First things first. No, I did not watch the State of the Union Campaign Speech and Lie Festival. I did not watch the GOP response, although I heard it was well done. That being said, don’t expect to see much on those topics this week.
Secondly, I will TRY to return my column to Wednesdays starting this week. The first Wednesday edition will include some of the Ron Paul material I’ve been saving up.
A) Lemme see if I’ve got this right. Ron Paul’s campaign CLAIMS to be getting more donations from the military than any other campaign, even though sources at bases around the country relay that there is NO support for the man who wants to slash 74% of the military budget. So we get to the first primary in a state that has a large military presence, and Paul finishes DEAD LAST. Then his campaign says that he is going to concentrate on the CAUCUS states of Nevada and Minnesota instead of competing in Florida, which just so happens to be a big military state. Sounds like he is AVOIDING the people that he claims to be getting support from!
B) Eric Holder has now been proven to have committed perjury in sworn testimony in Congressional hearings. The Department of Justice just released more documents concerning “Fast and Furious”, and included in it is confirmation that Holder was informed that Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was murdered using Fast and Furious weapons 18 miles within the US border, and that Holder was informed THAT DAY. Holder testified that he didn’t learn about it until months later. So when are the Congressional Republicans going to have the gonads to start impeachment hearings?
C) On the other hand, we have a Republican who really is loved by the military. This one actually pays attention to the world beyond our borders and knows that slashing our military is the WRONG thing to do.
D) The Democratic Party is now officially against the Constitutional right of freedom of association. This is shown in Indiana, where the Democrats in the state legislature are imitating their Wisconsin brethren in becoming FLEEBAGGERS. They have left town to prevent the passage of legislation that would give FREEDOM to the workers of their state. The legislation would make Indiana a right to work state, meaning that workers could not be FORCED to join unions or pay union dues equivalents in order to have a job. Compulsory union membership, which The Crawfish has been subjected to, should be abolished nationwide. It is pure anti-American.
E) George Soros is now publicly stating that the worsening economy will lead to violence, which will lead to governmental crackdowns. Of course, we have been saying all along that this was part of the plan. Major violence would lead to suspensions of the Constitution and the cancellation of the November elections, with Obama taking dictatorial powers. Thanks for confirming the plans, Nazi-boy. Now the question becomes…when and where are they going to have their Reichstag Fire-style false-flag event?
F) Speaking of George Soros and violence committed by his associates, we have a story that shows the power of a liberal education establishment and a liberal press in a nation other than our own. Twenty percent of Germans today don’t know that Auschwitz was a death camp, although ninety percent knew it was a concentration camp.
G) Barack Obama is trying to BARELY keep his Marxist beliefs under cover, but he can’t really help himself. While his policies are heavily influenced by Marxism and fascism, he knows that he can’t blatantly come out and use the same words that Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, and others used. In a video sent out to his supporters in advance of the State of the Union Address and Campaign Commercial, The Chosen One says: "I'm going to lay out a blueprint for an American economy that's built to last. And most importantly, a return to American values of fairness for all, and responsibility from all." Did he really go there? Yes, he said that the basic slogan of Marxists over the past 140 years is an American value. “From each according to his ability (AKA: “responsibility from all”), to each according to his needs (AKA: “fairness for all”).”
H) Of course, his Campaign Commercial of the Union was full of ideas that have proven to be nothing but flops, just like every liberal idea in history. The amazing thing here is that the Associated Press did the fact checking!
I) It gets better. Obama continually reused lines from his previous SOTU propaganda addresses. Evidently it was good comedy.
J) I’m not saying that the major media is supporting Obama at all costs, but check this one out. MSLSD’s Chrissy “Tingly Leg” Matthews told a Congressman that the unemployment rate is lower under Obama than it was under Bush. Sorry, but according to stats from the Department of Labor, we have 1.7 million FEWER non-farm jobs in America than we had when The Chosen One descended from the clouds of Invesco Field and assumed his throne at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
K) Here’s your weird news of the week. Some legislators in Florida are trying to force stadium and arena owners to abide by a previously overlooked clause in the law respecting sports venues built using public funds. It seems that the venues are supposed to be turned into homeless shelters when the sports teams are out of season. Can you think of any better way to cause the quick destruction of those buildings?
L) Since the Chevy Dolt has been such a success…er, well since it was such a good idea…uh, since the lefties love the idea behind it, California is now making it a state law that 1 of every 7 cars sold in California by 2025 must be electric or zero emission. First of all, this is yet another blow to consumer rights. If consumers don’t want the oversized golf carts, why should they be FORCED to buy them? Secondly, electric cars are NOT ZERO EMISSION! Where do these idiots think the electricity to charge the batteries comes from? In California, the electrical grid is already overloaded, and the supply is dwindling, so they want to add more drain to it? What kinds of power plants produce that electricity? Third, if they want to increase the demand by that amount, they had better build at least two new nuclear power plants in California before then, and we know the envirowackos won’t allow that to happen. The crazy thing about this is that the automakers and auto dealers SUPPORT the new law. Why?
M) This past week saw the declaration of bankruptcy by not one, not two, but THREE “green energy” companies that received handouts from the Obama Administration. The only thing “shovel ready” about the so-called “stimulus” projects seems to be the burying of these companies, and the taxpayer funds given to them.
N) We have found the reason that Barack Obama is killing, against the wishes of his union thugs, the Keystone XL pipeline project. It seems that the pipeline would take some business away from Burlington Northern Santa Fe rail lines. Who is one of the major owners of BNSF LLC? Warren Buffett.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
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"People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election." "Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied" - Otto von Bismarck
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
1-21-2012 The Weekend Claw
Another weird week has passed, in the political world and in the weather around the country. Even Casa Crustacean saw today’s high temperature a whole 30 degrees colder than yesterday. We only got up to 50 today.
A) A Clinton-appointed federal judge is telling students in Arizona to sue their school districts because they have removed La Raza studies, instituted under direction of the Clinton White House, in accordance with state law. The judge is telling the students that this violates their 1st Amendment rights. Really? Advocating that large parts of the USA rightfully belong to Mexico and causing racial strife is the goal of La Raza (“The Race”, itself a racist statement), so the state is correct in saying that this advocacy should be banned from schools supported by taxpayer dollars.
B) Let’s go back to last week for a moment. The big controversy over some Marines urinating on dead terrorists is still going strong, but let’s look at it in a different way, shall we? If you wiz on a crucifix and put it in a jar of urine, you are an artist exercising your First Amendment rights and are celebrated by the American media and the Democratic Party. If you cover a painting of the Virgin Mary in elephant crrrap, you are an artist exercising your First Amendment rights and are celebrated by the American media and the Democratic Party. If you urinate and defecate all over a public park and on police cars, you are a principled member of the 99% protesting against the evil of a world that isn’t yet socialist, and you are celebrated by the American media and the Democratic Party. If you urinate on the body of a dead Islamic terrorist, you are evil incarnate and vilified by the American media and the Democratic Party. Welcome to Bizarro World.
C) I know that y’all will find this absolutely shocking, but Barack Obama is going to break the law. He flat out said to both Houses of Congress that he will indeed break federal law and give missile technology to the Soviet Unio…er, Russia, who will then pass along the information to Iran, China, and North Korea. So, which side is he on again?
D) The Malignant Dwarf is at it again. Dennis Kucinich, who is perhaps the only member of Congress that is nuttier than Ron Paul and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, is reviving the Gas Price Spike Act, which would put a government board in charge of deciding what prices and profits are “fair” in the oil and gas bidness. Ed Morrissey explains in this article how the two top industries on the Democrat’s “Villain List”, oil and insurance, are not really as profitable as the liberals portray. Imagine that…liberals don’t have any clue on how businesses really operate. On top of that, who gets the most profits from gasoline sales? The federal government taxes gasoline at 18.4 cents per gallon, and diesel fuel at 24.4 cents per gallon. The states pile on with more taxes, averaging 28.6 cents per gallon in 2009, and some local governments get a penny or two as well. In January of 2011, the average tax on gasoline totaled 48.1 cents per gallon, with diesel at 53.1 cents per gallon. Yes, GOVERNMENT gets the most profit on gasoline and diesel, and they don’t have any expenses or perform any work to get that money.
E) Here’s something that hasn’t made it into the main stream media. According to the latest count, Rick Santorum was actually the winner in Iowa, and there are some votes that are still missing. Too bad this message is counter to what the media and the GOP establishment want you to know.
F) Just in case y’all didn’t know what the result would be from years of liberal indoctrination in the schools and liberal city governance, this story will show you the depths to which the mentality of Washington, DC, has fallen. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
G) Once again, while the Democrats and Eric Holder try to say that voter ID laws are raaaaacist and that voter fraud never happens, we have more evidence that voter fraud is a standard practice for the Democrats in Noo Yawk state. A leader of the Mississippi NAACP was convicted on voter fraud charges last year. Even Barack Obama’s own semi-home state of Corruptionois provides even more evidence, with sixteen counties having more registered voters than they have living voting age residents. Of course, we have always known that Illinois cemeteries are full of loyal Democrat voters.
H) Newsweek magazine isn’t even attempting to hide their bias now. Their cover story in the latest issue is written by Andrew Sullivan, the guy who tried for months to develop evidence for his smears against Sarah Palin, such as Trig being Bristol’s baby instead of Sarah’s. The title of his newest article, according to the mag’s cover, is “Why are Obama’s critics so dumb?” No wonder Newsweek was recently sold by the left wing Washington Post at a ridiculously low price of ONE DOLLAR. Then again, the buyer is the husband of Representative Jane Harmon (Donkey-California). This means that Newsweek is now the official “news magazine” (aka propaganda arm) of the Congressional Democrats.
I) The Keystone Pipeline is going to be killed. Hitlery! and her cabal in the State Department are recommending against it, even though the most recent legislation concerning the pipeline mandates that only Obama can make the decision…but since when do Democrats care what laws actually say. So Obama and the leadership of his party are going to listen to the environmental extremists instead of providing jobs and energy capacity for America. The Democrats are blaming Republicans, saying there haven’t been enough environmental studies to allow the project to continue on such short notice, even though they have had over three years to study it. They say the studies can’t be completed until after the election. It figures that Hitlery! would be involved, since it was her Administration that gave China military secrets and missile guidance technology in exchange for campaign donations. Why shouldn’t she be in favor of the Canadians routing the pipeline to west coast terminals owned by China?
J) President Obama concurred with the State Department and killed the pipeline, then had the audacity to say that extended unemployment benefits would provide more jobs than the pipeline. Huh? Keeping people unemployed provides more jobs than a project that the low-ball estimates say would create 200,000+ jobs? That echoes what Red Nanny P-Lousy has repeatedly said, which means it must be the official policy of the Democratic Party that the American people are so stooooopid as to believe that illogical nonsense.
K) Not only does the nonsense of keeping people unemployed as a job creation measure not make any sense, it is directly contrasted by the President’s own jobs council, which this week called for MORE oil pipeline construction and MORE drilling in order to spur job creation. The council notes that these are the positions of the House GOP, but that the Senate Democrats and President Obama have been blocking them.
L) The Obama Administration took another swipe at the American jobs market when they gave a billion dollar contract for Air Force light support aircraft to a Brazilian company with connections to China, George Soros, and Iran. The company that did NOT get the contract is the American company of Hawker-Beechcraft.
M) Microsoft is developing an app for smart phones, and this app has the NAACP’s knickers in a twist. The app would help drivers and pedestrians avoid high crime areas of cities. Since the black areas of all major cities are also the high crime areas, this is seen by the race pimps as raaaaacist. The Dallas NAACP leader will be “up in arms” if this app goes online, and is upset that it will guide people away from MLK Blvd. Well, since MLK Blvd in every city happens to be in a high crime area, the proper response would be for the NAACP to clean up their own neighborhoods!
N) The PC Police are at it again regarding school mascots. Over the past two decades innocuous names such as the Marquette Warriors have been changed because they were racially insensitive, even if they weren’t (all current and former members of the US military are WARRIORS!). Now comes another reason to nix a name. A Utah school board polled the future students of a high school that would be opening soon. The winning mascot name was “Cougars”, but the school board said that “Cougars” would be insensitive to women since that is also a term for a middle-aged woman who is sexually aggressive toward younger men. How many of those middle-aged women would be students? None, so there is no problem.
"[A] wise and frugal government ... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." --Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801
The Constitution of the United States
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A) A Clinton-appointed federal judge is telling students in Arizona to sue their school districts because they have removed La Raza studies, instituted under direction of the Clinton White House, in accordance with state law. The judge is telling the students that this violates their 1st Amendment rights. Really? Advocating that large parts of the USA rightfully belong to Mexico and causing racial strife is the goal of La Raza (“The Race”, itself a racist statement), so the state is correct in saying that this advocacy should be banned from schools supported by taxpayer dollars.
B) Let’s go back to last week for a moment. The big controversy over some Marines urinating on dead terrorists is still going strong, but let’s look at it in a different way, shall we? If you wiz on a crucifix and put it in a jar of urine, you are an artist exercising your First Amendment rights and are celebrated by the American media and the Democratic Party. If you cover a painting of the Virgin Mary in elephant crrrap, you are an artist exercising your First Amendment rights and are celebrated by the American media and the Democratic Party. If you urinate and defecate all over a public park and on police cars, you are a principled member of the 99% protesting against the evil of a world that isn’t yet socialist, and you are celebrated by the American media and the Democratic Party. If you urinate on the body of a dead Islamic terrorist, you are evil incarnate and vilified by the American media and the Democratic Party. Welcome to Bizarro World.
C) I know that y’all will find this absolutely shocking, but Barack Obama is going to break the law. He flat out said to both Houses of Congress that he will indeed break federal law and give missile technology to the Soviet Unio…er, Russia, who will then pass along the information to Iran, China, and North Korea. So, which side is he on again?
D) The Malignant Dwarf is at it again. Dennis Kucinich, who is perhaps the only member of Congress that is nuttier than Ron Paul and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, is reviving the Gas Price Spike Act, which would put a government board in charge of deciding what prices and profits are “fair” in the oil and gas bidness. Ed Morrissey explains in this article how the two top industries on the Democrat’s “Villain List”, oil and insurance, are not really as profitable as the liberals portray. Imagine that…liberals don’t have any clue on how businesses really operate. On top of that, who gets the most profits from gasoline sales? The federal government taxes gasoline at 18.4 cents per gallon, and diesel fuel at 24.4 cents per gallon. The states pile on with more taxes, averaging 28.6 cents per gallon in 2009, and some local governments get a penny or two as well. In January of 2011, the average tax on gasoline totaled 48.1 cents per gallon, with diesel at 53.1 cents per gallon. Yes, GOVERNMENT gets the most profit on gasoline and diesel, and they don’t have any expenses or perform any work to get that money.
E) Here’s something that hasn’t made it into the main stream media. According to the latest count, Rick Santorum was actually the winner in Iowa, and there are some votes that are still missing. Too bad this message is counter to what the media and the GOP establishment want you to know.
F) Just in case y’all didn’t know what the result would be from years of liberal indoctrination in the schools and liberal city governance, this story will show you the depths to which the mentality of Washington, DC, has fallen. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
G) Once again, while the Democrats and Eric Holder try to say that voter ID laws are raaaaacist and that voter fraud never happens, we have more evidence that voter fraud is a standard practice for the Democrats in Noo Yawk state. A leader of the Mississippi NAACP was convicted on voter fraud charges last year. Even Barack Obama’s own semi-home state of Corruptionois provides even more evidence, with sixteen counties having more registered voters than they have living voting age residents. Of course, we have always known that Illinois cemeteries are full of loyal Democrat voters.
H) Newsweek magazine isn’t even attempting to hide their bias now. Their cover story in the latest issue is written by Andrew Sullivan, the guy who tried for months to develop evidence for his smears against Sarah Palin, such as Trig being Bristol’s baby instead of Sarah’s. The title of his newest article, according to the mag’s cover, is “Why are Obama’s critics so dumb?” No wonder Newsweek was recently sold by the left wing Washington Post at a ridiculously low price of ONE DOLLAR. Then again, the buyer is the husband of Representative Jane Harmon (Donkey-California). This means that Newsweek is now the official “news magazine” (aka propaganda arm) of the Congressional Democrats.
I) The Keystone Pipeline is going to be killed. Hitlery! and her cabal in the State Department are recommending against it, even though the most recent legislation concerning the pipeline mandates that only Obama can make the decision…but since when do Democrats care what laws actually say. So Obama and the leadership of his party are going to listen to the environmental extremists instead of providing jobs and energy capacity for America. The Democrats are blaming Republicans, saying there haven’t been enough environmental studies to allow the project to continue on such short notice, even though they have had over three years to study it. They say the studies can’t be completed until after the election. It figures that Hitlery! would be involved, since it was her Administration that gave China military secrets and missile guidance technology in exchange for campaign donations. Why shouldn’t she be in favor of the Canadians routing the pipeline to west coast terminals owned by China?
J) President Obama concurred with the State Department and killed the pipeline, then had the audacity to say that extended unemployment benefits would provide more jobs than the pipeline. Huh? Keeping people unemployed provides more jobs than a project that the low-ball estimates say would create 200,000+ jobs? That echoes what Red Nanny P-Lousy has repeatedly said, which means it must be the official policy of the Democratic Party that the American people are so stooooopid as to believe that illogical nonsense.
K) Not only does the nonsense of keeping people unemployed as a job creation measure not make any sense, it is directly contrasted by the President’s own jobs council, which this week called for MORE oil pipeline construction and MORE drilling in order to spur job creation. The council notes that these are the positions of the House GOP, but that the Senate Democrats and President Obama have been blocking them.
L) The Obama Administration took another swipe at the American jobs market when they gave a billion dollar contract for Air Force light support aircraft to a Brazilian company with connections to China, George Soros, and Iran. The company that did NOT get the contract is the American company of Hawker-Beechcraft.
M) Microsoft is developing an app for smart phones, and this app has the NAACP’s knickers in a twist. The app would help drivers and pedestrians avoid high crime areas of cities. Since the black areas of all major cities are also the high crime areas, this is seen by the race pimps as raaaaacist. The Dallas NAACP leader will be “up in arms” if this app goes online, and is upset that it will guide people away from MLK Blvd. Well, since MLK Blvd in every city happens to be in a high crime area, the proper response would be for the NAACP to clean up their own neighborhoods!
N) The PC Police are at it again regarding school mascots. Over the past two decades innocuous names such as the Marquette Warriors have been changed because they were racially insensitive, even if they weren’t (all current and former members of the US military are WARRIORS!). Now comes another reason to nix a name. A Utah school board polled the future students of a high school that would be opening soon. The winning mascot name was “Cougars”, but the school board said that “Cougars” would be insensitive to women since that is also a term for a middle-aged woman who is sexually aggressive toward younger men. How many of those middle-aged women would be students? None, so there is no problem.
"[A] wise and frugal government ... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." --Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801
The Constitution of the United States
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Saturday, January 14, 2012
1-14-2012 The Weekend Claw
The Crawfish must apologize to his readers for not posting any columns last weekend. My hard drive died and the recovery disk was junk. I had to get new disks from HP after replacing the drive unit. I also had problems restoring my files and even lost a ton of internet bookmarks, which will reduce the variety of sources used for these columns until I remember all of those sites.
A) Ron Paul and the Democrats don’t want y’all to notice how China is building up their military forces and making threats around the South China Sea and Indian Ocean, but at least the US Navy is still paying attention. In case y’all have missed it, which is easy with the lack of media coverage, China is now operating their first aircraft carrier, with plans for many more. They are also flight testing their first stealthy strike fighter. They have something like 40,000,000 more men than women, and the only way to start balancing that out is through a very bloody war. They still wish to conquer Taiwan, and now they wish to dominate the entire region.
B) The Taliban and Afghan leader Karzai have their turbans in a twist, and that means the Obama Administration has to get miffed. It seems some Marines were filmed urinating on some dead Taliban. There is outrage galore. The Noo Yawk Slimes will probably run it on their front page for a month or two, like they did with Abu-Ghraib. The Crawfish counters this wailing and gnashing of teeth with a couple of points. First, why is this considered outrageous behavior, when beheading innocents and holding up the head on video isn’t, nor is shooting dozens of school kids like at Breslan? Second, it was probably the closest thing to a bath that those Taliban had received in the past decade. The only thing that offended me was the fact that the bodies were still recognizable as humanoids. That means that the Marines didn’t use enough firepower or explosives. Go watch HBO's "The Pacific" and tell me that these Marines were sooooo bad.
C) The Obama-Holder war against religion, which is just a small part of the war against religion (except Islam) being waged by the Democratic Party, the media, Hollyweird, and powerful leftists throughout the USA and the world, was delivered a solid kick to the junk by the Supreme Court. In a UNANIMOUS decision, the Court ruled that the Constitution does not allow the government to have any say in the decision of a religious entity, in this case the Lutheran Church, to hire or fire a minister. A female had been trained and accepted as a Lutheran minister, but evidently did something to convince the Church’s governing body that she was unfit to be a minister for their Church. When they fired her, she claimed discrimination. The Obama Administration, seeing another opportunity to diminish religious liberties in America, immediately joined her case. Chief Justice Roberts and the entire Court stood tall for the First Amendment. Now, will they do the same for the anti-Christian aspects of Obamacare?
D) Here is The Crawfish’s nominee for “Mother of the Year” for 2011. This young lass lost her husband to cancer on Christmas Day. Then she had armed men trying to break into her home on New Year’s Eve. She went to protect her baby, and called 9-1-1. She told the operator that she was armed and asked for a police officer to respond immediately. The operator let her know that it would be okay if she shot to defend herself after the men got into the house. One perp eventually got arrested. The other one assumed ambient room temperature. Whenever a liberal brings up gun control, just remind them that when seconds count, as in this case, the police are always just minutes away.
E) Poll Katz e-mailer Bill sent along word that President Obama is considering a 40% tax on aspirin. Evidently this is because aspirin is white and it works.
F) The judge for the trial of former Democrat Senator and Vice Presidential nominee “Silky Pony” Edwards says that Edwards has a “life-threatening” condition. Did he run out of hairspray?
G) Here we go again with liberals at an unConstitutional government agency running amok. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is warning employers that any requirement that a job applicant be a high school graduate or equivalent violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. Where does the Constitution give the federal government the authority to interfere with the private business contracts between an employer and an employee, and since when does not wanting an education qualify as a disability?
H) A one-month old in New Mexico was raped and murdered by an illegal alien in the first week of 2012. Since the perp was a non-dryback, the major media and the Obama Administration acted like nothing happened.
I) Speaking of media cover-ups, there was a mass murder in the Fort Worth-Dallas Metroplex on Christmas Day. Members of a family were shot to death while opening their presents. The killer was the estranged Dad, who was there in a Santa suit. The cops said that motive was “unimportant”, which is unusual until you notice that the killer was a muslim who didn’t like the fact that his family was not adhering to Sharia Law. They had become Westernized, so he did his religious duty according to the Quran and the faithful Followers of the Pedophilic False Prophet. Whenever the motive is Islam, the media, the Democratic Party, and some law enforcement agencies consider the motive “unimportant” or “unknown”.
J) While Sultan Bu’raq bin al Obama and his party refuse to acknowledge Islamic terrorism, they are also failing to acknowledge that there are now 35 Islamic terrorist training centers around our nation. Of course, since these people are not white Christian veterans they are to be ignored by Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano.
K) Here’s more on how Obama, the Democratic Party, most of the media, and Ron Paul are ignoring the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood, Islam, and Islamists. Then again, are they ignoring the truth or are they just trying to shield the truth from the American public?
L) Check out this graph from the St. Louis Federal Reserve and note how national debt as a percentage of GDP has shot up since Harry Reid took over the Senate, which coincided with Nancy Pelosi taking over the House, and Barack Obama being a Senator. Then watch it go much higher after Barack Obama became President. Yes, those numbers went up under W, but it took Democrats to make them skyrocket.
M) I brought this story to y’all a few months back, as a co-worker of mine was from that area. Now it has FINALLY gone to SCOTUS. Some of the Justices, especially Justice Alito, seemed to be highly offended by the actions of the EPA and the government. Let’s hope that the rights of property owners are, for a change, upheld.
N) His Majesty took the time to jack with American military personnel and their families over the Christmas holiday. The man has absolutely zero respect for our men and women in uniform. He’s in it for the power and whatever perks he can squeeze out of the taxpayers. I’d say that he is a jackass, but that would be an insult to Democrats and other jackasses.
O) It must be nice to live in a world completely void of reality, like Debbie Wasserman Shultz does. Here’s the latest quote from the one brain cell wonder: "You know, I'm a hundred percent confident that the people of Iowa and the American people will win the day on November 6th of this year when President Obama is re-elected because of his policies, because of the fact that he has brought this country out of the worst economic disaster that we faced since the Great Depression and the people of America know.”
P) Hmmmm. It looks like someone needs to be arrested next January! We know it won’t happen under the current Administration.
Q) The Administration and Incompetano’s Department of Homeland Insecurity screwed up big time. They had officers with semi-automatic weapons set up a checkpoint outside of a Florida Social Security office, and they were checking IDs. I thought checking IDs was only something those RAAAAAAACIST Republicans wanted to do!
R) Meanwhile, there is evidence starting to pile up showing that many non-living people and people who live in other states are indeed voting in elections. James O’Keefe and his organization even made videos during the New Hampshire primaries showing election officials handing out ballots in the names of dead people. Just imagine what it is like in Chicago! Now remember that the two main lines of reason that the Democrats are using in court action against voter ID laws are that the law disenfranchises the poor, especially blacks, and that voter fraud never happens in the US. This kinda shoots that last one down.
S) Barack Obama’s drunk driving illegal alien uncle STILL has not gone to trial. On top of that, his lawyer is demanding to get a copy of the driving record of the cop who arrested Uncle Onyango. What does the COP’S driving record have to do with the illegal alien driving drunk? Why would any judge allow this tripe? The judge must be a good Democrat hoping for an appointment to the federal bench.
T) Those folks at Solyndra, you know…the ones who got a $500 million gift from Obama and an illegal change in bankruptcy laws so that they got to keep some of the money in order to make donations to Obama and his friends…well, their bankruptcy attorneys were in court asking the judge to let the company hand out bonuses, supposedly to keep their remaining workers at the company. One worker who made over $206,000.00 last year would get another $50,000.00 if the plan is approved. I’m sorry, but if that person made over $200K last year, they don’t need any more of the taxpayers’ money. If they want to pay bonuses, they should pay them from the pockets of the people who have profited from Obama’s gift and from the campaigns that received donations from that company.
"[A] wise and frugal government ... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." --Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801
The Constitution of the United States
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A) Ron Paul and the Democrats don’t want y’all to notice how China is building up their military forces and making threats around the South China Sea and Indian Ocean, but at least the US Navy is still paying attention. In case y’all have missed it, which is easy with the lack of media coverage, China is now operating their first aircraft carrier, with plans for many more. They are also flight testing their first stealthy strike fighter. They have something like 40,000,000 more men than women, and the only way to start balancing that out is through a very bloody war. They still wish to conquer Taiwan, and now they wish to dominate the entire region.
B) The Taliban and Afghan leader Karzai have their turbans in a twist, and that means the Obama Administration has to get miffed. It seems some Marines were filmed urinating on some dead Taliban. There is outrage galore. The Noo Yawk Slimes will probably run it on their front page for a month or two, like they did with Abu-Ghraib. The Crawfish counters this wailing and gnashing of teeth with a couple of points. First, why is this considered outrageous behavior, when beheading innocents and holding up the head on video isn’t, nor is shooting dozens of school kids like at Breslan? Second, it was probably the closest thing to a bath that those Taliban had received in the past decade. The only thing that offended me was the fact that the bodies were still recognizable as humanoids. That means that the Marines didn’t use enough firepower or explosives. Go watch HBO's "The Pacific" and tell me that these Marines were sooooo bad.
C) The Obama-Holder war against religion, which is just a small part of the war against religion (except Islam) being waged by the Democratic Party, the media, Hollyweird, and powerful leftists throughout the USA and the world, was delivered a solid kick to the junk by the Supreme Court. In a UNANIMOUS decision, the Court ruled that the Constitution does not allow the government to have any say in the decision of a religious entity, in this case the Lutheran Church, to hire or fire a minister. A female had been trained and accepted as a Lutheran minister, but evidently did something to convince the Church’s governing body that she was unfit to be a minister for their Church. When they fired her, she claimed discrimination. The Obama Administration, seeing another opportunity to diminish religious liberties in America, immediately joined her case. Chief Justice Roberts and the entire Court stood tall for the First Amendment. Now, will they do the same for the anti-Christian aspects of Obamacare?
D) Here is The Crawfish’s nominee for “Mother of the Year” for 2011. This young lass lost her husband to cancer on Christmas Day. Then she had armed men trying to break into her home on New Year’s Eve. She went to protect her baby, and called 9-1-1. She told the operator that she was armed and asked for a police officer to respond immediately. The operator let her know that it would be okay if she shot to defend herself after the men got into the house. One perp eventually got arrested. The other one assumed ambient room temperature. Whenever a liberal brings up gun control, just remind them that when seconds count, as in this case, the police are always just minutes away.
E) Poll Katz e-mailer Bill sent along word that President Obama is considering a 40% tax on aspirin. Evidently this is because aspirin is white and it works.
F) The judge for the trial of former Democrat Senator and Vice Presidential nominee “Silky Pony” Edwards says that Edwards has a “life-threatening” condition. Did he run out of hairspray?
G) Here we go again with liberals at an unConstitutional government agency running amok. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is warning employers that any requirement that a job applicant be a high school graduate or equivalent violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. Where does the Constitution give the federal government the authority to interfere with the private business contracts between an employer and an employee, and since when does not wanting an education qualify as a disability?
H) A one-month old in New Mexico was raped and murdered by an illegal alien in the first week of 2012. Since the perp was a non-dryback, the major media and the Obama Administration acted like nothing happened.
I) Speaking of media cover-ups, there was a mass murder in the Fort Worth-Dallas Metroplex on Christmas Day. Members of a family were shot to death while opening their presents. The killer was the estranged Dad, who was there in a Santa suit. The cops said that motive was “unimportant”, which is unusual until you notice that the killer was a muslim who didn’t like the fact that his family was not adhering to Sharia Law. They had become Westernized, so he did his religious duty according to the Quran and the faithful Followers of the Pedophilic False Prophet. Whenever the motive is Islam, the media, the Democratic Party, and some law enforcement agencies consider the motive “unimportant” or “unknown”.
J) While Sultan Bu’raq bin al Obama and his party refuse to acknowledge Islamic terrorism, they are also failing to acknowledge that there are now 35 Islamic terrorist training centers around our nation. Of course, since these people are not white Christian veterans they are to be ignored by Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano.
K) Here’s more on how Obama, the Democratic Party, most of the media, and Ron Paul are ignoring the truth about the Muslim Brotherhood, Islam, and Islamists. Then again, are they ignoring the truth or are they just trying to shield the truth from the American public?
L) Check out this graph from the St. Louis Federal Reserve and note how national debt as a percentage of GDP has shot up since Harry Reid took over the Senate, which coincided with Nancy Pelosi taking over the House, and Barack Obama being a Senator. Then watch it go much higher after Barack Obama became President. Yes, those numbers went up under W, but it took Democrats to make them skyrocket.
M) I brought this story to y’all a few months back, as a co-worker of mine was from that area. Now it has FINALLY gone to SCOTUS. Some of the Justices, especially Justice Alito, seemed to be highly offended by the actions of the EPA and the government. Let’s hope that the rights of property owners are, for a change, upheld.
N) His Majesty took the time to jack with American military personnel and their families over the Christmas holiday. The man has absolutely zero respect for our men and women in uniform. He’s in it for the power and whatever perks he can squeeze out of the taxpayers. I’d say that he is a jackass, but that would be an insult to Democrats and other jackasses.
O) It must be nice to live in a world completely void of reality, like Debbie Wasserman Shultz does. Here’s the latest quote from the one brain cell wonder: "You know, I'm a hundred percent confident that the people of Iowa and the American people will win the day on November 6th of this year when President Obama is re-elected because of his policies, because of the fact that he has brought this country out of the worst economic disaster that we faced since the Great Depression and the people of America know.”
P) Hmmmm. It looks like someone needs to be arrested next January! We know it won’t happen under the current Administration.
Q) The Administration and Incompetano’s Department of Homeland Insecurity screwed up big time. They had officers with semi-automatic weapons set up a checkpoint outside of a Florida Social Security office, and they were checking IDs. I thought checking IDs was only something those RAAAAAAACIST Republicans wanted to do!
R) Meanwhile, there is evidence starting to pile up showing that many non-living people and people who live in other states are indeed voting in elections. James O’Keefe and his organization even made videos during the New Hampshire primaries showing election officials handing out ballots in the names of dead people. Just imagine what it is like in Chicago! Now remember that the two main lines of reason that the Democrats are using in court action against voter ID laws are that the law disenfranchises the poor, especially blacks, and that voter fraud never happens in the US. This kinda shoots that last one down.
S) Barack Obama’s drunk driving illegal alien uncle STILL has not gone to trial. On top of that, his lawyer is demanding to get a copy of the driving record of the cop who arrested Uncle Onyango. What does the COP’S driving record have to do with the illegal alien driving drunk? Why would any judge allow this tripe? The judge must be a good Democrat hoping for an appointment to the federal bench.
T) Those folks at Solyndra, you know…the ones who got a $500 million gift from Obama and an illegal change in bankruptcy laws so that they got to keep some of the money in order to make donations to Obama and his friends…well, their bankruptcy attorneys were in court asking the judge to let the company hand out bonuses, supposedly to keep their remaining workers at the company. One worker who made over $206,000.00 last year would get another $50,000.00 if the plan is approved. I’m sorry, but if that person made over $200K last year, they don’t need any more of the taxpayers’ money. If they want to pay bonuses, they should pay them from the pockets of the people who have profited from Obama’s gift and from the campaigns that received donations from that company.
"[A] wise and frugal government ... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." --Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address, 1801
The Constitution of the United States
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Monday, January 9, 2012
1-9-2012 Crawfish Update
My computer's hard drive took a dump last week, and I just got my recovery disks today. Unfortunately, my backup/restore drive somehow dumped my internet bookmarks update and the drafts for my next couple of editions, so I am working to restore everything so I can start kicking out new columns.
As for my Troll....
Yes, I dumped most of you new comments, since they were full of falsehoods. Do you expect people who have studied Islam and all of the Islamist organizations to believe the propaganda from Ron Paul's website about how Islam is not a threat to anybody? Yes, I did check your links. All of them were full of crap.
As for my Troll....
Yes, I dumped most of you new comments, since they were full of falsehoods. Do you expect people who have studied Islam and all of the Islamist organizations to believe the propaganda from Ron Paul's website about how Islam is not a threat to anybody? Yes, I did check your links. All of them were full of crap.
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