Just when I was getting used to working night shift, I’m back on day shift starting next week, so The Weekly Claw will once again be posted on Wednesday evenings.
The whole Shirley Sherrod controversy went haywire on Wednesday of last week. The Arrogant Imbecile (aka Press Secretary Gibbs) formally apologized to her for the Administration. The left wing reporters that make up the White House Press Pool were only asking questions about how she was treated sooooooo badly by people who didn’t get all of the facts. The Crawfish doesn’t care what kind of epiphany she had. She admitted to intentionally causing financial distress to a farmer that she was obliged by her position to help. That alone is reason for her to be permanently disqualified from government employment. The fact that it was done because she was a racist is just the cherry on the cupcake. Go back and watch the first half of the video. How many of the people in that NAACP audience are happy that she shafted a white man? Do you see a single one of them denounce her for doing so? Shirley Sherrod was NOT a victim in this matter. Yes, Andrew Breitbart should have aired the whole tape, but that would not have changed the facts one iota as I see them.
Jesse “King of the racial shakedown artists” Jackson is still trying to say that the people who showed Sherrod being a racist are the actual racists. He also believes that there needs to be a black national anthem and that “ethnic studies” (aka blacks just learning about blacks and not learning about all of American history) are a good thing. Why does anyone give him credibility?
If any of y’all ever doubted that the liberal media works together in order to promote the far left and denigrate the folks who actually believe that the Constitution means what the Constitution’s words say, here’s proof that there is indeed a liberal media conspiracy. You say you want more than a column by Fred Barnes? Okay, how about the members of this group discussing how to help Obama in the campaign and how to destroy the new GOP Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin? Bigtime kudos go to Tucker Carlson of www.dailycaller.com for exposing this cabal.
Wait a sec… A See-BS News reporter is actually calling Obama on his flip-flopping? Is this gonna be an “I was for PAYGO before I was against it” kinda moment? Then again, the Obama quote of “So after years of championing policies that turned a record surplus into a massive deficit, including a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, they've finally decided to make their stand on the backs of the unemployed” is making me laugh because WHICH party caused the economic collapse and which President has spent over a trillion dollars in the red in less than 1.5 years? What a buffoon (sorry to insult buffoons like that)>
Whaddya get when you find a bunch of Obamites who are sucking off of the government teat and feel that they are entitled to loans from banks that they will never have to repay? You get moronic protests such as this one. Exactly what do these leeches think that they will accomplish?
Imagine the outcry in the media and among Democrats (sorry for repeating myself again) if this kinda talk would be coming from a majority Republican Senate. Lots of the Dim-ocrats are up in arms because they haven’t been able to steamroll their anti-Constitution, anti-American, socialist Obagenda through despite having 59 seats in the Senate. Many of them now want to change the Senate rules so that it does not take 60 votes to break a filibuster. Let’s see what happens three years from now when the GOP controls 59 or more seats and someone brings this subject up again.
Every single time that someone from the Socialist Liar Administration steps forth and uses the terminology “jobs created or saved” you know there are trying to sell another line of bovine excrement. As Caroline Baum of Bloomberg News points out, they should be talking about “Jobs Killed or Thwarted”. The only place where job numbers are up happens to be in government, where we need to drastically CUT jobs.
How come liberals love to impose taxes on everybody, but will go to the ends of the earth to avoid paying them? We’ve got a couple of examples this week. First we have John Francois Kerry-Heinz, who is homeporting his new luxury yacht in Rhode Island to avoid Taxachusetts taxes. Not only that, but he had his yacht built in New Zealand instead of at an American (and possibly UNION) company. What a schmuck. Then we have Charlie “Ya mean I gotta pay taxes on my properties?” Rangel. As hard to believe as it is, a senior black Democrat is actually getting officially charged with violations by the House Ethics Committee and will go to trial.
So far, it seems that the federal judge in the Arizona immigration law case is standing with Governor Brewer. The Injustice Department probably thought that this judge would side with them, since she is a Democrat appointee. So solly!
Will the Obama Administration file a lawsuit against the Mexican government like they have done against Arizona? The Mexican government is deploying officials to patrol parts of Noo Yawk City because of “hate crimes” against Mexicans there. They are helping to enforce American federal laws, aren’t they, just like Governor Brewer?
Why in the world did the GOP hierarchy want Juan McLame as their nominee in 2008 when they could have had a real American like Tom Tancredo? The only candidates worth supporting that year were Tancredo and Duncan Hunter. Both are now retired from Congress, and that is our loss.
We keep trying to warn America, but the politicians and media blow us off, but we won’t stop. Islam is trying to take over the United States, and B. Hussein Obama is helping in every way that he can. One of his advisors has teamed up with the imam who wants America to be more “Sharia-compliant” and is building the mosque and muslim (terrorist training) center at Ground Zero. It gets worse. Take a look at what World Net Daily is reporting. These folks say that America is ripe for a renewal of Islam and that Islam spreads through migration. Is there any coincidence that Hezbollah agents have been found in Tijuana?
Once again, The Crawfish must ask America’s Jews why they gave 80+% of their votes to B. Hussein Obama and Hitlery! in the primaries and the same 80+% to the straight Democratic Party ticket in 2008. Are they happy with their votes now? The Hitlery! and Hussein State Department has upgraded the mission status of the terrorist group known as the Palestinian Liberation Organization from “bureau” to “general delegation”, meaning the flag of an admitted anti-Jew and anti-Israel terrorist organization can fly their flag openly in DC and members of that mission will now have DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY! Yep, ol’ Yassir Arafat’s peeps, the same ones who were dancing in the streets on 9-11, have diplomatic immunity in DC courtesy of the muslim in chief.
Does The Chosen One have any respect whatsoever for the private sector? Neal Boortz and the folks at J.P. Morgan have the answer for ya, and not a word of it is surprising to me in the least.
We know he has no respect for the law, the Constitution, or the truth. He proved it yet again when he again claimed that the SCOTUS decision in the Citizens United case regarding campaign finance reform and campaign donations opened the doors for unlimited donations by foreign corporations. As Justice Alito silently mouthed during the State of the Union Address (when Obama first made that claim while fully knowing that he was lying), NOT TRUE! He and his peeps believe what Josef Goebbels said…repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.
The Administration, the Mexican so-called government, and the liberals keep saying that the drug cartels are using automatic weapons smuggled from America to Mexico, even though such weapons are not readily available in the USA. Us conservative types have been replying for years that the automatic weapons are coming from the Mexican government and Mexican Army. Here’s some more proof that we are correct, and that the Mexican so-called government has absolutely zero control over their own nation. Do our open borders/amnesty friends have any reply?
Oh, here’s their reply. The liberals and the media (but I repeat myself again) have imposed a complete news blackout on an act of WAR on our southern border. The drug cartel Los Zetas has invaded the United States and seized two ranches near Laredo, Texas. Why isn’t this front page news? If the American people knew what was going on, they’d demand action and a total sealing of the border, and that would make Bu’raq al Obama and Felipe Calderon look really bad. It might also make the Department of Injustice’s lawsuit against the sovereign state of Arizona appear to be another awful idea from this Administration.
If Barbara Boxer were to drop dead tomorrow, the only veterans to show up for her funeral would be (well, besides the liberals in Congress who have regularly defiled their own service) a bunch of us who would be lined up to take a wizz on her coffin. Here’s her latest outrage against our military. Notice that her spokesperson can’t respond to Boxer’s actions, but instead tries to attack her opponent for unrelated stuff.
Dingy Harry Reid has lost what little of his mind that was left. He’s telling his supporters such things as, “We're going to have a public option. It's just a question of when.” Not once the PEOPLE retake the House and start retaking the Senate! How about his arguing against “fear tactics of those who say Social Security is going broke. It's not.” Uh, seriously? “Social Security is the most successful social program in the history of the world!” No, just the most successful vote-buying Ponzi scheme and boondoggle to ever be foisted upon the American people.
I heard this story while driving home from work at 12:15AM. As soon as I got home, I had to look up the term that the Administration’s peeps used. They actually called the non-dryback who was caught tending the pot fields a “displaced foreign traveler” as if he just got bumped from his flight and couldn’t get a hotel room, so he camped in the pot field. They had no problem specifying the law he broke (the one dealing with the pot, not the illegal immigration) as “Title 21 United States Code section 841, Manufacturing a Controlled Substance”, but they will do backflips to avoid saying “ILLEGAL ALIEN!”
Hmmmm…thanx to Neal Boortz, The Crawfish might just have to order a book from Amazon.com. Which side do ya think I’m gonna be on???
Don’tcha just love how liberals preach tolerance, but are completely intolerant of conservatives and Christians? Augusta State University now has a major lawsuit filed against them because they told a graduate student that in order for her to continue in her master’s degree program in counseling that she had to ditch her Christian beliefs, especially regarding homosexuality (which is considered an abomination by the holy books of the three major religions…Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), embrace “diversity”, and undergo “re-education” (the same term used by leftists regarding their concentration camps in Vietnam for the anti-communists after they were defeated by the communists and the Democrats…same thing…in 1975).
Here’s one for the Liberal Stoooopidity Awards. Florida is mandating that the lifeguard stands on Clearwater Beach be made handicap accessible. Huh? Aren’t lifeguards supposed to be able-bodied with the ability to swim out in the ocean and save someone from drowning? The Crawfish doesn’t know anybody who is in a wheelchair that can meet those requirements. Folks, ya just can’t make this kinda stuff up!
How does Eric Holder and his Injustice Department spend money on fighting crime? Well, there’s the dropping of charges against the Black Panthers. There’s the lawsuit against Arizona for their attempts to actually do some of the crime fighting that the federal government is Constitutionally-mandated to do. Then there’s the REAL crime fighting expenditures, like a police doughnut eating contest, golf vacations, rap and poetry contests, and a talent show. That’s how liberals fight crime and spend YOUR tax dollars.
The General Bradley quote has been up for a while. It is time to change it. Send your suggestions to CrawfishsClaw@yahoo.com and I’ll consider ‘em.
If y’all come across any weird/stoooopid/strange news stories that might be fodder for The Weekly Claw or The Weekend Claw, e-mail them to me at CrawfishsClaw@yahoo.com and I’ll consider ‘em. Yes, I will give you newshounds credit.
"Freedom- no word was ever spoken that has held out greater hope, demanded greater sacrifice, needed to be nurtured, blessed more the giver, damned more its destroyers, or come closer to being God’s will on earth, and I think that’s worth fighting for if necessary." – General of the Army Omar N. Bradley