The big controversy over Obamacare’s mandates that force religious organizations to pay for insurance coverage that violates their faiths is missing a major point. ANY business owner whose faith opposes birth control and abortion should not be forced by the government to purchase such coverage for his or her employees. It is a Constitutional violation for individuals as well as religious organizations. Even using the “accommodations” put forth by the Administration, there is an unconstitutional provision forcing insurance providers to give away birth control and abortion coverage for free. That’s like mandating that grocers give away free bread to every customer.
A) Soon after I wrote the first draft of that opening paragraph, Speaker of the House John Boehner called for the elimination of the contraceptive and abortion mandate exactly because of that principle. That same day, a television network founded in 1981 by a cloistered nun filed suit against HHS Secretary Sebelius and other members of the Administration because that mandate would cause the people running their network to violate their religious beliefs. Eternal Word Television Network is not directly run by the Catholic Church, but it airs programming from the Catholic point of view as well as Catholic services.
B) The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee took a different position on the contraceptive and abortion mandate controversy. They celebrated the Obama Administration’s policy in new fundraising materials as a move against the “Republican war on women.” Senator Patty Murray (Donkey-Washington State) used her rusted brain to declare all opposition to the mandate, which includes opposition from all real Christian religions, an “attack” on women.
C) The envirowackos took it a giant leap forward. They claim that one of the big ways to combat the non-existent man-made Glo-Bull Warming is by making birth control and abortion free and available to all women. Talk about jumping the shark…
D) Ann Coulter has lost her mind if she thinks Chris Christie will ever be a viable Republican candidate outside of Noo Joisey. His actions this week are a direct insult to the thousands of American military personnel who have not had this honor upon their death. Governor, you are an idiot to honor a drug addict like that.
E) In England, business owners THINK that they own their businesses, but the courts have now stated otherwise. A Christian couple that owns two guesthouses was ordered to pay big damages to a couple of homos because they refused to rent a room to the homo couple. England USED to be a Christian nation. Now it is ruled by the radical homos and the muslims.
F) Here’s another reason why Hollyweird people need to just shut the hell up. Samuel L. Jackson voted for Obama simply because of skin color. He thinks that is the biggest factor in American politics. He doesn’t even know the issues. In other words, he and most Obama voters are…wait for it…raaaaaaaaaacist! Here’s a hint, ya overpaid line-reader, if you don’t know the issues DON’T VOTE! Not understanding the issues is what gave us Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama.
G) Public sector employees really have it good. I mean, take a look at this teacher in Californication. He is charged with 23 counts of lewd behavior with children, but even if he is found guilty he will collect a $4000/month pension. Yes, even if he is in prison. The only way to end this would be to put language into the employee contracts stating that if they are convicted of a crime of a certain nature or magnitude, they will lose all benefits. Of course, the public sector unions will never allow such language.
H) The Democrats are starting to get scared. How do I know? Well, when they send out one of their top “strategists” this early in the campaign to proclaim that Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party folks just “can’t deal with the fact that a black man is President of the United States”, it is easy to see that they know they have completely lost on the issues. I wasn’t expecting the race card to start getting played until mid-summer.
I) The Administration’s Propaganda Minister said that the White House has “no opinion” on whether or not the Senate should pass a budget for the first time since His Majesty assumed the throne. In other words, they don’t care about ANY of the requirements of that “flawed” document known as the Constitution. But it got worse. Over the weekend, the White House sent forth their third (or is it fourth?) Chief of Staff to explain why there has been no budget since Obama descended from the clouds of Invesco Field to save us from our sins. Jack Lew used to be the budget director for $lick Willie, so he knows the process. He went out and LIED on CNN’s “State of the Union”, NBC’s “Face the Nation”, and “Fox News Sunday”, saying that it took 60 votes in the Senate to pass a budget, so that is why no budget has come forth in the past 1000+ days. The truth is that it takes a simple majority in the Senate, as filibusters are not allowed on budget legislation. On top of that, why didn’t the Senate pass a budget in the first two years, when they had 60 Democrat Senators? This is yet another part of the Obama campaign’s attempt to blame the Republicans in Congress for what Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have done.
J) On top of that, the realities of the Obama budget plan are far removed from what he and his minions are saying about it. It raises spending everywhere except Medicare and national defense. It raises the debt with averages of $1.4 trillion per year. It assumes increases in revenue of over 17%. In other words, it is nothing but liberal crap and Obama’s people are still liars.
K) Here is a story that will probably come as absolutely no surprise to any of my readers, except maybe those with experience in New Orleans.
L) Since when does the federal government have the authority to throw away the lunch a mother makes for her child and force the child to eat chicken nuggets? The packed lunch looks healthier than chicken nuggets! The government worker in this case needs a swift kick in the arse and a pink slip…and so does the rest of that person’s office. The liberal nanny state is beyond out-of-control.
M) The Administration’s allies in the mainstream media are also upset at the contents of the “flawed” document. Take a look at this interview, in which a Washington Compost writer says that the Founding Fathers might have been wrong to include freedom of religion in the Constitution. The liberal hatred of Christianity and the Constitution is amazing to behold.
N) The Crawfish and many of my fellow bloggers have been warning about an upcoming “Reichstag Fire Moment” that would cause President Obama and his minions to take anti-Constitutional measures, suspend the elections (forever), and institute dictatorial martial law. While our attention has been focused on the CPAC convention and the Occupy/Weather Underground protests against it, it looks like another anti-liberty group has already pulled off a “Reichstag Fire Moment” in order to take over their own nation. The deadly riot at a soccer match in Egypt and the protests following it are working in the favor of the Muslim Brotherhood in their efforts to seize that nation for the Jihad.
O) While we are in the Middle East, take a read over this column regarding US-Israel relations and why they are so important. It is bound to drive the Paulbots absolutely bat guano, which is why I posted it on a couple of Facebook pages that are invested with those isolationist morons. It is written by someone y’all know I highly respect. Allen West for President in 2016!
P) Talk about bad timing! Someone once said that there is no such thing as bad media exposure, but I do believe that this counts as bad exposure for this particular restaurant.
Q) Alert the media! A species once thought completely gone from California has been found in San Diego! There is a judge there who is not a completely brain dead liberal loon! PETA filed a lawsuit on behalf of the orcas of Sea World, saying their 13th Amendment rights were being violated, and that they were being treated as slaves. The judge threw out the suit, pointing out that orcas are not humans.
R) Speaking of the media, I cannot as yet confirm this through major news sources, but as of Friday morning it appears that CNN may have fired all of their Jewish staff in the Middle East and just kept the arab staff. It would not be a shock, since the network has shown a heavy anti-Israel bias over the years, gaining them the nickname of Crescent News Network.
S) This makes it official. Barack Obama wants to disarm the United States in the face of our enemies. He must believe in the liberal kum-ba-ya world that Ron Paul believes in. If we just play nice-nice, nobody will hate us or want to ever harm us.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
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"People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election." "Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied" - Otto von Bismarck
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
2-8-2012 The Weekly Claw
Well, Rick Santorum smoked Mittens and the Paulbots in three states last night. These were the first three states in which the Romney campaign didn’t absolutely FLOOD the airwaves with (mostly negative) ads, so the people actually heard the messages of the other candidates. And the results were…….
A) I think it was all planned. This was a deliberate set of events designed to spur massive donations over a few days and get publicity for the two organizations involved. I am, of course, referring to the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. First, the Komen people announce that they are no longer going to send grant money to the abortion mills. Immediately following that move, donations poured into both organizations. The Komen Foundation got a huge influx of cash from pro-birth individuals and groups, while the abortion mills got big donations from the people who love to see babies murdered for the sake of convenience. A couple of days later, the Komen Foundation reversed their course, saying that they will indeed send money to the abortion mills. This news caused another big spree of donations from the baby killers, and praise from the anti-Catholic “Catholic” named Pelosi and her ilk. The grant money supposedly pays for breast cancer screenings, but why would a woman go to an abortion factory to get breast cancer screening instead of going to real doctors?
B) The previous Worst President in American History had to deal with a crisis of Islamists holding Americans hostage in a nation that was undergoing an Islamic revolution spurred on by the actions and words of that President. The new Worst President in American History now has his own crisis of the same kind. The only difference is that this time, the President is in full support of the Islamists.
C) Eric Holder, Barack Obama, and the rest of the Democratic hierarchy keep screaming that there is no such thing as voter fraud, so voter ID laws are simply not necessary and must be racist. Unfortunately, the evidence is mounting that there is voter fraud across the United States. The only reason that Democrats oppose voter ID laws is that the demographics of illegal voters are always heavily in favor of the Democrats.
D) Speaking of racism, if Democrat race baiters want to go after the true racists, they should look within their own party. Jim Moran really did the Democrats proud with his racist rants this past week. If a Republican said these kinds of things there would be a huge outcry from the liberal media, Democrat politicians, Jesse Be The Jackson, and the Not-So-Reverend Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton…and the rest of the GOP would publicly denounce the offender. So why do we only hear crickets?
E) Barack Obama truly jumped the shark this week. He claimed that Jesus himself would approve of the Democrats’ tax the rich proposals. Is the same Jesus of the Christian faith that proclaims “If a man shall not work, he shall not eat” (2 Thes 3:10), or “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food” (Gen 3:19), or the faith that proclaims “Welfare and food stamps for all who don’t want to work, and those that do work will pay for it!”?
F) Meanwhile, the Obama Administration declared war on the Catholic Church by stating that the Obamacare mandates that insurance provided by employers cover abortion, sterilization, and contraception includes all organizations run by the Catholic Church except the Church itself. The Catholic Archbishops in the US responded by having a letter opposing the Administration read at all masses a week or so ago. The Administration then ORDERED that the letter was not to be read by any Catholic Chaplains in the Army. The US Government has no authority to censor what is said in ANY religious service, but they did it anyway. So not only does Obama oppose the Church, but also the First Amendment’s guarantee of the free exercise of religion.
G) The Catholic Church is vowing to make this a very big issue in this election year. Unfortunately for America and the Church, many Americans are the other type of RINO, Religious In Name Only. Take for example Manhattan resident Sur Thomas, who said: “I would certainly vote for Obama anyway. The Church has to get up to date.” WHAT? Lady, the CHURCH goes by the Word of God, which is timeless. God doesn’t need to get up to date. This is your basic model Democrat, believing that the Bible and the Constitution are flawed because they put limitations on the behavior of people and government. In reality, it is people and the government that are flawed, because they cannot follow simple rules.
H) One of the biggest CINOs (Catholic In Name Only) in the nation is former Queen of the House Red Nanny P-Lousy. When CNSNews asked her if she would stand with her fellow Catholics or stand with the Administration, she had the unmitigated gall to reply: “First of all, I am going to stick with my fellow Catholics in supporting the administration on this. I think it was a very courageous decision that they made, and I support it.” Does she actually believe that her fellow Catholics oppose each and every bishop, archbishop, cardinal, and the Pope? It was an either/or question, Lady Botox. You can’t answer yes to both sides. My question is: when is the Pope going to show some spine and start excommunicating Catholic politicians who vote for and publicly support abortion on a massive scale?
I) Professor Mike Adams brings us some actual GOOD news from the courts. The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has UNANIMOUSLY ruled in favor of a school counselor and against the queer agenda’s intolerance of Christianity. This is a very important ruling for the First Amendment and religious values in America, and a severe blow to liberalism.
J) Here’s your latest update on the Religion of Peace, also known as the Followers of the Pedophilic False Prophet.
K) Meanwhile, we have a Supreme Court Justice who also doesn’t think very much of our Constitution. Ruthie Baby Ginsburg has a long history of opposition to the Constitution, with a stint on the board of directors and one as general counsel for the ACLU followed by time as a professor at Columbia Law School under her belt before her appointment to SCOTUS by William Jefferson “Perjury isn’t a crime if you lie about sex” Clinton. Now she is advising Egyptians to not use our Constitution as a guide for their own, since we don’t respect basic human rights. Really?
L) So the question remains, Mr. President, what exactly is your definition of “fairness”? I’m pretty sure it does not match the one from the dictionary: “the state, condition, or quality of being fair, or free from bias or injustice; evenhandedness.”
M) Ron Paul’s campaign is quite hypocritical. Paul and his supporters rail against internationalists like the Bilderberger Group, but his biggest financial supporter is a Bilderberger guy. In fact, Peter Thiel is a member of the steering committee for Bilderberger Group. Thiel is a co-founder of PayPal, and one of the leading homosexual Republicans.
N) As for Paul’s foreign policy ideals, here is a good essay on why they are nice as a thought, but completely ignorant of today’s real world. The biggest difference between my own thoughts and writings and those of the author of this essay is that he started off believing in Paul’s position, and what changed his mind is actually the Jonathah Kwitny book Endless Enemies: The Making of an Unfriendly World (1986). It is a book that argues the Paul side of the foreign policy argument, but it had the reverse effect on the author of the linked essay.
O) Fisker Automotive, a Swedish company, has already received $193 million of OUR tax dollars to build “green” cars for the one percent. The cars that they are producing cost over $100,000.00 each, but would cost a lot more without Barack Obama digging into our pockets to pay for them. Anyway, the company is laying off many of their American workers in order to receive more money from the government. Huh? If a product has profit potential, private industry companies would spend their own money developing it…just like embryonic stem cells. If they really showed promise, Big Pharma would be spending their own money to get the drugs developed FIRST, so they could have patent rights.
P) Back to “green” companies getting massive government support from His Majesty, this is what the taxpayers have shelled out huge money for. Epic fail.
Q) “Our Founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes.” So sayeth the man who also says that he DESERVES a second term. Yes, instead of blaming Bush this weekend, Obama blamed the Founding Fathers and that “flawed” Constitution of theirs for his not being able to “fundamentally change” our nation to fit the dream of George Soros. What other evidence do we need that he hates everything America has ever stood for?
R) In that interview, King Barack I touted his record of job creation. Unfortunately for America, Matt Lauer and the rest of the mainstream media are in a competition to see which of them can promote that line of horse dung the most. If these “news” organizations had a shred of integrity, they would pound this Administration for losing 1.7 million jobs and using fake numbers to lower their publicly stated unemployment rate. Propaganda Minister Carney even stated that dropping 1.2 million people from the labor force, which happened as those people ran out of unemployment benefits, so they are no longer counted as “unemployed”) is an “economic positive”. It is absolutely incredible that these people think America is so stupid that they would believe this tripe. The only thing “positive” about it is that it makes the unemployment rate look lower than it really is. Would they let George W. Bush get away with it? If you have any doubt to the impartiality of the so-called journalists in the mainstream media, this link should set you straight.
S) Ann-Marie Murrell does what we all want to do on occasion. She compares Obama’s words with his actions, and the big surprise is that Obama lies almost as much as Bill Clinton and Eric Holder combined! He almost makes this guy look honest.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
Follow me on Facebook.
A) I think it was all planned. This was a deliberate set of events designed to spur massive donations over a few days and get publicity for the two organizations involved. I am, of course, referring to the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood and the Susan G. Komen Foundation. First, the Komen people announce that they are no longer going to send grant money to the abortion mills. Immediately following that move, donations poured into both organizations. The Komen Foundation got a huge influx of cash from pro-birth individuals and groups, while the abortion mills got big donations from the people who love to see babies murdered for the sake of convenience. A couple of days later, the Komen Foundation reversed their course, saying that they will indeed send money to the abortion mills. This news caused another big spree of donations from the baby killers, and praise from the anti-Catholic “Catholic” named Pelosi and her ilk. The grant money supposedly pays for breast cancer screenings, but why would a woman go to an abortion factory to get breast cancer screening instead of going to real doctors?
B) The previous Worst President in American History had to deal with a crisis of Islamists holding Americans hostage in a nation that was undergoing an Islamic revolution spurred on by the actions and words of that President. The new Worst President in American History now has his own crisis of the same kind. The only difference is that this time, the President is in full support of the Islamists.
C) Eric Holder, Barack Obama, and the rest of the Democratic hierarchy keep screaming that there is no such thing as voter fraud, so voter ID laws are simply not necessary and must be racist. Unfortunately, the evidence is mounting that there is voter fraud across the United States. The only reason that Democrats oppose voter ID laws is that the demographics of illegal voters are always heavily in favor of the Democrats.
D) Speaking of racism, if Democrat race baiters want to go after the true racists, they should look within their own party. Jim Moran really did the Democrats proud with his racist rants this past week. If a Republican said these kinds of things there would be a huge outcry from the liberal media, Democrat politicians, Jesse Be The Jackson, and the Not-So-Reverend Al “Tawana Brawley” Sharpton…and the rest of the GOP would publicly denounce the offender. So why do we only hear crickets?
E) Barack Obama truly jumped the shark this week. He claimed that Jesus himself would approve of the Democrats’ tax the rich proposals. Is the same Jesus of the Christian faith that proclaims “If a man shall not work, he shall not eat” (2 Thes 3:10), or “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food” (Gen 3:19), or the faith that proclaims “Welfare and food stamps for all who don’t want to work, and those that do work will pay for it!”?
F) Meanwhile, the Obama Administration declared war on the Catholic Church by stating that the Obamacare mandates that insurance provided by employers cover abortion, sterilization, and contraception includes all organizations run by the Catholic Church except the Church itself. The Catholic Archbishops in the US responded by having a letter opposing the Administration read at all masses a week or so ago. The Administration then ORDERED that the letter was not to be read by any Catholic Chaplains in the Army. The US Government has no authority to censor what is said in ANY religious service, but they did it anyway. So not only does Obama oppose the Church, but also the First Amendment’s guarantee of the free exercise of religion.
G) The Catholic Church is vowing to make this a very big issue in this election year. Unfortunately for America and the Church, many Americans are the other type of RINO, Religious In Name Only. Take for example Manhattan resident Sur Thomas, who said: “I would certainly vote for Obama anyway. The Church has to get up to date.” WHAT? Lady, the CHURCH goes by the Word of God, which is timeless. God doesn’t need to get up to date. This is your basic model Democrat, believing that the Bible and the Constitution are flawed because they put limitations on the behavior of people and government. In reality, it is people and the government that are flawed, because they cannot follow simple rules.
H) One of the biggest CINOs (Catholic In Name Only) in the nation is former Queen of the House Red Nanny P-Lousy. When CNSNews asked her if she would stand with her fellow Catholics or stand with the Administration, she had the unmitigated gall to reply: “First of all, I am going to stick with my fellow Catholics in supporting the administration on this. I think it was a very courageous decision that they made, and I support it.” Does she actually believe that her fellow Catholics oppose each and every bishop, archbishop, cardinal, and the Pope? It was an either/or question, Lady Botox. You can’t answer yes to both sides. My question is: when is the Pope going to show some spine and start excommunicating Catholic politicians who vote for and publicly support abortion on a massive scale?
I) Professor Mike Adams brings us some actual GOOD news from the courts. The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has UNANIMOUSLY ruled in favor of a school counselor and against the queer agenda’s intolerance of Christianity. This is a very important ruling for the First Amendment and religious values in America, and a severe blow to liberalism.
J) Here’s your latest update on the Religion of Peace, also known as the Followers of the Pedophilic False Prophet.
K) Meanwhile, we have a Supreme Court Justice who also doesn’t think very much of our Constitution. Ruthie Baby Ginsburg has a long history of opposition to the Constitution, with a stint on the board of directors and one as general counsel for the ACLU followed by time as a professor at Columbia Law School under her belt before her appointment to SCOTUS by William Jefferson “Perjury isn’t a crime if you lie about sex” Clinton. Now she is advising Egyptians to not use our Constitution as a guide for their own, since we don’t respect basic human rights. Really?
L) So the question remains, Mr. President, what exactly is your definition of “fairness”? I’m pretty sure it does not match the one from the dictionary: “the state, condition, or quality of being fair, or free from bias or injustice; evenhandedness.”
M) Ron Paul’s campaign is quite hypocritical. Paul and his supporters rail against internationalists like the Bilderberger Group, but his biggest financial supporter is a Bilderberger guy. In fact, Peter Thiel is a member of the steering committee for Bilderberger Group. Thiel is a co-founder of PayPal, and one of the leading homosexual Republicans.
N) As for Paul’s foreign policy ideals, here is a good essay on why they are nice as a thought, but completely ignorant of today’s real world. The biggest difference between my own thoughts and writings and those of the author of this essay is that he started off believing in Paul’s position, and what changed his mind is actually the Jonathah Kwitny book Endless Enemies: The Making of an Unfriendly World (1986). It is a book that argues the Paul side of the foreign policy argument, but it had the reverse effect on the author of the linked essay.
O) Fisker Automotive, a Swedish company, has already received $193 million of OUR tax dollars to build “green” cars for the one percent. The cars that they are producing cost over $100,000.00 each, but would cost a lot more without Barack Obama digging into our pockets to pay for them. Anyway, the company is laying off many of their American workers in order to receive more money from the government. Huh? If a product has profit potential, private industry companies would spend their own money developing it…just like embryonic stem cells. If they really showed promise, Big Pharma would be spending their own money to get the drugs developed FIRST, so they could have patent rights.
P) Back to “green” companies getting massive government support from His Majesty, this is what the taxpayers have shelled out huge money for. Epic fail.
Q) “Our Founders designed a system that makes it more difficult to bring about change than I would like sometimes.” So sayeth the man who also says that he DESERVES a second term. Yes, instead of blaming Bush this weekend, Obama blamed the Founding Fathers and that “flawed” Constitution of theirs for his not being able to “fundamentally change” our nation to fit the dream of George Soros. What other evidence do we need that he hates everything America has ever stood for?
R) In that interview, King Barack I touted his record of job creation. Unfortunately for America, Matt Lauer and the rest of the mainstream media are in a competition to see which of them can promote that line of horse dung the most. If these “news” organizations had a shred of integrity, they would pound this Administration for losing 1.7 million jobs and using fake numbers to lower their publicly stated unemployment rate. Propaganda Minister Carney even stated that dropping 1.2 million people from the labor force, which happened as those people ran out of unemployment benefits, so they are no longer counted as “unemployed”) is an “economic positive”. It is absolutely incredible that these people think America is so stupid that they would believe this tripe. The only thing “positive” about it is that it makes the unemployment rate look lower than it really is. Would they let George W. Bush get away with it? If you have any doubt to the impartiality of the so-called journalists in the mainstream media, this link should set you straight.
S) Ann-Marie Murrell does what we all want to do on occasion. She compares Obama’s words with his actions, and the big surprise is that Obama lies almost as much as Bill Clinton and Eric Holder combined! He almost makes this guy look honest.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012
2-1-2012 The Weekly Claw
Ahhhhhh. We are back to our normal posting day in the middle of the week. Since I just posted on Sunday, this column will have an abundance of articles about Ron Paul that I was saving for another special “Paul is an Idiot” column.
A) We’ll start off with something that hacks me off, and the anti-Constitutional explanation by liberal Romney-Republicans. The Florida legislature, lead by some of Romney’s minions, have drawn up their new redistricting map, and in doing so have purposely made it much harder for REAL conservative Allen West to retain his seat. The new district will now include far more registered Democrats than Republicans. Why would they do such a thing to a rising star of the party? Simple. West is a conservative and a favorite of the Tea Party. He is also a true leader. In other words, he is everything Mittens Romney is not. The RINOs explain that they had to draw the maps that way because of the Voting Rights Act, which is applied to the southern states that had a big history of discrimination and Jim Crow laws. Since this act does not apply equally to ALL states, it is by definition unConstitutional.
B) Can you believe that any Presidential candidate would say these words? “Why don’t they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem?’’ Ron Paul is actually defending such passages from his 1987 book. This guy is actually getting votes from people who consider themselves sane?
C) The Inventor of the Internet is not gonna be pleased with this story. According to research data just released by the British Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (from where the whole Glo-Bull Warming e-mail scandal erupted), the warming cycle ENDED in 1997. Yes, Al Gore has been verifiably full of crap on this issue for 15 years. In spite of this bit of scientific FACT, his minions are now on a crusade to force television weatherguys and weathergals to be Glo-Bull Warming activists. They are highly upset that the local meteorologists concentrate on their own localities and the short-term, along with the tidbit that only 31% or so believe Al Gore. To quote Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!”
D) So what is Ron Paul’s voting record on conservative issues? An examination of the facts might surprise some Paul supporters.
E) Michelle (***sigh***) Malkin has come out and made an endorsement, and it just so happens to be the candidate that I believe to be the best of the GOP bunch. Take a look at Michelle’s reasoning behind her pick of Rick Santorum.
F) Ron Paul even has his own Saul Alinsky/Jeremiah Wright figure in his background, a man who has helped Paul develop his foreign policy ideals. Robert Pape has worked with CAIR and Hamas to develop propaganda that blames the US and Israel for Islam’s hatred of all things non-muslim. One of their key points is that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism committed by Islamic and Islamist groups. All terrorism is because the US has been bombing the arabs for two decades and because Israel is “occupying” muslim land. Sorry, but the following command from the pedophilic false prophet Mohammed, which is contained in the charter of Hamas, was written over 13 CENTURIES ago: “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”
G) For those who do NOT believe that Islam is in the process of conquering Europe, please note that they are already trying to ban dogs from cities that have growing populations of the Followers of the Pedophilic False Prophet, and are instituting Sharia Law in other areas. A great (x17 or something) grandfather of my wife once led an army to stop the muslim invasion of Europe. Where is today’s Charles Martel?
H) The Second Worst President in American History was asked what he thought of Iran possibly already having their first nuclear fuel rod. He answered: “Well, of course, the religious leaders of Iran have sworn on their word of honor that they’re not going to manufacture nuclear weapons. If they are lying, then I don’t see that as a major catastrophe because they’ll only have one or two military weapons. Israel probably has 300 or so.” Hey Ron Paul Wannabe, Israel has weapons for self-defense. Iran has pledged to destroy Israel. If they get a nuke, they will use Hezbollah or Hamas to set it off in Tel Aviv. You don’t have any problem with that? On top of that, he believed what the religious leaders told him? What a moron. Islam COMMANDS that infidels are to be lied to in order to conceal muslim plans to destroy infidels and conquer the world.
I) For those who were so appalled by the Marines giving golden showers to dead Taliban, we present another episode of This Date in History, and look back ten years. Do you still believe our Marines are terrible animals?
J) The liberal war against all religions except Islam continues. HHS Secretary Sebelius has issued a statement saying that there will no longer be exemptions issued for religious non-profits concerning contraception. In other words, groups like Catholic Charities, who are run by religions that forbid contraceptive use, will be FORCED to provide coverage that offers those services for free. This is yet another reason for the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare. This is WAAAAAY beyond any Constitutional authority. If it is not stopped now, the next step will be to force these organizations to cover abortions. The Catholic Church is not taking this lightly. Bishops across the country had protest letters read to their parishes during mass in response to this outrage.
K) In 2010, Ron Paul and Bawney Fwank put together a panel of “experts” to propose a plan to gut the American military. The panel was supposed to propose a “sustainable” military and was supposedly made up of people from across the political spectrum. In reality, the panel was made up of people from left wing groups that mostly had ties to George Soros. Does anybody out there still believe Paul when he claims that he wants a “robust” American military, when he has stated that he wants to slash military spending by 74%? The man is nothing but a liar.
L) Speaking of Ron Paul the Liar, he lied about Newt Gingrich being a draft dodger. Of course, Paul loves to point out how he served as a reason of why he cannot possibly be anti-military.
M) Newt is taking the attack to Romney, even as Mittens appears to be winning the Florida primary. Newt noted that in a recent interview George Soros said that there is no major difference between Romney and Obama. Newt also said: “The fact is I don’t believe the Republican party is going to nominate a liberal who is pro- abortion, pro gun-control pro tax-increase pro gay-rights and I don’t think Romney can frankly raise enough money to sustain the falsehoods that are the basis of his campaign.” I’m not as optimistic as Newt on that last point, since the GOP establishment is putting all of their money on the liberal.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
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A) We’ll start off with something that hacks me off, and the anti-Constitutional explanation by liberal Romney-Republicans. The Florida legislature, lead by some of Romney’s minions, have drawn up their new redistricting map, and in doing so have purposely made it much harder for REAL conservative Allen West to retain his seat. The new district will now include far more registered Democrats than Republicans. Why would they do such a thing to a rising star of the party? Simple. West is a conservative and a favorite of the Tea Party. He is also a true leader. In other words, he is everything Mittens Romney is not. The RINOs explain that they had to draw the maps that way because of the Voting Rights Act, which is applied to the southern states that had a big history of discrimination and Jim Crow laws. Since this act does not apply equally to ALL states, it is by definition unConstitutional.
B) Can you believe that any Presidential candidate would say these words? “Why don’t they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem?’’ Ron Paul is actually defending such passages from his 1987 book. This guy is actually getting votes from people who consider themselves sane?
C) The Inventor of the Internet is not gonna be pleased with this story. According to research data just released by the British Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (from where the whole Glo-Bull Warming e-mail scandal erupted), the warming cycle ENDED in 1997. Yes, Al Gore has been verifiably full of crap on this issue for 15 years. In spite of this bit of scientific FACT, his minions are now on a crusade to force television weatherguys and weathergals to be Glo-Bull Warming activists. They are highly upset that the local meteorologists concentrate on their own localities and the short-term, along with the tidbit that only 31% or so believe Al Gore. To quote Colonel Nathan R. Jessup, “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!”
D) So what is Ron Paul’s voting record on conservative issues? An examination of the facts might surprise some Paul supporters.
E) Michelle (***sigh***) Malkin has come out and made an endorsement, and it just so happens to be the candidate that I believe to be the best of the GOP bunch. Take a look at Michelle’s reasoning behind her pick of Rick Santorum.
F) Ron Paul even has his own Saul Alinsky/Jeremiah Wright figure in his background, a man who has helped Paul develop his foreign policy ideals. Robert Pape has worked with CAIR and Hamas to develop propaganda that blames the US and Israel for Islam’s hatred of all things non-muslim. One of their key points is that Islam has nothing to do with terrorism committed by Islamic and Islamist groups. All terrorism is because the US has been bombing the arabs for two decades and because Israel is “occupying” muslim land. Sorry, but the following command from the pedophilic false prophet Mohammed, which is contained in the charter of Hamas, was written over 13 CENTURIES ago: “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”
G) For those who do NOT believe that Islam is in the process of conquering Europe, please note that they are already trying to ban dogs from cities that have growing populations of the Followers of the Pedophilic False Prophet, and are instituting Sharia Law in other areas. A great (x17 or something) grandfather of my wife once led an army to stop the muslim invasion of Europe. Where is today’s Charles Martel?
H) The Second Worst President in American History was asked what he thought of Iran possibly already having their first nuclear fuel rod. He answered: “Well, of course, the religious leaders of Iran have sworn on their word of honor that they’re not going to manufacture nuclear weapons. If they are lying, then I don’t see that as a major catastrophe because they’ll only have one or two military weapons. Israel probably has 300 or so.” Hey Ron Paul Wannabe, Israel has weapons for self-defense. Iran has pledged to destroy Israel. If they get a nuke, they will use Hezbollah or Hamas to set it off in Tel Aviv. You don’t have any problem with that? On top of that, he believed what the religious leaders told him? What a moron. Islam COMMANDS that infidels are to be lied to in order to conceal muslim plans to destroy infidels and conquer the world.
I) For those who were so appalled by the Marines giving golden showers to dead Taliban, we present another episode of This Date in History, and look back ten years. Do you still believe our Marines are terrible animals?
J) The liberal war against all religions except Islam continues. HHS Secretary Sebelius has issued a statement saying that there will no longer be exemptions issued for religious non-profits concerning contraception. In other words, groups like Catholic Charities, who are run by religions that forbid contraceptive use, will be FORCED to provide coverage that offers those services for free. This is yet another reason for the Supreme Court to overturn Obamacare. This is WAAAAAY beyond any Constitutional authority. If it is not stopped now, the next step will be to force these organizations to cover abortions. The Catholic Church is not taking this lightly. Bishops across the country had protest letters read to their parishes during mass in response to this outrage.
K) In 2010, Ron Paul and Bawney Fwank put together a panel of “experts” to propose a plan to gut the American military. The panel was supposed to propose a “sustainable” military and was supposedly made up of people from across the political spectrum. In reality, the panel was made up of people from left wing groups that mostly had ties to George Soros. Does anybody out there still believe Paul when he claims that he wants a “robust” American military, when he has stated that he wants to slash military spending by 74%? The man is nothing but a liar.
L) Speaking of Ron Paul the Liar, he lied about Newt Gingrich being a draft dodger. Of course, Paul loves to point out how he served as a reason of why he cannot possibly be anti-military.
M) Newt is taking the attack to Romney, even as Mittens appears to be winning the Florida primary. Newt noted that in a recent interview George Soros said that there is no major difference between Romney and Obama. Newt also said: “The fact is I don’t believe the Republican party is going to nominate a liberal who is pro- abortion, pro gun-control pro tax-increase pro gay-rights and I don’t think Romney can frankly raise enough money to sustain the falsehoods that are the basis of his campaign.” I’m not as optimistic as Newt on that last point, since the GOP establishment is putting all of their money on the liberal.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
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