Y’all can take this past week and have it. Besides all of the bovine fecal matter involved with the Zimmerman-Martin affair, I was forced to miss work on Monday and shell out over $11K for a new air conditioner unit after the previous one almost burned the house down. I need some Rahr & Son’s Iron Thistle, but the shelves are almost bare of this great seasonal brew. At least all of the reports have the Solicitor General getting his arse handed to him in the SCOTUS Obamacare proceedings.
A) Let’s start with the Fool of the Week Award, and in a big surprise it goes to Barack Obama’s imitation of Ron Paul. Obama says the US needs to be the world leader in nuclear disarmament. As long as the technology is available, there will be nuclear weaponry. Why would we disarm ourselves when we know good and well that the Chinese, Russians, Pakistanis, Indians, Iranians, and North Koreans would never do so? The only thing Barack Obama wants the US to be the world leader in is baring our throats to our enemies.
B) Speaking of baring our throats to our enemies, Barack Obama has signaled to the Soviet Unio…er, Vlad the Impa…, his good buddy Vladimir that if he manages to win re-election, he will be more than happy to negotiate away our missile defense systems in Europe and elsewhere. The man is nothing short of a traitor. At least there are some in Congress and other areas that are already putting their opposition on record and calling Obama out on this issue.
C) The Zimmerman-Martin affair has taken many turns over the past week. Despite all of the hoodie-wearing protests around the country (egged on by the left wing media), mostly blacks, college students, and college professionals who know nothing of the facts but want justice based on perceived racism, the facts of the incident are emerging and they show the sweet, innocent, young Trayvon Martin to be the attacker, which is why George Zimmerman was not arrested. This has not stopped such illegal activity by liberals such as noted racist liberal Spike Lee repeatedly Tweeting George Zimmerman’s home address out so his followers could harass the victim, protesters using this as an excuse to ransack a Walgreen’s Drug Store (par for the course with race-based protesters), and the New Black Panther Party putting up “wanted dead or alive” posters and a $10,000 bounty on the kidnapping of Zimmerman.
D) With the New Black Panther Party committing multiple felonies with their posters and bounty, including inciting violence and suborning kidnapping across state lines, you would think that there would be a federal investigation and arrests of much of the NBPP leadership. Then again, we have the Affirmative Action Attorney General, who has stated that he will never prosecute black perps if their victims are not black and who quashed the case against the NBPP for their blatant voter intimidation during the Obalection of 2008, running his Injustice Department. So much for any justice against these people, who now KNOW they are above the law.
E) Since Jesse Be The Jackson and the Not-So-Reverend Al immediately got involved, screaming RACISM all the way, you have to know that there was not a bit of racism involved and that the story they were spinning was a LONG way from the truth. Duke Lacrosse? Tawana Brawley? Jena Six? What is in it for these two race-hucksters and shakedown artists?
F) Even President Obama came out with race-baiting comments against Zimmerman before he knew any of the facts, just like he did when a white cop arrested a black man seen breaking into a house at Harvard a couple of years ago.
G) To wrap up this part of the column, we have to ask why this case of a black man getting shot in an altercation in which he was probably the aggressor has gotten so much publicity and attention, most of it in the form of lies about racism, when another case from five years ago that included a lot of REAL racism, horrific torture, and brutal murders of two victims received almost no attention, no mass protests, and no public bounties on the killers.
H) Every once in a while, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution engages in random acts of real journalism. In 2008 and 2009, they reported on improbable results in test scores in the Atlanta Public Schools, which resulted in a major investigation that uncovered over 180 principles, teachers, and other staffers tampering with the testing to improve the scores. The newspaper has done another series of investigations into public school testing around the nation, and there seem to be a lot of school districts engaging in possible cheating and/or tampering. Some of the districts highlighted are in North Texas, but the teachers unions and district superintendants say that they won’t do any investigations. The Texas Education Agency spokesperson even gave this comment (can you spot the big error in this statement from someone involved in EDUCATION?): “Although there may be 50 students in year one and 50 students in year one, there is no reason to believe these are the same students.”
I) Here is your Laughingly Idiotic Statement by a Liberal of the Week. Put your beverage down and swallow before opening the link. You have been warned.
J) Just when you thought the liberals running our public schools couldn’t get any more brazen in their liberal indoctrination tactics, we get a Virginia teacher assigning his students to do opposition research on GOP Presidential candidates to be sent to the DNC. Folks, I can’t make this stuff up!
K) I haven’t watched the whole video, so I don’t know if these “65 most outrageous lies by President Obama” are from just this week, this month, this year, or how long. Considering his long-recorded lack of truthfulness, I wouldn’t be surprised if they weren’t all from the past 3 months.
L) While the sane members of Congress are searching high and low for ways to reduce spending, King Barack has decided to spend $770,000,000 to fight non-existent man-made Glo-Bill Warming in developing countries. I wonder what campaign donor will be getting that money to spend fighting a myth, only to have his “company” go bankrupt next year after spending the money on salaries and benefits only. Where did he get authorization for that expenditure?
M) While we are on the subject of Barack Obama wasting our money, we have the story of the Apologist In Chief giving out tens of thousands of dollars to pay for the deaths of the Afghans killed by the head case Staff Sergeant. Has Afghanistan paid for the murders of Americans by members of the Afghan military or by terrorists based in Afghanistan? Did Congress authorize this spending? The anti-American occupying the White House needs to be kicked out of his residence!
N) Finally there is a judge who has the intestinal fortitude to rule against the envirowacko socialists of the EPA. In a case involving mountaintop mining in West By God Virginia, the Army Corps of Engineers granted the permit including water pollution, but the EPA tried to void the permit. The judge told the EPA to pack sand.
O) The Crawfish encourages all of his readers to check out this website and sign their petition, even though his wife loves the place.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
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"People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election." "Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied" - Otto von Bismarck
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
3-21-2012 The Weekly Claw
It is looking more and more like the GOP establishment is going to coronate Mittens as the GOP nominee. Almost all of the W Administration has endorsed him, as has Juan McLame and Bob Dole (yes, he is still alive). The only reason Romney has been winning the primaries so far has been his exorbitant spending and the outrageous spending of his superPACs. The establishment wants a liberal to run against a super-liberal, just like in 76, 88, 92, 96, 2000, 04, and 08.
A) The Army Staff Sergeant who went on the killing spree in Afghanistan should not have been there. He had already been wounded twice in combat (traumatic head injury and partial loss of a foot), had been deployed three times before, and was told he wasn’t going on this deployment. The more that is uncovered about him shows that he has been a mental wreck for some time, and probably should have been dismissed from the service because of his issues. The most telling part of this story is found in the final paragraph of the linked article. “The base's medical center is being investigated for allegedly down-grading post traumatic stress diagnoses to other mental illnesses that do not prevent deployment or qualify soldiers for disability payments.” Yes, folks. This is the kind of health care that Barack Obama wants to give to all Americans.
B) Now who do you think once said that we need to “really BRAINWASH (emphasis mine) people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way”? Well, that would be the Affirmative Action Attorney General, who was then a US Attorney on his way to becoming Deputy Attorney General in the Clinton Administration. He went on to say: “What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that's not cool, that it's not acceptable, it's not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes.”
C) Poll Katz e-mailer REC48 sent along this link for all of y’all to bookmark. Lots of good arrows for your anti-liberal quivers.
D) Proving that some people are just simply idiots, we have this story from North Texas.
E) No wonder the Administration went after Rush Limbaugh so fiercely when he countered the preposterous “free contraception is the biggest need for women’s health” line of propaganda from the Democrats. They knew that Rush was about to start unleashing the truth against everything they have been saying for the past few weeks, and everything they will say before the election. They knew that Rush has the ability to make ordinary Americans see the contradictions between the words of Obama and reality. When people are presented with the truth, Obama really does look silly.
F) If somebody has the time, please look up the House and Senate votes for this new law and send me the links. I want to see exactly what members of Congress oppose free speech in America.
G) A real conservative leader who is running for the Senate seat being vacated by RINO Kay Bailey Hutchison has put up his own version of the March Madness brackets for folks to fill out. This one has absolutely nothing to do with basketball, and everything to do with our failed President. Kudos to the Tom Leppert for US Senate campaign.
H) An Obama supporter issued a bunch of death threats against a public official who supports the Constitution and law & order. I don’t expect to see this story anywhere on MSNBC, See-BS, ABC, Noo Yawk Slimes, WaPo, etc.
I) So, how’s that new civility working out for the Obama campaign? I think it is working out about as well as Obama’s energy and oil policies, don’t you?
J) Speaking of civility, how do y’all like how the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, who is the closest thing to the Pope that Islam has, called for the destruction of all churches in the Middle East? There has been exactly zero international media outrage over this, but what would happen if the Pope called for the destruction of all the mosques in Italy?
K) Sometimes I wonder why I don’t read more from Roger Hedgecock. When I was in a Navy avionics school in San Diego for a few months in 2003, I listened to his show almost every day. He is a former mayor of that city, and a solid conservative. If you are wondering what would happen to the USA if Obama were to be re-elected and Red Nanny P-Lousy were to regain her gavel, the former mayor is already living in that nightmare.
L) Another former California gummint official has written this comparison between his home state and the state he now calls home. More and more people are realizing what a trash heap California has become.
M) Representative Darryl Issa is still trying to hold the feet of this Administration to the fire. He is accusing Homeland Security Ditz Napolitano of using false information regarding illegal immigration in her Congressional testimony. Of course she has been lying. It is the standard practice of everyone associated with Barrack Hussein Soetero.
N) When the Obama campaign put out a seventeen minute campaign video narrated by Tom Hanks, we knew it would have a number of “errors”, but now it seems that His Majesty has gone so far as to lie about his own mother. The lies are getting so think that even the Washington Post is obliged to notice them. Hat tip goes to our old friend TampaDoc.
O) Barry even lied about one of his predecessors, and this one wasn’t named George W. Bush!
P) One of the darlings of the left has just hacked off the leftists. Red Nanny P-Lousy’s daughter Alexandra showed a video on Bill Maher’s show that showed her interviewing welfare leeches in Noo Yawk City. Their attitudes will make you want to reach through the screen to choke them. Miss Pelosi admitted that it was hard to get the video on the air, but of course she didn’t try Fox News.
Q) What would happen if a conservative actor made a racist statement at a Presidential event? The reaction would definitely be a lot more severe than that being shown regarding the statements by Robert DeNiro. He proves once again that he is nothing more than a highly overpaid line reader with an otherwise empty brain housing group.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
Follow me on Facebook.
A) The Army Staff Sergeant who went on the killing spree in Afghanistan should not have been there. He had already been wounded twice in combat (traumatic head injury and partial loss of a foot), had been deployed three times before, and was told he wasn’t going on this deployment. The more that is uncovered about him shows that he has been a mental wreck for some time, and probably should have been dismissed from the service because of his issues. The most telling part of this story is found in the final paragraph of the linked article. “The base's medical center is being investigated for allegedly down-grading post traumatic stress diagnoses to other mental illnesses that do not prevent deployment or qualify soldiers for disability payments.” Yes, folks. This is the kind of health care that Barack Obama wants to give to all Americans.
B) Now who do you think once said that we need to “really BRAINWASH (emphasis mine) people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way”? Well, that would be the Affirmative Action Attorney General, who was then a US Attorney on his way to becoming Deputy Attorney General in the Clinton Administration. He went on to say: “What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that's not cool, that it's not acceptable, it's not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes.”
C) Poll Katz e-mailer REC48 sent along this link for all of y’all to bookmark. Lots of good arrows for your anti-liberal quivers.
D) Proving that some people are just simply idiots, we have this story from North Texas.
E) No wonder the Administration went after Rush Limbaugh so fiercely when he countered the preposterous “free contraception is the biggest need for women’s health” line of propaganda from the Democrats. They knew that Rush was about to start unleashing the truth against everything they have been saying for the past few weeks, and everything they will say before the election. They knew that Rush has the ability to make ordinary Americans see the contradictions between the words of Obama and reality. When people are presented with the truth, Obama really does look silly.
F) If somebody has the time, please look up the House and Senate votes for this new law and send me the links. I want to see exactly what members of Congress oppose free speech in America.
G) A real conservative leader who is running for the Senate seat being vacated by RINO Kay Bailey Hutchison has put up his own version of the March Madness brackets for folks to fill out. This one has absolutely nothing to do with basketball, and everything to do with our failed President. Kudos to the Tom Leppert for US Senate campaign.
H) An Obama supporter issued a bunch of death threats against a public official who supports the Constitution and law & order. I don’t expect to see this story anywhere on MSNBC, See-BS, ABC, Noo Yawk Slimes, WaPo, etc.
I) So, how’s that new civility working out for the Obama campaign? I think it is working out about as well as Obama’s energy and oil policies, don’t you?
J) Speaking of civility, how do y’all like how the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, who is the closest thing to the Pope that Islam has, called for the destruction of all churches in the Middle East? There has been exactly zero international media outrage over this, but what would happen if the Pope called for the destruction of all the mosques in Italy?
K) Sometimes I wonder why I don’t read more from Roger Hedgecock. When I was in a Navy avionics school in San Diego for a few months in 2003, I listened to his show almost every day. He is a former mayor of that city, and a solid conservative. If you are wondering what would happen to the USA if Obama were to be re-elected and Red Nanny P-Lousy were to regain her gavel, the former mayor is already living in that nightmare.
L) Another former California gummint official has written this comparison between his home state and the state he now calls home. More and more people are realizing what a trash heap California has become.
M) Representative Darryl Issa is still trying to hold the feet of this Administration to the fire. He is accusing Homeland Security Ditz Napolitano of using false information regarding illegal immigration in her Congressional testimony. Of course she has been lying. It is the standard practice of everyone associated with Barrack Hussein Soetero.
N) When the Obama campaign put out a seventeen minute campaign video narrated by Tom Hanks, we knew it would have a number of “errors”, but now it seems that His Majesty has gone so far as to lie about his own mother. The lies are getting so think that even the Washington Post is obliged to notice them. Hat tip goes to our old friend TampaDoc.
O) Barry even lied about one of his predecessors, and this one wasn’t named George W. Bush!
P) One of the darlings of the left has just hacked off the leftists. Red Nanny P-Lousy’s daughter Alexandra showed a video on Bill Maher’s show that showed her interviewing welfare leeches in Noo Yawk City. Their attitudes will make you want to reach through the screen to choke them. Miss Pelosi admitted that it was hard to get the video on the air, but of course she didn’t try Fox News.
Q) What would happen if a conservative actor made a racist statement at a Presidential event? The reaction would definitely be a lot more severe than that being shown regarding the statements by Robert DeNiro. He proves once again that he is nothing more than a highly overpaid line reader with an otherwise empty brain housing group.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
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Wednesday, March 14, 2012
3-14-2012 The Weekly Claw
Okay, The Crawfish apologizes for not posting in the past month. There were many reasons for this, but let it suffice to say that part of it was that my Give A Damn was on the fritz.
A) If you want to keep up-to-date on the media talking points and lies of the Administration, I suggest that you look up “Truth Team” on Facebook or on the web. I get their e-mail updates, and their spin is quite laughable until you realize that it is exactly what will be reported as gospel truth by ABC, See-BS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, and the rest.
B) Speaking of lies from the Democrats, here is some of the TRUTH about Sandra Fluke and the “free contraception is vital to women’s health” horse dung.
C) An American soldier walks out of his base in Afghanistan and guns down 16 Afghan civilians. The Obama Administration is “deeply concerned” and immediately offered apologies. Why aren’t they concerned when muslims commit mass murder on a regular basis? I’m surprised it has taken this long for one of our guys to snap like that. Meanwhile, the Religion of Perpetual Outrage is going bonkers over this and the desecrated Qurans that were desecrated by muslims before the Americans started to burn them. When they start apologizing for the massacres that muslims continually commit, I’ll consider giving a damn about their problems.
D) Meanwhile, Ron Paul still believes that the USA is the cause of Islamic terrorism, despite the reality of the Religion of Hate. Somebody really does need to give this link to him and all of his minions. Then, someone needs to force Paul and the rest of his military-hating followers to read this story about a couple of American Marines. Of course, the concepts of honor, courage, commitment, sacrifice, and bravery are lost on most Paulbots.
E) The Obama Administration is in the process of giving seven mineral-rich islands in the Aleutians to Vlad Putin and the Soviet Uni…er, Russia. Why has this story not gotten any headlines, and why haven’t our esteemed GOP leaders done anything about it? If this isn’t an impeachable offense, what is? It is time for this to become HEADLINE NEWS!
F) Back in November, Barack Obama signed an appropriations bill for Eric Holder’s Injustice Department. That bill contained language (put there by The Crawfish’s Senator, John Cornyn) that prohibited the feds from allowing a working gun to be transferred to anybody related to a drug cartel unless that gun was going to be tracked continuously. Fast forward to last month. His Majesty’s new budget proposal has language in it that would remove that prohibition and allow Holder and his boys to resume their operations in hope of using those arms to eventually overturn the 2nd Amendment.
G) To quote John McEnroe, “You cannot be serious!” The Obama Administrations budget proposal for the campaign year (wait…they have been in campaign year since 2007) is “WTF!”, which is what non-Marxists will say when they look at it.
H) Obama’s budget proposal also continues his war against American military families. He is proposing large hikes in out-of-pocket health care costs and massive hikes in the premiums for TRICARE, which is the health care insurance program for the military, families, and retirees. Any member of the military who supports Barack Obama is either a fool, a person like Samuel L. Jackson (who votes based on skin color instead of real issues), or both.
I) Tax Cheat Timmy admitted in testimony before Congress that Obama’s budget plan is “unsustainable”, and this is the second year in a row that he has said so. No wonder he says that he is going to be replaced next January no matter who wins the election.
J) In response to the “unsustainable” budgets of the Democrats, the GOP is putting up a plan that will balance the budget in five years. It is a start, but if these Senators and Representatives would sit down with Gunny G, Brain R, myself, and a few more of our cohorts, we could come up with a plan that would include a surplus within 3 years.
K) Here’s your green energy update. Electric cars cause more pollution than gasoline-powered cars. The study in this article was done in China, and focuses on the emissions associated with recharging the batteries. That is something that green car advocates keep forgetting to notice. Then there is the pollution associated with the manufacture and disposal of the batteries. That is some nasty stuff, and completely ruins the disposal sites. But take heart in this bit of news. Chevy has now announced that they are cancelling production of the taxpayer-subsidized Chevy Volt because of horrid sales and a complete lack of reliability.
L) The other heavily-taxpayer-subsidized “green” car isn’t faring much better than the Volt. Is there any other lemon out there that Obama can throw millions of OUR dollars at?
M) “The tea party has been much more effective than occupy. The people in tea party do a much better job of organizing to get their policy views made a part of this process than occupy people. The occupy people do more to make themselves feeling emotionally satisfied.” Can you believe that this quote came from Bawney Fwank?
N) The Democrats keep noting the support of a group called Catholics United whenever they discuss Obamacare’s contraception mandate. There is a reason Catholics United supports the Administration’s efforts and other activities by liberals that are clearly anti-Catholic or anti-Christian. The group is not a Catholic group at all, but rather is a George Soros-funded anti-Catholic front group. Yes, the Administration has lied again in their war against Christianity.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
Follow me on Facebook.
A) If you want to keep up-to-date on the media talking points and lies of the Administration, I suggest that you look up “Truth Team” on Facebook or on the web. I get their e-mail updates, and their spin is quite laughable until you realize that it is exactly what will be reported as gospel truth by ABC, See-BS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, and the rest.
B) Speaking of lies from the Democrats, here is some of the TRUTH about Sandra Fluke and the “free contraception is vital to women’s health” horse dung.
C) An American soldier walks out of his base in Afghanistan and guns down 16 Afghan civilians. The Obama Administration is “deeply concerned” and immediately offered apologies. Why aren’t they concerned when muslims commit mass murder on a regular basis? I’m surprised it has taken this long for one of our guys to snap like that. Meanwhile, the Religion of Perpetual Outrage is going bonkers over this and the desecrated Qurans that were desecrated by muslims before the Americans started to burn them. When they start apologizing for the massacres that muslims continually commit, I’ll consider giving a damn about their problems.
D) Meanwhile, Ron Paul still believes that the USA is the cause of Islamic terrorism, despite the reality of the Religion of Hate. Somebody really does need to give this link to him and all of his minions. Then, someone needs to force Paul and the rest of his military-hating followers to read this story about a couple of American Marines. Of course, the concepts of honor, courage, commitment, sacrifice, and bravery are lost on most Paulbots.
E) The Obama Administration is in the process of giving seven mineral-rich islands in the Aleutians to Vlad Putin and the Soviet Uni…er, Russia. Why has this story not gotten any headlines, and why haven’t our esteemed GOP leaders done anything about it? If this isn’t an impeachable offense, what is? It is time for this to become HEADLINE NEWS!
F) Back in November, Barack Obama signed an appropriations bill for Eric Holder’s Injustice Department. That bill contained language (put there by The Crawfish’s Senator, John Cornyn) that prohibited the feds from allowing a working gun to be transferred to anybody related to a drug cartel unless that gun was going to be tracked continuously. Fast forward to last month. His Majesty’s new budget proposal has language in it that would remove that prohibition and allow Holder and his boys to resume their operations in hope of using those arms to eventually overturn the 2nd Amendment.
G) To quote John McEnroe, “You cannot be serious!” The Obama Administrations budget proposal for the campaign year (wait…they have been in campaign year since 2007) is “WTF!”, which is what non-Marxists will say when they look at it.
H) Obama’s budget proposal also continues his war against American military families. He is proposing large hikes in out-of-pocket health care costs and massive hikes in the premiums for TRICARE, which is the health care insurance program for the military, families, and retirees. Any member of the military who supports Barack Obama is either a fool, a person like Samuel L. Jackson (who votes based on skin color instead of real issues), or both.
I) Tax Cheat Timmy admitted in testimony before Congress that Obama’s budget plan is “unsustainable”, and this is the second year in a row that he has said so. No wonder he says that he is going to be replaced next January no matter who wins the election.
J) In response to the “unsustainable” budgets of the Democrats, the GOP is putting up a plan that will balance the budget in five years. It is a start, but if these Senators and Representatives would sit down with Gunny G, Brain R, myself, and a few more of our cohorts, we could come up with a plan that would include a surplus within 3 years.
K) Here’s your green energy update. Electric cars cause more pollution than gasoline-powered cars. The study in this article was done in China, and focuses on the emissions associated with recharging the batteries. That is something that green car advocates keep forgetting to notice. Then there is the pollution associated with the manufacture and disposal of the batteries. That is some nasty stuff, and completely ruins the disposal sites. But take heart in this bit of news. Chevy has now announced that they are cancelling production of the taxpayer-subsidized Chevy Volt because of horrid sales and a complete lack of reliability.
L) The other heavily-taxpayer-subsidized “green” car isn’t faring much better than the Volt. Is there any other lemon out there that Obama can throw millions of OUR dollars at?
M) “The tea party has been much more effective than occupy. The people in tea party do a much better job of organizing to get their policy views made a part of this process than occupy people. The occupy people do more to make themselves feeling emotionally satisfied.” Can you believe that this quote came from Bawney Fwank?
N) The Democrats keep noting the support of a group called Catholics United whenever they discuss Obamacare’s contraception mandate. There is a reason Catholics United supports the Administration’s efforts and other activities by liberals that are clearly anti-Catholic or anti-Christian. The group is not a Catholic group at all, but rather is a George Soros-funded anti-Catholic front group. Yes, the Administration has lied again in their war against Christianity.
"To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." --Thomas Jefferson
The Constitution of the United States
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