M) Gates? Nah...HOLDER will file lawsuits against it.
N) When American slang has given us a new meaning for damned near every word in the dictionary......
ReplyDeleteSo what if you have a Jewish name. Does moonbat think there's no Jew in Paul. Look at him, fer Christs sake. He sure looks Jewish to me.
ReplyDeleteactually he looks like my father-in-law....but my father-in-law is sane and patriotic.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to hear why Zero and Hitlery are giving away our technology to our enemies. Perhaps the better question is why is no one charging them for treason for it.
Good wrapup as usual brother.
I finally got around to banning the IPs of mt trolls because their filth was increasing. The Left is getting desperate.
ReplyDeleteThe reason you don't see many comments from my Paulbot troll lately is because of his language and personal attacks against the person running this blog. I've been on a number of Facebook pages since the SC vote and the Paulbots are going completely bat guano.
The Paulbots! haha.
DeleteWhat a bunch of idiots. They're as bad as Obots!
I had real trouble just getting to comment at your site, Crawfish. I am not sure of the resason.
ReplyDeleteAfter the events of the last month, all I can say is that I hope the US Congress starts criminal investigations into all Democrats and the Main Stream Media in January of 2013. It appears to be that both groups are committing treason.
ReplyDeleteBlogspot changed their comment format recently, and it has been causing problems for people all over Blogspot. Buck has had problems on my blog as well.
Fox News threatens talk show host for supporting Paul:
This isn't true, is it?
I don't know what to believe anymore.
Yeah, I couldn't get onto the comment page, either, the other day until I tried using Firefox.
ReplyDeleteIt would just open as a completely blank page.
What is this crap?
ReplyDeleteAre you familiar with this guy?
He must be a Clinton guy or something.
Retired U.S. Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor explains why Rep. Ron Paul's plan would actually strengthen the U.S. military:
"As Ron Paul has pointed out, we do need to scale back our overseas footprint. Our presence in many parts of the world today is actually a catalyst for conflict. We're not cultivating peaceful conditions, in many cases we're doing the opposite..."
"Ron Paul is the only man who is in touch with reality"!"